Daily Archives: September 3, 2012

Mercury Trine Pluto (September 4, 2012)


Today you will go deep­er

Today you will see more clearly…

Today you will come to a Greater Understanding…

Mercury/Hermes is mak­ing him­self home in the earthy realm that is
Virgo…Your thoughts are turned toward the prac­ti­cal, of ideas and techniques
that work. You are dis­posed to engage your mind to make sense of your­self and
your world…you have but one true. elu­sive and fer­vent wish…to reach your sacred
cen­ter and to have peace of mind!

Today you receive a bless­ing from the beyond…the Watch­er at the edge,
the defin­er of bound­aries and Sacred Spaces, Plu­to brings to Mer­cury the gift
of Insight through one of your most pow­er­ful fac­ul­ties, your focused will. 

To know your­self tru­ly, which is all that you real­ly need, (and is the
one cer­tain path to under­stand­ing your world too), requires the pen­e­trat­ing power
known as Insight…Think upon that word, “Insight”. Exact­ly as it
says, you have the abil­i­ty through insight to see into the heart of any matter,
into the heart of you, and so strip away the appear­ances of things and come to a
clos­er rela­tion­ship with this won­drous life as it tru­ly is.

With Plu­to aligned with Mer­cury you are able to see beyond the accepted
dimen­sion­al space and per­ceive a deep­er real­i­ty. The dilem­mas of the ordinary,
which cast their shad­ows of impass­abil­i­ty, the prob­lems for which no solution
seemed pos­si­ble, are bro­ken up and elim­i­nat­ed by your greater consciousness.

It is easy to acquire a pass­ing under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.
It is what soci­ety requires and expects of you, that you learn enough and then
be able to offer back what the world expects you to know…But it takes Insight
to grow beyond the ordinary…It takes will and deter­mi­na­tion to become more
tru­ly what you must be…for you must become Wise.

With your will con­joined to your con­scious­ness, you can pen­e­trate beyond the
mere­ly accept­ed and move toward the profound…you move ever for­ward, upon the path
that takes you clos­er and clos­er to true spir­i­tu­al understanding. 

The ordi­nary sophis­ti­ca­tion of every­day famil­iar knowl­edge, that filled
you with some mea­sure of pride, will give way to humil­i­ty. This is a sign, that is born
of your greater understanding…for the more you under­stand, the more you know
you do not…not yet.

You look upon the lofty heights and the ancient depths of the wis­dom that
now stands revealed before you…and you are thank­ful for those who now offer a helping
hand…and they always will…

You know that you have tak­en an impor­tant step and you must fol­low the
ever-present injunc­tion of all who came before you…to seek, to strive…to find
your way home…

High­er and high­er, freer and freer…

Because this is your destiny.