Venus Opposite Pluto (August 15, 2012)


Trip­tych Teach­ings — Part One

Okay…you had bet­ter take a deep breath…no deep­er! Today and tomor­row, you encounter anoth­er triple align­ment; three inter-linked lessons of life from the cos­mos served up and deliv­ered to you!

First, there is Venus oppo­site Plu­to, then lat­er today Mars con­juncts Sat­urn and final­ly late Wednes­day into Thurs­day Venus squares Uranus…Wow!

When “per­son­al” plan­ets like Venus or Mars make “hard” encoun­ters with out­er plan­ets, there is a pre­sid­ing belief that it just will not go well. But, what you need to know is that these align­ments are just forms of ener­gy that are meet­ing up with one anoth­er, they com­bine and trans­form one another…and that you, being part of this mar­velous cos­mos will be trans­formed too.

For every­thing in the Uni­verse is con­scious, every part of the uni­verse is a con­scious­ness that is unfold­ing and devel­op­ing. That growth, that devel­op­ment takes place as each con­scious­ness unfolds its poten­tial from with­in itself and encoun­ters, com­bines and is trans­formed through the rela­tion­ships it has with oth­er all the oth­er forms of con­scious­ness that trav­el with it. This Jour­ney of Spir­it, seek­ing to know itself, is a won­drous, shin­ing and ever-unfold­ing, ever-evolv­ing host of count­less minds…it is the radi­ant spi­ral of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it with­in the one great mind of Spirit.

The ques­tion real­ly, each and every day, is: Are you ready to unfold and become, to grow? Tru­ly, the ques­tion is: Do you under­stand your jour­ney? For there are no good or bad plan­ets, no good or bad aspects…There is growth (through Faith and Under­stand­ing) and less growth (through Fear and Igno­rance). That’s it!

For as you face it, as you believe it…so shall it be for you. You must choose, (and the great good news is) you can choose the life you wish to cre­ate, the life you wish to live…for you are the dream­er dream­ing Creation.

The first encounter on Wednes­day is pro­found, that is cer­tain­ly true. Venus rules what you hold most dear, your val­ue of you…your love. Plu­to, the Lord of Will and Trans­for­ma­tion, the Cre­ator and Pro­tec­tor of Sacred Space will bring to bear his Will upon Venus today…

For Love depends upon this, it depends upon the Sacred­ness of your Space, the space that you call “you”… To be you, you cre­ate a space that is inte­gral, whole and true. But the truth of it is, (and how else could it be?)…so is every oth­er space, all the spaces of space that sur­round you too…they are all sacred cen­ters, each hav­ing a con­scious­ness cen­ter at its core. Each and every evolv­ing con­scious­ness devel­ops with­in its space formed by Will, pro­tect­ed and made a Holy Con­scious Space, for each con­tains a spark of the Divine and is a sacred, con­scious con­tain­er of Spirit…a con­tain­er of Love.

The Oppo­si­tion of Plu­to to Venus illus­trates this Prin­ci­ple: that one must regard all of space as Sacred. Each cen­ter of con­scious­ness exists in Spa­tial Sacred­ness and each must have some form of Will to cre­ate such space…But, and here it does get chal­leng­ing, each con­scious­ness cen­ter must be care­ful to not mis­use that willpow­er, for to do so would be to tres­pass upon the space of another.

That is often what you encounter when you or anoth­er is less aware of this prin­ci­ple, of this fun­da­men­tal truth. You meet anoth­er who, per­haps for the best of inten­tions, wish­es to change you, make you into some­thing, per­haps to make you “bet­ter”, make you love them or what­ev­er. Like­wise, this is what you may stum­ble into when you try to change anoth­er against their will too…and when they or you do this, you fall into error…you mis­use your willpow­er, you fall…why? You fall because of your Fear.

You fear that if you do not con­trol it or them, you will lose…and by try­ing to con­trol them, by tres­pass­ing upon their sacred space, you do lose…you lose your­self, (only for a time, but you might lose them, that rela­tion­ship, too).

The Venus/Pluto les­son here is the les­son of Bound­aries and Self-Control…the right and prop­er exer­cise of your will fol­lows from the right and prop­er rela­tion­ship you have with your­self. That right rela­tion­ship with your Self is found by you as you secure your uncon­di­tion­al love for your­self, the love which emanates, flows and embraces you and which comes from with­in, from your High­er Self.

Your Love is bestowed by, is the essence of, the Spir­it which is at the core of you…it is You. Hav­ing this true self-love, pos­sess­ing this, you are com­plete in your­self, free yet cir­cum­scribed by the under­stand­ing that each being around is just like you too. You are then free to love anoth­er with­out the false need (from fear) of want­i­ng to con­trol or “own” them…You are Lov­ing, you are Free and you can meet them in a shared sacred space of free­dom too!

But Venus and Plu­to are not the only movers of today…there are two more pan­els, two more dances in your Trip­tych Teach­ings to understand…So, let us see what Mars and Sat­urn have brought your way…


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