Venus Squares Saturn (September 3, 2012)


Some­times it just hurts…it just does.

So, what are you sup­posed to do with that? What is this pain for anyway?

Spir­i­tu­al­ly, your pain should be seen as that some­times less than gentle
reminder that the sit­u­a­tion or mat­ter in ques­tion is out of bal­ance. It is
“nature’s way” of let­ting you know that you most like­ly have moved
away from your true path of spir­i­tu­al growth, and that you need to make a
change in order to avoid even greater discomfort.

The pain of this moment is about your val­ues, your under­stand­ing about
beau­ty and your expe­ri­ence of love…Whenever Venus makes a “hard”
aspect to Sat­urn there is going to be a test, a challenge…and you will feel
some pain…and it is all about the nature of Love. The test comes from within
your own inter­nal strug­gle, your chal­lenge to under­stand and accept your­self, but it will
prob­a­bly man­i­fest itself as a chal­lenge between you and some­one else.

Venus is fin­ish­ing her jour­ney through Can­cer as she encoun­ters Sat­urn (who
is now near the end of Libra). Venus in Can­cer seeks to express your love as
nur­tur­ing and pro­tec­tive, so you seek to pro­vide for and/or receive security
from those you love. How­ev­er, if you have doubts about your own self-worth, you
might act from fear and end up being “too nur­tur­ing”. You become unbalanced
and project your fear by attempt­ing to con­trol the other…or you could demand
too much atten­tion from the oth­er because you wish to be tak­en care
of…Either way, it real­ly all orig­i­nates from you not being cen­tered within
your­self, of not hav­ing enough uncon­di­tion­al love for yourself.

Sat­urn comes along to make evi­dent these imbalances…It is not there to
test the rela­tion­ship, though it seems to be doing so…It is real­ly there to provide
clar­i­ty about your rela­tion­ship to your “self”, which is real­ly all
that you need mas­ter. Sat­urn, rep­re­sent­ing Real­i­ty and the lim­i­ta­tions you face
at any point in your life, makes you ques­tion your val­ue of your­self, question
your self-worth…and so you ques­tion your love of self…And it is from this
lack of self-love that then spills out and affects your relationship(s).

What you need to do is accept the chal­lenge of Sat­urn and exam­ine your values,
to under­stand that only through a right, lov­ing rela­tion­ship with your “self”
will you be able to have the same with any oth­er. In fact, the Libra mes­sage of
“Bal­ance” is what this test is all about…To the extent that you
love your­self uncon­di­tion­al­ly, then to that same extent will you be able to
give and receive love from the oth­er too. 

It is always in your power
to make your life a won­der­ful world that is full of light and love…because the
clos­er you draw to your true self the clos­er you will come to the source of
uncon­di­tion­al love that sus­tains this Universe.

Let go of your fears…for you are loved unconditionally…

Turn to the oth­er and smile…for they are beloved too…

Pain be gone…

As Love will love…always.

2 thoughts on “Venus Squares Saturn (September 3, 2012)

  1. Bill Attride

    Dear Cecil­ia,
    I wrote a pri­vate mes­sage to you. There is a lot more to issues with love than just a tough Venus/Saturn aspect! Many plan­e­tary place­ments and com­bi­na­tions con­tribute to our rela­tion­ship experience…if there are “issues” we need to look with­in to see where imbal­ances exist and address them…We are here to grow and the soul will bring expe­ri­ences to us that pro­vide us with this oppor­tu­ni­ty. It is up to us to make the most of these…
    Best regards,


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