Hermes skips into his very own…back into earthy realms…so your rather
long period of Leo idealism must yield to what is possible…you must turn now
to what will work and what you can make real. The visions and dreams of what
came in Fire are now tempered and honed, guided and shaped by your critical
discernments, and by your life’s practical necessities…
Virgo bestows crystal clarity and orderliness to your mind…and this provides
a wonderful opportunity to expand your understanding. The first step is greater
self-awareness, to calmly examine your own mind and undertake a critical review
of how your assumptions, perceptions and awareness of your world reflect what
your subsequent experiences have proven to be true or not.
Your mind delights in the particular now, your delight is in the
details…and analysis, preciseness and orderliness rule the day.
However, you must use this time wisely, for Mercury will only be here for
about two weeks before turning your attentions to Libra’s world…then you and your
thoughts will have to pivot as you consider and dwell upon the nature of your companionships
and your understanding of one another.