Monthly Archives: August 2012

Mercury Enters Virgo (August 31, 2012)


Her­mes skips into his very own…back into earthy realms…so your rather
long peri­od of Leo ide­al­ism must yield to what is possible…you must turn now
to what will work and what you can make real. The visions and dreams of what
came in Fire are now tem­pered and honed, guid­ed and shaped by your critical
dis­cern­ments, and by your life’s prac­ti­cal necessities…

Vir­go bestows crys­tal clar­i­ty and order­li­ness to your mind…and this provides
a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to expand your under­stand­ing. The first step is greater
self-aware­ness, to calm­ly exam­ine your own mind and under­take a crit­i­cal review
of how your assump­tions, per­cep­tions and aware­ness of your world reflect what
your sub­se­quent expe­ri­ences have proven to be true or not.

Your mind delights in the par­tic­u­lar now, your delight is in the
details…and analy­sis, pre­cise­ness and order­li­ness rule the day. 

How­ev­er, you must use this time wise­ly, for Mer­cury will only be here for
about two weeks before turn­ing your atten­tions to Libra’s world…then you and your
thoughts will have to piv­ot as you con­sid­er and dwell upon the nature of your companionships
and your under­stand­ing of one another.

Full Moon in Pisces (August 31, 2012)


Luna ris­es to greet her Star­ry com­pan­ion once more…she is a mir­ror for
you, reflect­ing your hopes and dreams, your tomor­rows born from ancient
mem­o­ries of what was, of what might have been…and of what is yet to be. She
ris­es in Pisces to pro­vide this reflec­tive illu­mi­na­tion, to be the loving
coun­ter­point to your time of Vir­go, a time that steers your intent and focus upon
rea­son and order as you seek for the great gift, Peace of Mind… 

Luna ris­es to remind you that to cre­ate your ordered world, to find and
secure your peace with­in, you must reflect upon the Greater Truth and so tru­ly connect
with the won­drous order that sur­rounds you. You have the aware­ness through
Vir­go of many of the count­less pieces of this great mosa­ic that is Life, but
you need to step back and see it also as a greater whole too. Luna offers you
this gift, to remind you of your need to step back from your present view­point where
you see the many trees of life and so equal­ly look with won­der upon your boundless
for­est too.

The Pisces Full Moon reminds you of this one cen­tral truth: That there is
but One Life, there is but One Spir­it and the great­est illu­sion is formed by
all these sep­a­rate exis­tences (and per­spec­tives) that you pass through. Yes,
you are mov­ing through these forms, but you are not these forms. You are Spirit,
a spark of the Divine Flame, who jour­neys through worlds upon worlds, countless
forms after forms, as you dance the dance of Cre­ation with your fel­low flames
who, like you, are all of the One, who come from the One, ever reside with the
One…and will one day return to the One…

Luna in Pisces shines bright­ly above, reflect­ing the wonder…

Your Count­less Dreams, your Tomor­rows and Won­ders yet unformed…

Who you are, what will be…

Writ­ten for you in the Stars.

North Node into Scorpio (August 29, 2012)


The way ahead is changing…

Your path has shifted…and what will be released with­in your­self, and
what will be revealed to you has moved to a dif­fer­ent realm of understanding
and unfold­ment for the next 18 months or so…What has happened?

The Nodes of the Moon are two oppo­site points in space, the North
Node and the South Node. These two points rep­re­sent the inter­sec­tion of two circles,
the orbital path of the Moon around the Earth, and the Earth­’s orbital path
around the Sun. It is these two points of inter­sec­tion, (where the Sun, Earth
and Moon line up in the same plane every six months), that cre­ates the experience
of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses. Where­as the plan­ets move around the Zodi­ac in
for­ward motion from Aries to Tau­rus end­ing up at Pisces before beginning
again in Aries, the nodes move in ret­ro­grade or back­wards motion, from Aries
back to Pisces to Aquar­ius and so on.

You could say that the Lunar Nodes pro­vide the Karmic pointing
of “The Way”, the karmic path for any indi­vid­u­al’s chart. They show you where you are “com­ing from”
or what you are draw­ing upon from your past, indi­cat­ed by the South Node or
point of Karma…and the North Node
indi­cates what you should be work­ing towards and build­ing into your life, or your

If you allow your­self to be over­ly influ­enced by your past so that you
fall under too much influ­ence from the South Node, you may fail to work towards
your Dhar­ma, (you fall back into your famil­iar but less devel­oped pat­terns). By
work­ing with the lessons brought to you by the North Node or your Dhar­ma, you
can draw upon and use the best parts of your past (Kar­ma) while cre­at­ing better
a bet­ter future for your­self. You actu­al­ly bequeath to your­self a bet­ter Karma
by remain­ing focused upon your Dharma.

In the present mat­ter of the con­tin­u­ous cycling of the tran­sit­ing North
and South Nodes, you receive guid­ance from the uni­verse about what you need to
under­stand in order to ben­e­fit the most from your Karmic reap­ing and Dharmic
renew­ing year after year.

So, what does the shift from a Sagit­tar­ius North Node to Scor­pio mean for

The past 18 months of Sagit­tar­ius asked you to stay focused upon your Principles,
Beliefs and Truths…to con­sid­er more deeply how you know what you know. The
gift of Gem­i­ni (Kar­ma) dur­ing such a time would fos­ter that flexible,
mul­ti-faceted way of exam­in­ing your per­cep­tions so that you could work towards
a more uni­fied, inclu­sive and com­pre­hen­sive vision of your world. This gift from your past would help to cre­ate a
bridge of under­stand­ing between you and any other. 

How­ev­er, if you became too enam­ored by the past then you would have played
the “dev­il’s advo­cate” just to stir things up, to be con­trary just
for amuse­men­t’s sake. Rather than pur­su­ing under­stand­ing, you or they would end
up cre­at­ing more divi­sive­ness and con­tention than was already
present…Arguments, debates and shrill­ness would have had their way. Appeals
to rea­son and rea­son­able­ness would have gone a beg­ging. Does that sound

The next 18 months of Scor­pio will reveal anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty and
chal­lenge for you as you seek to draw upon your Kar­ma from the Tau­rus South
Node while build­ing anew through your path ahead in the Scor­pio North Node. The
Scor­pio North Node asks you to focus upon the need for emo­tion­al rebirth that
you can and should expe­ri­ence as the fruit of over­com­ing your sep­a­ra­tion from
one anoth­er. How do you do this? 

You move into deep­er unions through being both
true to your­self while you make nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices for one anoth­er. To do so,
you must let go of the less­er “things” in your life, the things that
may keep you sep­a­rate from one anoth­er. How­ev­er, you must always hon­or the
greater val­ues that can and should hold you togeth­er, the ones that brought you
togeth­er, and the ones that hold you to one another…because these are the fun­da­men­tal val­ues that you share. It is by join­ing with one anoth­er in your union that you can expand, trans­form and grow…together.

The Tau­rus South Node is there to remind you about the beau­ty of lasting
val­ue, of hav­ing and hold­ing “some­thing” that is, at least for you,
eter­nal or of ever-last­ing value…of what you wish to hold to and nev­er let
go. How­ev­er, if you hold too much to your own par­tic­u­lar form of val­ue, if you
give into your fears of loss and hold to self­ish pos­ses­sive­ness, you become
bound to and blind­ed by your own things, and you fail to com­bine, share and
grow through one another. 

By doing this, your poten­tial for growth beyond your
more lim­it­ed form of life is not pos­si­ble. For it is only when two or three or
more are joined togeth­er, when joined in com­mon cause or pur­pose, only then do
you expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Union with the beloved…of being more than a one
and of becom­ing much more than you could ever have been by yourself.

You are mov­ing into a deep­er time, some would say it is the deep­est time… 

It is time to work with the Dhar­ma of Scorpio…it is time to grow

It is time to reap the best of the Kar­ma of Taurus…it is time to hon­or the
spir­it behind the form… 

It is time to understand…it is your time to grow…together!

Mars Enters Scorpio (August 23, 2012)


What you real­ly want, what you real­ly need…what you ache for…is Union.

You must seek for it, with deep Desire…

You must act for it, with fer­vent Passion…

You must be brave, you must be bold…but if you dare…

You will expe­ri­ence the great­est treasure…you will come to what is most

You will be as one, again…in your sacred space, in your Com­mu­nion with
the beloved.

Mars will take you now, into the mystery…beyond the cross­ing point of “I
and Thou”, Mars will draw you down, to dive through those swirling subterranean
Waters and into your deep­est longings…Come, it is time, let Mars take you now
into his realm of Scorpio…

You seek noth­ing less than self-tran­scen­dence, to move beyond the
iso­la­tion of your phys­i­cal real­i­ty, beyond the appar­ent sep­a­ra­tion between one
and another…Mars will take you now, by pas­sion and desire…as you move beyond your bound­ed realm to the heart of sacred fires. 

You will be able to pass beyond, even for a moment, your “real­i­ty”
of a sep­a­rate existence…you will taste, touch and mar­vel with won­der as you feel
the thrilling that cours­es through you now, as you bow before the awesome
majesty…you are hum­bled, trans­formed and uplift­ed by the won­drous mag­ic of
being one with one another!

With a reward so great, so too must be your offer­ing, (for the prize
could not be greater)…so you must be ready, will­ing and able to sacrifice
what is less­er if you are to cre­ate the space for the greater in your life. You
must hon­or and keep what makes you “you”, your core values,
prin­ci­ples and beliefs, as you let go of the periph­er­als in your life, the
less­er things that would keep you apart from one another…

And, the mag­ic of this moment is…that as you choose between what to
hold and what to release, you actu­al­ly move clos­er to your true self. You give
up what was less con­se­quen­tial in your life and reaf­firm the greater…and you
do this because you were mov­ing clos­er to anoth­er, but you also and equally
drew clos­er to your Self!

How­ev­er the great­est chal­lenge, the great­est sac­ri­fice must be accepted
and met if you are to co-cre­ate your shared sacred space, the space of
togeth­er­ness, your space of “We”. For the great­est chal­lenge to your growth
and self-tran­scen­dence always lies with­in you…for it is always wait­ing, ever holding
you back and down…the only thing that stands in your way in your twelve-fold
journey…is Fear. 

You must under­stand, face and pass beyond your fears if you are to gain
the greater in your life…Each step, each chal­lenge in the wheel of life has a
fear that must be met, a shad­ow that must be illu­mined if you are to find your

The shad­ow cast by seek­ing Union is found in what holds you back, in what
makes you pause and take half-mea­sures to meet the oth­er in the “we”…You
put your­self “out there”, into a space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and say
“won’t you join me here?” Yet, you fear the response might not be
equal so you only risk so much…you hold back. 

You have the fear of Rejec­tion. You fear that you will open the door to the pos­si­bil­i­ty with anoth­er and they
will turn away…and you will be in the deep­est pain for what was nev­er gained.
So you hold back, or they hold back and the sacred space can­not be made…what
might have been, could have been is all you can take away…

The answer is, “always and always”, to face your fear and
under­stand that it is but a shad­ow from yesterday…It is only pains of what
was long ago but must be cast away. So laugh at your fear, break up those
shad­ows, by show­ing what you have learned…that you are Spir­it, you are the
ever-becoming…there is noth­ing that you shall fear. 

Mars in Scor­pio is said to bring indomitable will and fear­less­ness. As is
true in all spir­i­tu­al mat­ters, you para­dox­i­cal­ly reveal your true strength in
Scor­pio by plac­ing your­self in a posi­tion of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty! That by such grace you
show your true spir­i­tu­al strength and char­ac­ter, that you are will­ing to take
the risk in order to cre­ate the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Union. You reveal it all, hold nothing
back, and by so doing you have ful­filled your part…you have made your move to
cre­ate the sacred space of we…and now it rests upon the oth­er to see what
there will be…

Let Mars in Scor­pio bring you to your deep­est longing…

To sat­is­fy and relieve the ache that is in your heart.

You can and you will be as one for one another…

To be all for one and one in All…

This Union, this Oneness…this is your destiny!

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2012)


Live in Beauty”!

You have always sought this…and you know, you tru­ly know you need it now…more
than ever.

Your heart’s desire has always been…to reach and find one priceless
trea­sure, that one spe­cial place, where every­thing makes sense, where all will
come together…and when you find it…

You will smile…for all is good, in your place of Peace…in your place
of Beauty!

Of course, you know, there is no “place” as such, it is not here
or there, it is not around or outside…it comes to you, ris­ing from with­in as
you align your life and move into a Greater Understanding…as you grow, as you serve…

When you live in truth, when what is with­in and what sur­rounds you is
brought into true accord…then you are “there”, where you were
always meant to be…

When you do this, you have put your­self upon that noble path…you live
as one of the ones, you are at peace with­in as you move towards a greater gathering
too…you walk the path of harmony…you “Live in Beauty”…you share in Beauty.

You have tried to do your best, each and every day…but now you must
pre­pare your­self, you must ascer­tain what has been and turn to what will be…you
sense a turn­ing in the rhythms, a new sea­son is approaching…A Time of Fire
must give way to Earth…

Yes, it is there in the ear­ly morn­ing mists…in the creep­ing twilight’s
shad­ows too…the ener­gies are shifting…The light is bend­ing further…slanting, shad­owed, still gleam­ing but
dim­ming ever more…and you know, you feel it in your soul…you know you must prepare…

The Time of Vir­go is at hand…your time to make ready, to har­vest the
mean­ing of what you have made of yourself…and then to do bet­ter, to become
bet­ter and make the world bet­ter too…

Because it is Time, because it is your way…

Walk in Beau­ty, Live in Beauty…

It is done in Beauty…

It is The Way.