Mars Conjunct Saturn (August 15, 2012)



Trip­tych Teach­ings — Part Two

Lat­er on Wednes­day, part two of your Trip­tych les­son unfolds…And it is tru­ly a time­ly gift from your plan­e­tary companions!

Mars, rul­ing Desire and Action, takes about two years to com­plete its cir­cuit of the Solar Sys­tem and will come back to Sat­urn, the Ruler of Form and Real­i­ty, in this their Con­junc­tion, which is like a New Moon, in just over two years. Their align­ment her­alds a New Begin­ning in the cycle that gov­erns your efforts to real­ize your desires by form­ing them, pour­ing and shap­ing them into your Real­i­ty Structure.

The typ­i­cal inter­pre­ta­tion of Mars with Sat­urn is full of warn­ings about frus­tra­tion, anger and accidents…really?! This is a pow­er­ful con­junc­tion but the mis­use of their com­bined ener­gies lies not with Mars or Sat­urn, but with a lack of under­stand­ing about the way in which ener­gy and mat­ter com­bine togeth­er to form your universe.

You move out­ward, through and by your desires (Mars), you move out­ward to ful­fill your­self and your dreams. To do so, you act with­in the world of form (Sat­urn), shap­ing it into some sem­blance of what you imag­ined your world should be. You pour your­self into forms and there­by both real­ize but at the same time lim­it your­self into those very forms…you ful­fill your­self, yet it can only last so long. For you are con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op­ing your­self from with­in out­wards, and the world around you is con­stant­ly chang­ing as well…so the forms you made becomes less and less rel­e­vant as you and every­one else con­tin­ue to grow.

The Con­junc­tion of Mars and Sat­urn her­alds the moment in which you begin a new cycle of Desire and Form, of Action and Accom­plish­ment. You need to release your­self from the no longer ade­quate, those old­er forms of self-real­iza­tion. Mars and Sat­urn join to light the way so that you may move to cre­ate new forms of growth, new forms of self-man­i­fes­ta­tion. Their con­junc­tion forms a bea­con to inspire you to cre­ate a bet­ter real­i­ty for the world you wish to move through.

This process is often hard and not with­out pain. Why? Because you have become attached to the famil­iar, you are habit­u­at­ed to the old forms, to your old ways and means…In order to grow, you must let go…but you often resist and so bring about the very pain and suf­fer­ing that many asso­ciate with this aspect.

This need not be your “fate”…You always have a choice. You can always find a bet­ter way…and you will find that way through under­stand­ing. This path of greater under­stand­ing is shown to you now by the Space where Mars and Sat­urn meet with one another…and that Space is found in the way of Libra.

This year, Mars and Sat­urn align, like one Star, in the sign of Libra. Their mes­sage is sim­ple yet pro­found: Desire and Action (Mars), Form and Real­i­ty (Sat­urn) must be guid­ed, formed and so ful­filled through mutu­al­ly agreed upon prin­ci­ples and val­ues that you share with your fel­low trav­el­ers, your trust­ed com­pan­ions, your com­rades in arms.

The Truth of Mars meet­ing Sat­urn in Libra is that your self-real­iza­tions, the meet­ing of your heart’s desire, can only be met, can only be accom­plished with the coop­er­a­tion and/or par­tic­i­pa­tion with many, many oth­ers. Your self-ful­fill­ment depends upon these oth­ers, as your self-real­iza­tion becomes a means to cre­ate their ful­fill­ment too…For only togeth­er can you make your way back to the source, back to your home in the stars…

You are part of a glo­ri­ous, shin­ing host of spir­it seek­ing to become ever more ful­filled, ever more resplendent…Always and for­ev­er, you unfold your poten­tials for your­self and for one anoth­er too…today you begin anew…again.

There is one more les­son, one more pan­el in these Trip­tych Teach­ings to guide you today, so let’s take a look at what Venus and Uranus offer up to light your way…

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