Mercury Square Jupiter (September 8, 2012)


Mer­cury slips into the space that the Sun just depart­ed, as you slide
into part two of your dance with the Sun, Jupiter and Mer­cury, (the third and
final piece of this “pas de trois” will take place on Mon­day when
Mer­cury con­juncts the Sun).

Where­as yes­ter­day’s mes­sage con­sid­ered the nature of your path of
self-real­iza­tion, of what con­sti­tutes “good growth”, today’s
align­ment con­cerns the devel­op­ment of your pow­ers of per­cep­tion and
com­mu­ni­ca­tion, of how you know what you know…and how you share it.

Mer­cury is mov­ing through Vir­go, so your observations/analyses are
sharp­er and clear­er and oh so direct…but they may be lack­ing in self-forgiveness
or tol­er­ance. Jupiter, the source for the Truths, Prin­ci­ples and Assumptions
that form your par­a­digm or point of view, is find­ing the great­est delight in
Gem­i­ni’s world of divert­ing diver­si­ties, of the ever-widen­ing mul­ti­plic­i­ty of

Those par­a­digm-per­spec­tives, those Jupi­ter­ian ref­er­ence points, actually
cre­ate and form your world of facts. (Remem­ber, many if not most “facts”
are not things in themselves…your facts are fungible…with dif­fer­ing world or
cul­tur­al views, many so-called “facts” do indeed shift, change or
van­ish). That is why it is so impor­tant to estab­lish your par­a­digm, your point of
view, and coor­di­nate it with whomev­er you wish to communicate…for without
that bridge of under­stand­ing you (and they) will end up with a less than
mean­ing­ful experience. 

This is exact­ly what this Mercury/Jupiter square illus­trates for you. You
are most like­ly, with your present Vir­go dis­po­si­tion, to be unaware that with your
laser-like focus (and your sharp­er judg­ments and tongue) you have some­what disabled
your capac­i­ty to be sen­si­tive and open to the larg­er truth, that your very
assump­tions and cer­tain­ties have blind­ed you to what you need most, a more
inclu­sive understanding. 

Jupiter helps here by chal­leng­ing Mer­cury to expand your frames of reference
and look at real­i­ty from dif­fer­ent angles…It is not as if you have to agree with
these oth­er per­spec­tives or points of view, but you must be aware of them if
you are to under­stand where some­one else may be “com­ing from”.

What will usu­al­ly hap­pen is that as Mer­cury squares Jupiter you will have
an argu­ment or mis­un­der­stand­ing with some­one or a group of people…and it is
pre­cise­ly because you do not share enough com­mon under­stand­ing with one
another…The words you speak and the mes­sage they receive just do not match…

What must you do? You must be open…and you must be hum­ble. You must
stretch your under­stand­ing through Jupiter and appre­ci­ate anoth­er way of being.
Again, as always, there is only one path that you must follow…you must grow.

When­ev­er you face a square, you face a choice…

You can fail to rise to the chal­lenge, retreat into your own space and
live in that dim-lit space you call “my world”…or,

You can open your mind and your heart…you can try to under­stand that
this is your journey…and Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it will for­ev­er seek to provide
you with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to become more than you were…because this is why you
are here…to grow.

It is time to build bet­ter bridges…to reach across I and thou…

It is time to live in truth…to under­stand that “we are all

It is time…

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