Monthly Archives: August 2012

Mercury Turns Direct (August 7–8, 2012)


Stop, hey, what’s that sound
Every­body look what’s going down…”
(For What It’s Worth, by Buf­fa­lo Springfield)

There was more…yes, there was much more than just Venus slip­ping into those wel­com­ing Waters of Can­cer yesterday…

Some­one else was turn­ing too…Slowing down, stand­ing still and paus­ing before the mighty Por­tals of Consciousness…Mercury stood still…and so did your thinking…

You must have sensed it, a shift of ener­gies, a turn­ing in your awareness…a change of tem­pera­ment too…However, what­ev­er and when­ev­er it came through you, you turned too…For you are part of this won­drous sys­tem of Planetaries…and so you there, danc­ing with your com­pan­ions, you turned with Mer­cury too…

For three weeks, you have gone with­in, dig­ging deep into your mind. You were giv­en a mar­velous oppor­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion, re-exam­ine and repair your assump­tions, atti­tudes and thought-forms…You faced delays in projects, agree­ments were put on hold, you encoun­tered mount­ing misunderstandings…for what? So that you could look again at the ques­tion, at the mat­ter, at the oth­er before you and Re-Con­sid­er…You had to go back before you went on…for this is The Way.

This is the Way of Con­scious­ness, this the way of life, this is the way of your journey…This is The Way. You do not trav­el as if fol­low­ing a straight line, nor is it a sim­ple circle…You trav­el with­in a spi­ral dance of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, that flows and sweeps along as it fash­ions your world, because it is your world…and so you must sweep and bow, dip and rise too…and so you will grow into the Greater Understanding…

So, take a breath…it is dif­fer­ent now. You can and must go for­ward… you will make it bet­ter now. You have pon­dered the mys­tery of Mer­cury in Leo…you know bet­ter how to think cre­ative­ly, respec­tive­ly…Lov­ing­ly

You can go for­ward now with your love of self and for the oth­er too…

You can release the beau­ty with­in to join the beau­ty without…

You are ready to go for­ward and be the source…

You turn, you choose…The Way.

Venus Enters Cancer (August 7, 2012)


It’s time…and it has been a long time coming…but the turn­ing is here…Finally!

It is time for you (and your val­ues) to set­tle down, to take a breath and focus…it is time to dwell with­in and dote upon your car­ing and nur­tur­ing self…it is time for you to deep­en, cher­ish and secure the core of you…for your love, for your life.

Venus has been in Gem­i­ni for a long, long, long time…it has been trip­ping through that divert­ing-dis­tract­ing-rest­less-frac­tal realm since April! (Usu­al­ly Venus is a sign for about a month…it has been in Gem­i­ni Four Times as long as usu­al!) No won­der you have had a hard time focus­ing on what you want!

Appar­ent­ly, the Uni­verse want­ed you (and every­one else) to have an extend­ed expe­ri­ence of hav­ing an appre­ci­a­tion for a diver­si­ty of val­ues, a cir­cuitous trip to explore the myr­i­ad ways you can take the mea­sure (and plea­sure) of the world around you…

But that all ends today…for today you turn away from think­ing about val­ue, you turn away from pars­ing your pleasures…today you turn…towards what makes you feel whole, to what brings you back to center…today you come back to your­self, today your val­ues come home again.

What you want, what you tru­ly need is the warm­ing embrace of your past, which will inform your present and show you the way to your future too. You will find that your cher­ished mem­o­ries rise up to meet your present, and as they do, you mar­vel in a release of echoes as the fra­grances of the famil­iar lift you up. You walk in an ever-present déjà-vu that caress­es you with the glo­ri­ous feel­ing that all is right, all is true…that you are home, that you are cared for and caring…and that you are going to be okay.

Today Venus slips into Water…she brings you home to what has always been your cen­ter, what has always been your source…

Venus brings you to the core of you, where a spark of the Divine shines bright and true and is everlasting…

Venus rev­els and rejoic­es as you feel the truth of it…

This is Love…You are Love…

And every­thing is going to be okay.