Monthly Archives: July 2012

Jupiter Sextile Uranus (July 21–22, 2012)


Oppor­tu­ni­ty is call­ing, call­ing for you to become more than you can imag­ine. The ques­tion is…will you be open to the turn­ing that it offers, are you will­ing to trav­el upon anoth­er pathway…to take “the road less trav­elled by” for “that will make all the difference”?

Jupiter is mer­ri­ly danc­ing through the realms of curios­i­ty, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and intel­li­gence. The Lord of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Atti­tudes is tak­ing great delight in help­ing you to forge new dis­cov­er­ies. You are stretch­ing and extend­ing, com­par­ing and con­trast­ing, test­ing and debating…you go back and forth, you puz­zle over those eter­nal questions…Who am I…and who are You…What do you know, how do you know it…and do you tru­ly understand?

To add spice to your soar­ing search­es, to take you on a turn towards the unex­plored and unfore­seen, to seek for your truth upon a high­er plane…Welcome now the Lord of Awak­en­ing. Uranus, who always takes you by sur­prise, who leads you out upon those unex­pect­ed pathways…he takes you now upon those mind bend­ing ways that lie beyond Sat­urn’s Rings, beyond those bands of your Bound­ed Thinking…

Uranus elic­its through sym­pa­thet­ic res­o­nance, he quick­ens from with­in your high­er con­scious­ness, which is your spir­i­tu­al gift that leads you to your freer mind. By being able, even for a moment, to rise above your bound­ed mind, by what is the com­mon and accept­ed, he lifts you beyond the rul­ing par­a­digms so you can see the world with a more unfet­tered appreciation…deeper, vaster, more nuanced and true.

By shift­ing your aware­ness and under­stand­ing, your chal­lenges will become more approachable…your oppor­tu­ni­ties more realizable…your path more true to the noble mid­dle way of Spirit…

So take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow beyond your ordinary…

Look ahead, upon that star­ry path­way you walk upon…

Look ahead and see…your road divides in twain…

Look ahead, seek with­in, look up…

and take the road less trav­elled by.

New Moon in Cancer (July 18–19, 2012)


The Moon pass­es between you and the Sun, she cir­cles round, wax­ing and wan­ing, she moves in and out…She is the weaver of forces, the medi­a­tor between realms, the trans­la­tor of the ener­gies from with­in and from without…she weaves her web of care and pro­tec­tion for you, attend­ing to those who sojourn here on Terra.

Yes, you face anoth­er New Moon, you turn as the sun sets and see the dark­ness fall, the time of great­est shad­ow, your time of waiting…you watch for the meet­ing of the Day-mak­er and the Nightwalker…You wait for anoth­er chance to begin…

Every month the meet­ing of the Sun and Moon cre­ate a new dis­pen­sa­tion for you. The world shifts, the mood changes as you receive a fresh inspi­ra­tion of spir­i­tu­al energies…and this gift lifts your spir­it as it reminds you of your pur­pose and path.

Today’s gift comes from Can­cer, which bestows upon you those famil­iar bless­ings of home. For there is noth­ing more impor­tant than your con­nec­tion to your source, there is no more impor­tant jour­ney than to find the way back to your center.

Can­cer con­nects and affirms the roots of your life, where you may hon­or and cher­ish the foun­da­tions of your being, and of all beings…and this is what Can­cer whis­pers as you cel­e­brate this touch­ing gift, this most won­drous feel­ing of belonging.

Bow your head as the Moon pass­es before you…

Bow your head and give thanks for the bless­ings that spring from within…

Cel­e­brate the feel­ing that you belong, that you are part of some greater company…

Remem­ber this feel­ing, this feel­ing of com­ing home…

And smile!


Mars Opposition Uranus (July 18, 2012)


Now you come to Part 2 of your “dou­ble-dose” or “squeeze play”…your Spir­i­tu­al growth is bound to heat up as you encounter the quick­en­ing Fire of Mind-born inspi­ra­tions. Uranus has a rev­e­la­tion for Mars that you must weave into the shap­ing by your Will that came from Plu­to yesterday.

Mars in Libra inspires you to right the wrongs in all your relationships…You desire to re-estab­lish and/or main­tain the bal­ance between your­self and any oth­er, to make your shared space of “we” fair and just. Yet here Mars moves through the sign oppo­site to which it has ruler­ship over…so you might find that your desire to do what is right, to be con­sid­er­ate, just and fair will take you too far…you will make it “right” for every­one else…but what about you? You, in your enthu­si­asm for the good, will for­get the oth­er half…that is you may for­get or even sac­ri­fice you!

You need to remem­ber, by def­i­n­i­tion, that you are always one-half of any rela­tion­ship. You strive for jus­tice and equal­i­ty, to be fair and nice, but you end up “over-relating”…everyone is on the one side of the equa­tion but nobody is on your side…and your needs will remain unmet and your rela­tion­ships become even more unequal. You have made the error of sac­ri­fic­ing your Self instead of your ego.

Uranus is there to pro­vide the antidote…and then some! Uranus rules the first of three prin­ci­ples that flow from the heart of you, the Sacred Ker­nel of spir­i­tu­al ener­gies that form and cre­ate your unfold­ing, of you becom­ing more than your con­di­tion­ing. Uranus rules (and elic­its from with­in you) your high­er con­scious­ness, the aware­ness of your High­er Self…This Prin­ci­ple of a Free Mind is one of the three dri­ves for your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, (the oth­er two being your Uncon­di­tion­al Love and your Cen­tered Will).

Uranus reminds you that at the core of you resides a Free Spir­it, an ever-unfold­ing Con­scious­ness mov­ing through many forms and Spaces…you are a Mind that is on an ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and self-realization…and that you have one abid­ing Spir­i­tu­al Imperative…to Grow, to Become…And so does the oth­er before you too. Each must learn to respect, hon­or and sup­port the oth­er in their unfold­ing jour­ney of self-realization.

Uranus graces Mars with a rev­e­la­tion of Mind-Born fire…Uranus shines a won­drous light. It is the super­nal light of your greater understanding…which will free you. Uranus dis­pels those self-cast shad­ows, formed by your more lim­it­ed aware­ness, which helped to form those mis­placed desires and ill-timed actions that led to the unbal­anced state of your rela­tion­ships. Uranus illu­mines your way, so that you might under­stand how to forge a right relationship…through greater under­stand­ing and mutu­al agreement.

Uranus graces you now as you open your mind…You can let go of your well-inten­tioned but wrong­ful sac­ri­fices that did not cre­ate the shared space of “we” as it was meant to be. Your rela­tion­ship can only be true when it becomes a shared sacred space where each sees the oth­er as they are, where each encour­ages the oth­er to be more of who they are, to be more of “that”, in and through their relationship…For Free­dom can only exist in such a shared, sacred space…

Wel­come Uranus, the Lord of your Freer Mind…

He shines a light that dis­pels your shadows…

Right Thinking…Right Action…

As you join togeth­er in the Sacred Cir­cle of We.

Mars Square Pluto (July 17, 2012)


Get ready because you are about to receive a dou­ble dose of Spir­i­tu­al Instruction…it is a “dou­ble-play” or bet­ter yet maybe it is a “squeeze play”…It is for you, as always, a time of chal­lenge and of oppor­tu­ni­ty. Today you face Mars to Plu­to, tomor­row it will be Mars to Uranus…together they have much to ask of you, and you have much to gain too…if, if you choose wise­ly. For you should always remem­ber, that you and all the beings on this world we call Earth are part of a larg­er sto­ry that is held with­in and cir­cum­scribed by the Sacred Space of our Star’s fam­i­ly, our Solar System…we here on Earth, and our Star­ry com­pan­ions are one fam­i­ly and we have much to learn from one another!

Mars is mov­ing through Libra now, spurring you to bring about a bet­ter bal­ance between your­self and any oth­er, to cor­rect the wrongs in what lies between you, to make your “we” a space to meet and be ful­filled together…Mars push­es you now to forge ahead and make your rela­tion­ships right, fair and true.

Plu­to in Capri­corn is dri­ving the deep­er sto­ry of your jour­ney, bring­ing about fun­da­men­tal changes to insti­tu­tions, economies and culture…and bring­ing to each indi­vid­ual con­scious enti­ty who jour­neys upon the earth a quick­en­ing. Plu­to demands noth­ing less than the re-birth of Respon­si­bil­i­ty in each and every dur­ing his time in Capri­corn. This is an era, and your time of oppor­tu­ni­ty, when an old order will be pass­ing and a new one will rise, (just as it was before, in the 1500’s and again in the 1700’s). Much will be asked of you, and great will be the reward, for you and every oth­er who help to forge this new world, a bet­ter world for you and those to come. But always, there must be a reck­on­ing, there will be decon­struc­tion (and preser­va­tion) before the re-build­ing, there must be a let­ting go of much and a hold­ing on to what should be passed down…The times ahead will be chal­leng­ing and a won­der to behold…and you will make it happen…

There will be many steps and stages you will pass through…for this re-birth will take a long time…you will fal­ter or fall back at times…of course you will for this is how you have always learned to choose to do “the Good”. There is only one true way to make it through, one path that has always been “The Way”…You must lift up your­self with a Free Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will.

Plu­to’s lessons are all about that third principle…The Will, (tomor­row it will Uranus’ turn, so the focus will be on that first prin­ci­ple of a “Free Mind”). Plu­to through the Will estab­lish­es all the sacred spaces that each and every con­scious­ness resides with­in and devel­ops through. You must cre­ate, pro­tect and expand your sacred space of self-realization…while at the same time respect­ing and hold­ing sacred each and every space around you too…

The les­son of Mars in Libra and Plu­to in Capri­corn is here to help you con­scious­ly face the need to bal­ance and inte­grate your Desire for Jus­tice with your Will for a rebirth of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. If you feel that some oth­er, or many oth­ers, are impos­ing their will upon you, vio­lat­ing or tres­pass­ing upon your sacred space whether by intim­i­da­tion, threats or manipulation…then you must act to restore the bal­ance of right relat­ing and your sacred space. If you are, even for the best of inten­tions, attempt­ing to impose upon anoth­er, maybe try­ing to “change” them, fix them or whatever…you must stop and return to your bound­ed space and respect them in theirs.

Astrol­o­gy often describes this aspect as one that con­tains a tremen­dous poten­tial for destruc­tion, for bring­ing about harm inflict­ed or deliv­ered. But real­ly that is because we do not yet under­stand, we are still learn­ing to use our won­drous pow­ers “rightly”…So this align­ment should be seen as a most beau­ti­ful reminder of how much pow­er you do have with­in you. And, that in the course of your spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing you will be remind­ed, again and again, that there is only one con­trol that you may obtain and is per­mit­ted under Karmic Law…the only con­trol you need or can have tru­ly is the one of Self-Mastery…of Self-Control…

Turn and face the Lords of Desire and Will…

For their pow­er is your pow­er too…

Turn that pow­er back upon yourself…

So that you might bet­ter direct your Desires upon that high­er path…

To rebuild you Sacred Spaces, to ful­fill your Responsibilities…

Each and every align­ment is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow and unfold your potential…

And you are real­ly shin­ing now!

Sun Squares Saturn (July 14–15, 2012)


Time to make your choice…whether to hold on or to let go, to turn left or right…it is time, time to choose!

Three months ago you came to a reck­on­ing, three months ago the Sun and Sat­urn faced one anoth­er and you took the mea­sure between your infi­nite poten­tial and your lim­it­ed reality.

Today you come to the next turn­ing in the year­ly Sun/Saturn cycle. Where­as the oppo­si­tion brought a rev­e­la­tion, the square presents you with a choice. You have reached a cross­ing point in your ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of self-real­iza­tion, of bring­ing your infi­nite poten­tial into real­i­ty. For as much as what you have poured into def­i­nite forms made your dreams come true, those very forms you moved into often become the very lim­it to the fur­ther real­iza­tion of your yet to be unfold­ed dreams.

So, you must choose…which dream is truer, which form is best…you must face squarely…which dream is done and which form must pass away…you must turn and face your fears and hopes…for you always have the choice…to choose between dark­ness and the light.

At each turn­ing, at each wax­ing or wan­ing square, you make a choice. At the wax­ing square you need to take action, you must com­mit to a bet­ter form to make real your dream…but at the wan­ing square, which you face now, you need to let go of some­thing in order to con­tin­ue on your ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of growth.

The rhythms of life sing to you now, they call for your choice…and you must let go. It may be a form that must pass away…it may be the idea that gave mean­ing to the form…but some­thing must go so that you may grow…

For from the very heart of you this is the one true shin­ing ray that runs through one and all…You Must Grow!

For you are not what you will be…

You are ever…forever and ever…

You, the self-unfold­ing, the becom­ing that wills to be…

And this is your time to choose!