Daily Archives: August 30, 2012

Mercury Enters Virgo (August 31, 2012)


Her­mes skips into his very own…back into earthy realms…so your rather
long peri­od of Leo ide­al­ism must yield to what is possible…you must turn now
to what will work and what you can make real. The visions and dreams of what
came in Fire are now tem­pered and honed, guid­ed and shaped by your critical
dis­cern­ments, and by your life’s prac­ti­cal necessities…

Vir­go bestows crys­tal clar­i­ty and order­li­ness to your mind…and this provides
a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to expand your under­stand­ing. The first step is greater
self-aware­ness, to calm­ly exam­ine your own mind and under­take a crit­i­cal review
of how your assump­tions, per­cep­tions and aware­ness of your world reflect what
your sub­se­quent expe­ri­ences have proven to be true or not.

Your mind delights in the par­tic­u­lar now, your delight is in the
details…and analy­sis, pre­cise­ness and order­li­ness rule the day. 

How­ev­er, you must use this time wise­ly, for Mer­cury will only be here for
about two weeks before turn­ing your atten­tions to Libra’s world…then you and your
thoughts will have to piv­ot as you con­sid­er and dwell upon the nature of your companionships
and your under­stand­ing of one another.

Full Moon in Pisces (August 31, 2012)


Luna ris­es to greet her Star­ry com­pan­ion once more…she is a mir­ror for
you, reflect­ing your hopes and dreams, your tomor­rows born from ancient
mem­o­ries of what was, of what might have been…and of what is yet to be. She
ris­es in Pisces to pro­vide this reflec­tive illu­mi­na­tion, to be the loving
coun­ter­point to your time of Vir­go, a time that steers your intent and focus upon
rea­son and order as you seek for the great gift, Peace of Mind… 

Luna ris­es to remind you that to cre­ate your ordered world, to find and
secure your peace with­in, you must reflect upon the Greater Truth and so tru­ly connect
with the won­drous order that sur­rounds you. You have the aware­ness through
Vir­go of many of the count­less pieces of this great mosa­ic that is Life, but
you need to step back and see it also as a greater whole too. Luna offers you
this gift, to remind you of your need to step back from your present view­point where
you see the many trees of life and so equal­ly look with won­der upon your boundless
for­est too.

The Pisces Full Moon reminds you of this one cen­tral truth: That there is
but One Life, there is but One Spir­it and the great­est illu­sion is formed by
all these sep­a­rate exis­tences (and per­spec­tives) that you pass through. Yes,
you are mov­ing through these forms, but you are not these forms. You are Spirit,
a spark of the Divine Flame, who jour­neys through worlds upon worlds, countless
forms after forms, as you dance the dance of Cre­ation with your fel­low flames
who, like you, are all of the One, who come from the One, ever reside with the
One…and will one day return to the One…

Luna in Pisces shines bright­ly above, reflect­ing the wonder…

Your Count­less Dreams, your Tomor­rows and Won­ders yet unformed…

Who you are, what will be…

Writ­ten for you in the Stars.