Sun Squares Jupiter (September 7, 2012)


You are here to grow, to learn…to become more than you were…

Today you need to pause and con­sid­er the next step…you need to look out
upon your path of growth and pon­der which way seems rea­son­able, sus­tain­able and
mean­ing­ful to you.

The Sun is in Vir­go now, so you are focused and con­cerned about creating
a sus­tain­able, order­ly life that restores your sense of well-being…You want
things to make sense, you want every­thing to be well ordered…you want
what­ev­er moves you clos­er to your place of con­tent­ment, clos­er to your
goal…to have Peace of Mind.

Jupiter is hold­ing forth in Gem­i­ni. The plan­et of Boun­ty and Growth, of Truth
and Prin­ci­ples is tak­ing you upon a jour­ney of won­der, tak­ing delight in
diver­si­ties and dif­fer­ences, of push­ing you into dis­cov­er­ies by explor­ing the
many faceted view­points you should expe­ri­ence as you con­sid­er your world and
what it has to offer.

The Sun in Vir­go now says you need to focus and con­cen­trate, but Jupiter in
Gem­i­ni says you need to expand and diver­si­fy. What are you sup­posed to do when
the Uni­verse presents you with such con­trary indicators? 

Well, as always, the tru­ly spir­i­tu­al way, the noble path of development,
is the path that weaves the strands togeth­er, that sees all as part of one
Greater Truth…the Mid­dle Path is “The Way”…and it is always and ever your Path­way of Synthesis.

This “pause to pon­der” is offered so that you can see the
impor­tance of each of these ways, for each has great mer­it con­sid­ered by itself,
but each only ful­fills its larg­er pur­pose by being part of a greater Cho­rus of Understanding…that each with­out the oth­er would not, could not work. These
two paths or approach­es can only work in bal­anced inte­gra­tion with one another…for
that is how your greater life is to be lived, in har­mo­ny, in wholeness…Poised
and Balanced.

When the Sun is in Vir­go, you can become enam­ored by, cap­ti­vat­ed by the
prac­ti­cal, means-test­ed meth­ods that make sense and seem to serve you well.
How­ev­er, they were cre­at­ed when some­one else ques­tioned, when they became
curi­ous about a bet­ter way and then made it so…And so must you. Jupiter helps
by remind­ing you that just because some­thing is “work­ing”, does not
mean that you should stop learn­ing, try­ing, reaching…growing.

Like­wise, Jupiter in Gem­i­ni can become enam­ored too…drawn to such
exten­sive, divert­ing curiosi­ties that you become lost among all those points of
view, those mul­ti­ple facets of real­i­ty can leave your head spin­ning. You need simplicity
and order…and so thanks to the Sun in Vir­go, you can sep­a­rate the wheat from all
that chaff and bring your har­vest home.

Take this moment, pause and pon­der on your path­way of self-fulfillment…

Be Curi­ous and Wonder…

Be Focused and Mind­ful too…

Be Poised…Be Balanced…and walk the Path of Wisdom!

For this is how you become, this is how you grow!

3 thoughts on “Sun Squares Jupiter (September 7, 2012)

  1. mike

    Hel­lo, Bill…this aspect seems more sig­nif­i­cant when I con­sid­er that Mer­cury will soon par­tic­i­pate. Way back in June, the Sun was con­junct Venus rx at the same posi­tion Jupiter tran­sits currently…Mars was at the same posi­tion the Sun and Mer­cury are cur­rent­ly tran­sit­ing. It would seem to me that the 15–16 degree squares in Gemini/Virgo are mul­ti­fac­eted and an impor­tant theme is at play. What’s your take on this? Thanks always…

  2. Bill Attride

    Dear Mike, Oh yes, this is a rather beau­ti­ful dance of three right now: the Sun, Mer­cury and Jupiter…providing won­der­ful guid­ance for how we under­stand our­selves and our world…

  3. Bill Attride

    Dear Mike,
    Oh yes, this is a rather beau­ti­ful dance of three right now: the Sun, Mer­cury and
    Jupiter…providing won­der­ful guid­ance for how we under­stand our­selves and our
    Bill Attride
    (212) 995‑0889
    skype: william.attride
    Astrol­o­gy Blog
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