Mars Enters Scorpio (August 23, 2012)


What you real­ly want, what you real­ly need…what you ache for…is Union.

You must seek for it, with deep Desire…

You must act for it, with fer­vent Passion…

You must be brave, you must be bold…but if you dare…

You will expe­ri­ence the great­est treasure…you will come to what is most

You will be as one, again…in your sacred space, in your Com­mu­nion with
the beloved.

Mars will take you now, into the mystery…beyond the cross­ing point of “I
and Thou”, Mars will draw you down, to dive through those swirling subterranean
Waters and into your deep­est longings…Come, it is time, let Mars take you now
into his realm of Scorpio…

You seek noth­ing less than self-tran­scen­dence, to move beyond the
iso­la­tion of your phys­i­cal real­i­ty, beyond the appar­ent sep­a­ra­tion between one
and another…Mars will take you now, by pas­sion and desire…as you move beyond your bound­ed realm to the heart of sacred fires. 

You will be able to pass beyond, even for a moment, your “real­i­ty”
of a sep­a­rate existence…you will taste, touch and mar­vel with won­der as you feel
the thrilling that cours­es through you now, as you bow before the awesome
majesty…you are hum­bled, trans­formed and uplift­ed by the won­drous mag­ic of
being one with one another!

With a reward so great, so too must be your offer­ing, (for the prize
could not be greater)…so you must be ready, will­ing and able to sacrifice
what is less­er if you are to cre­ate the space for the greater in your life. You
must hon­or and keep what makes you “you”, your core values,
prin­ci­ples and beliefs, as you let go of the periph­er­als in your life, the
less­er things that would keep you apart from one another…

And, the mag­ic of this moment is…that as you choose between what to
hold and what to release, you actu­al­ly move clos­er to your true self. You give
up what was less con­se­quen­tial in your life and reaf­firm the greater…and you
do this because you were mov­ing clos­er to anoth­er, but you also and equally
drew clos­er to your Self!

How­ev­er the great­est chal­lenge, the great­est sac­ri­fice must be accepted
and met if you are to co-cre­ate your shared sacred space, the space of
togeth­er­ness, your space of “We”. For the great­est chal­lenge to your growth
and self-tran­scen­dence always lies with­in you…for it is always wait­ing, ever holding
you back and down…the only thing that stands in your way in your twelve-fold
journey…is Fear. 

You must under­stand, face and pass beyond your fears if you are to gain
the greater in your life…Each step, each chal­lenge in the wheel of life has a
fear that must be met, a shad­ow that must be illu­mined if you are to find your

The shad­ow cast by seek­ing Union is found in what holds you back, in what
makes you pause and take half-mea­sures to meet the oth­er in the “we”…You
put your­self “out there”, into a space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and say
“won’t you join me here?” Yet, you fear the response might not be
equal so you only risk so much…you hold back. 

You have the fear of Rejec­tion. You fear that you will open the door to the pos­si­bil­i­ty with anoth­er and they
will turn away…and you will be in the deep­est pain for what was nev­er gained.
So you hold back, or they hold back and the sacred space can­not be made…what
might have been, could have been is all you can take away…

The answer is, “always and always”, to face your fear and
under­stand that it is but a shad­ow from yesterday…It is only pains of what
was long ago but must be cast away. So laugh at your fear, break up those
shad­ows, by show­ing what you have learned…that you are Spir­it, you are the
ever-becoming…there is noth­ing that you shall fear. 

Mars in Scor­pio is said to bring indomitable will and fear­less­ness. As is
true in all spir­i­tu­al mat­ters, you para­dox­i­cal­ly reveal your true strength in
Scor­pio by plac­ing your­self in a posi­tion of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty! That by such grace you
show your true spir­i­tu­al strength and char­ac­ter, that you are will­ing to take
the risk in order to cre­ate the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Union. You reveal it all, hold nothing
back, and by so doing you have ful­filled your part…you have made your move to
cre­ate the sacred space of we…and now it rests upon the oth­er to see what
there will be…

Let Mars in Scor­pio bring you to your deep­est longing…

To sat­is­fy and relieve the ache that is in your heart.

You can and you will be as one for one another…

To be all for one and one in All…

This Union, this Oneness…this is your destiny!

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