Daily Archives: August 15, 2012

Venus Squares Uranus (August 15–16, 2012)


Trip­tych Teach­ings — Part Three

This final act in your spi­ral­ing Trip­tych rounds out the lessons of life on the Ides of August…

In this third gift of grace from your Star­ry Wan­der­ers, you receive a plan­e­tary bless­ing that flows from the align­ment of Venus (Love and Beau­ty) as she dances her way beside Uranus (The Awak­en­er, the Lord of Free­dom and Individuality).

The First Trip­tych les­son, from Venus and Plu­to, affirmed the sacred nature of the space that is You. Your cen­ter is one with, and insep­a­ra­ble from, the count­less sacred cen­ters in all of the spaces of Space. The Bound­less All or One is found with­in and forms the radi­ant source upon which all sacred cen­ters reside…it is the ever­last­ing light at the core of each and every consciousness.

The Sec­ond Trip­tych les­son, from Mars and Sat­urn, affirms the Prin­ci­ple of growth that con­stant­ly dri­ves the unfold­ment of your Real­i­ty-Mak­ing. Your per­son­al self-real­iza­tions are pro­por­tion­al to the self-real­iza­tions of your fel­low trav­el­ers. For each and every one is a co-cre­ator in the jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…Truly, it is All for one and One for All!

Now you turn to this your Third Trip­tych, and the les­son is about the inti­mate rela­tion­ship that pre­vails between Love and Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. Venus rules your val­ues, the why, where and how of you and of the beau­ty in your world. Venus rules the source of all your val­ues, which is the val­ue of you, your Self…That Self is quite sim­ply your spir­i­tu­al source, your Divine essence or core, which you know and feel as Love. Quite sim­ply, you Love your Self because this ker­nel or core of you is pure Spir­it, is pure Love.

The most essen­tial prin­ci­ple of this val­ue of you is that you are Unique, that you are an Indi­vid­ual. You are a unique spark of the Divine…you are one of the ones of the One. Uranus rules this prin­ci­ple, which is called Self­hood (or Swab­hā­va), and it is this defin­ing essence that shapes and defines your unique­ness. It is this unique self­hood that forms the source-ener­gy that dri­ves your ever-unfold­ing journey.

Your Self­hood is the rea­son for your growth from with­in out­wards and forms and pro­pels the sto­ry of your self-real­iza­tion. For you are here to ful­fill your destiny…you become your Self as you unfold your poten­tial and take your place as a one of the count­less voic­es who will each add their own voice to the Song of Creation.

It is through Venus that you con­nect to your beloved by those val­ues that you share…You come togeth­er and form your rela­tion­ship upon a bedrock of val­ues that you find mean­ing­ful, pleas­ing and wish to expe­ri­ence with and through one anoth­er. By this shar­ing and love for one anoth­er, you recon­nect and reaf­firm your source-love which is that eter­nal love of your High­er Self…and which you now see reflect­ed back to you through the eyes of your beloved…for it is there that you expe­ri­ence the very same love that pours forth from the cen­ter of Creation.

What Uranus reminds and reveals to Venus today is that what draws you to one anoth­er yes­ter­day, today and tomor­row, is that very prin­ci­ple at the heart of your val­ue, your unique essence, your Self­hood, your Swab­hā­va. It is that which you see, acknowl­edge and love in one anoth­er, this unique beingness…you remem­ber this feel­ing, you know this energy…and you smile.

For you have met before, and will meet again…and it is how you know, how you tru­ly know that you have found one anoth­er yet again…because there is that something…that essen­tial essence of unique­ness that dis­tin­guish­es and defines who you are and who they are…and you love one anoth­er for exact­ly That!

Uranus reminds Venus that to be Loved you must release your Self, your true ever-unfold­ing essen­tial being, your Radi­ant Ray. And that this will also bring you back, again and again, to your com­pan­ions and com­rades, to your friends and loved ones, and to your beloved…who love you as you love them…because you love one anoth­er for being exact­ly what you are becoming…

You are the becoming…

You are the Radi­ant Splendor…

You are one of the ones of the One.

So be it!