Mercury Turns Direct (August 7–8, 2012)


Stop, hey, what’s that sound
Every­body look what’s going down…”
(For What It’s Worth, by Buf­fa­lo Springfield)

There was more…yes, there was much more than just Venus slip­ping into those wel­com­ing Waters of Can­cer yesterday…

Some­one else was turn­ing too…Slowing down, stand­ing still and paus­ing before the mighty Por­tals of Consciousness…Mercury stood still…and so did your thinking…

You must have sensed it, a shift of ener­gies, a turn­ing in your awareness…a change of tem­pera­ment too…However, what­ev­er and when­ev­er it came through you, you turned too…For you are part of this won­drous sys­tem of Planetaries…and so you there, danc­ing with your com­pan­ions, you turned with Mer­cury too…

For three weeks, you have gone with­in, dig­ging deep into your mind. You were giv­en a mar­velous oppor­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion, re-exam­ine and repair your assump­tions, atti­tudes and thought-forms…You faced delays in projects, agree­ments were put on hold, you encoun­tered mount­ing misunderstandings…for what? So that you could look again at the ques­tion, at the mat­ter, at the oth­er before you and Re-Con­sid­er…You had to go back before you went on…for this is The Way.

This is the Way of Con­scious­ness, this the way of life, this is the way of your journey…This is The Way. You do not trav­el as if fol­low­ing a straight line, nor is it a sim­ple circle…You trav­el with­in a spi­ral dance of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, that flows and sweeps along as it fash­ions your world, because it is your world…and so you must sweep and bow, dip and rise too…and so you will grow into the Greater Understanding…

So, take a breath…it is dif­fer­ent now. You can and must go for­ward… you will make it bet­ter now. You have pon­dered the mys­tery of Mer­cury in Leo…you know bet­ter how to think cre­ative­ly, respec­tive­ly…Lov­ing­ly

You can go for­ward now with your love of self and for the oth­er too…

You can release the beau­ty with­in to join the beau­ty without…

You are ready to go for­ward and be the source…

You turn, you choose…The Way.

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