Daily Archives: August 22, 2012

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2012)


Live in Beauty”!

You have always sought this…and you know, you tru­ly know you need it now…more
than ever.

Your heart’s desire has always been…to reach and find one priceless
trea­sure, that one spe­cial place, where every­thing makes sense, where all will
come together…and when you find it…

You will smile…for all is good, in your place of Peace…in your place
of Beauty!

Of course, you know, there is no “place” as such, it is not here
or there, it is not around or outside…it comes to you, ris­ing from with­in as
you align your life and move into a Greater Understanding…as you grow, as you serve…

When you live in truth, when what is with­in and what sur­rounds you is
brought into true accord…then you are “there”, where you were
always meant to be…

When you do this, you have put your­self upon that noble path…you live
as one of the ones, you are at peace with­in as you move towards a greater gathering
too…you walk the path of harmony…you “Live in Beauty”…you share in Beauty.

You have tried to do your best, each and every day…but now you must
pre­pare your­self, you must ascer­tain what has been and turn to what will be…you
sense a turn­ing in the rhythms, a new sea­son is approaching…A Time of Fire
must give way to Earth…

Yes, it is there in the ear­ly morn­ing mists…in the creep­ing twilight’s
shad­ows too…the ener­gies are shifting…The light is bend­ing further…slanting, shad­owed, still gleam­ing but
dim­ming ever more…and you know, you feel it in your soul…you know you must prepare…

The Time of Vir­go is at hand…your time to make ready, to har­vest the
mean­ing of what you have made of yourself…and then to do bet­ter, to become
bet­ter and make the world bet­ter too…

Because it is Time, because it is your way…

Walk in Beau­ty, Live in Beauty…

It is done in Beauty…

It is The Way.