Daily Archives: September 14, 2012

New Moon in Virgo (September 15, 2012)


She cross­es again, from the realms of light into the shadowed
spaces…and so you must wait for her, again. You pause in this moment, in the
still of the night…you hold your breath as like her you move through the “in
between”, through that cross­ing point between dark­ness and the light…you
wait for a new begin­ning, as you open your­self to the next release of Spiritual

Tonight it is dark…Luna is hid­den as she opens her­self to receive this gift
of new light, of new under­stand­ing from the Sun in Vir­go. It is your sixth New
Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year…a time of look­ing back and imag­in­ing what comes
next…A sea­son is end­ing so anoth­er may open, and you must pre­pare yourself
for even more change…for Win­ter is Coming…

Each sea­son has a beginning…each holds forth in a time of fulfillment…and
each sea­son has a time that is like a har­vest, a time to gath­er in the previous
lessons and so pre­pare your­self for the next turn­ing in the Wheel of Life…to make ready for
the next sea­son in your journey. 

The New Moon in Vir­go is your time to separate
your wheat from the chaff, to har­vest the mean­ings of your life, those kernels
of spirit…it is your time to release the out­worn habits and forms that served
you well but now must be laid aside so that you may con­tin­ue to grow…

Here at the New Moon of Vir­go you must look with­in and around yourself
too. You seek for order and mean­ing, for a life that makes sense, you move inward
and out­ward as you fol­low the path that leads to Right­eous Living…to beau­ty, grace and
sim­plic­i­ty. You seek the steep­er way, the noble path where you may con­tin­ue to “Walk in Beauty”. 

You must be still and listen…for it is like a whis­per, it will not
shout. For what you seek to hear is the Wind of the Spirit…You must be
atten­tive for only these sacred ener­gies and the under­stand­ing that
they car­ry can bring you what is now your most fer­vent wish…You
want a life lived well, you want to dwell in your Place of Peace. 

The New Moon of Vir­go offers you this gift of a clear-see­ing way, the power
to dis­cern the less­er from the greater, so that you may choose to move away
from suf­fer­ing and con­tin­ue your journey…to walk upon the path of wholeness. 

Vir­go offers you
a way to cut through the noise, chat­ter and dis­trac­tions of your seemingly
com­plex and con­fus­ing world…

So that you can see the essence that lies behind it all…

You appre­ci­ate the greater Reality…

Behind the appear­ances of your world.

And you smile, because
you understand…

It is so simple…so beautiful…to be at Peace…

To Walk in Beauty!