Daily Archives: August 28, 2012

North Node into Scorpio (August 29, 2012)


The way ahead is changing…

Your path has shifted…and what will be released with­in your­self, and
what will be revealed to you has moved to a dif­fer­ent realm of understanding
and unfold­ment for the next 18 months or so…What has happened?

The Nodes of the Moon are two oppo­site points in space, the North
Node and the South Node. These two points rep­re­sent the inter­sec­tion of two circles,
the orbital path of the Moon around the Earth, and the Earth­’s orbital path
around the Sun. It is these two points of inter­sec­tion, (where the Sun, Earth
and Moon line up in the same plane every six months), that cre­ates the experience
of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses. Where­as the plan­ets move around the Zodi­ac in
for­ward motion from Aries to Tau­rus end­ing up at Pisces before beginning
again in Aries, the nodes move in ret­ro­grade or back­wards motion, from Aries
back to Pisces to Aquar­ius and so on.

You could say that the Lunar Nodes pro­vide the Karmic pointing
of “The Way”, the karmic path for any indi­vid­u­al’s chart. They show you where you are “com­ing from”
or what you are draw­ing upon from your past, indi­cat­ed by the South Node or
point of Karma…and the North Node
indi­cates what you should be work­ing towards and build­ing into your life, or your

If you allow your­self to be over­ly influ­enced by your past so that you
fall under too much influ­ence from the South Node, you may fail to work towards
your Dhar­ma, (you fall back into your famil­iar but less devel­oped pat­terns). By
work­ing with the lessons brought to you by the North Node or your Dhar­ma, you
can draw upon and use the best parts of your past (Kar­ma) while cre­at­ing better
a bet­ter future for your­self. You actu­al­ly bequeath to your­self a bet­ter Karma
by remain­ing focused upon your Dharma.

In the present mat­ter of the con­tin­u­ous cycling of the tran­sit­ing North
and South Nodes, you receive guid­ance from the uni­verse about what you need to
under­stand in order to ben­e­fit the most from your Karmic reap­ing and Dharmic
renew­ing year after year.

So, what does the shift from a Sagit­tar­ius North Node to Scor­pio mean for

The past 18 months of Sagit­tar­ius asked you to stay focused upon your Principles,
Beliefs and Truths…to con­sid­er more deeply how you know what you know. The
gift of Gem­i­ni (Kar­ma) dur­ing such a time would fos­ter that flexible,
mul­ti-faceted way of exam­in­ing your per­cep­tions so that you could work towards
a more uni­fied, inclu­sive and com­pre­hen­sive vision of your world. This gift from your past would help to cre­ate a
bridge of under­stand­ing between you and any other. 

How­ev­er, if you became too enam­ored by the past then you would have played
the “dev­il’s advo­cate” just to stir things up, to be con­trary just
for amuse­men­t’s sake. Rather than pur­su­ing under­stand­ing, you or they would end
up cre­at­ing more divi­sive­ness and con­tention than was already
present…Arguments, debates and shrill­ness would have had their way. Appeals
to rea­son and rea­son­able­ness would have gone a beg­ging. Does that sound

The next 18 months of Scor­pio will reveal anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty and
chal­lenge for you as you seek to draw upon your Kar­ma from the Tau­rus South
Node while build­ing anew through your path ahead in the Scor­pio North Node. The
Scor­pio North Node asks you to focus upon the need for emo­tion­al rebirth that
you can and should expe­ri­ence as the fruit of over­com­ing your sep­a­ra­tion from
one anoth­er. How do you do this? 

You move into deep­er unions through being both
true to your­self while you make nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices for one anoth­er. To do so,
you must let go of the less­er “things” in your life, the things that
may keep you sep­a­rate from one anoth­er. How­ev­er, you must always hon­or the
greater val­ues that can and should hold you togeth­er, the ones that brought you
togeth­er, and the ones that hold you to one another…because these are the fun­da­men­tal val­ues that you share. It is by join­ing with one anoth­er in your union that you can expand, trans­form and grow…together.

The Tau­rus South Node is there to remind you about the beau­ty of lasting
val­ue, of hav­ing and hold­ing “some­thing” that is, at least for you,
eter­nal or of ever-last­ing value…of what you wish to hold to and nev­er let
go. How­ev­er, if you hold too much to your own par­tic­u­lar form of val­ue, if you
give into your fears of loss and hold to self­ish pos­ses­sive­ness, you become
bound to and blind­ed by your own things, and you fail to com­bine, share and
grow through one another. 

By doing this, your poten­tial for growth beyond your
more lim­it­ed form of life is not pos­si­ble. For it is only when two or three or
more are joined togeth­er, when joined in com­mon cause or pur­pose, only then do
you expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Union with the beloved…of being more than a one
and of becom­ing much more than you could ever have been by yourself.

You are mov­ing into a deep­er time, some would say it is the deep­est time… 

It is time to work with the Dhar­ma of Scorpio…it is time to grow

It is time to reap the best of the Kar­ma of Taurus…it is time to hon­or the
spir­it behind the form… 

It is time to understand…it is your time to grow…together!