Pluto Turns Direct (September 17, 2012)


The Lord of Will and Bound­aries is turning…and there is much unfold­ing in
the world now (and much more that will be unveiled soon) that is under his
sway…Changes such as these have not been seen for over 200 years…

For you per­son­al­ly, the focus of will is turn­ing again at this time…Pluto
turn­ing direct points you out­ward, towards the worlds you have made. Plu­to turns
your atten­tion to your pow­er of reality-making…and there is change in the

The past five months, since April 2012, Plu­to swept through the inner realms
of your nature, your will was best used for clear­ing your
sacred space within…Now with this turn­ing, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work on
the sacred space around your­self too! (Of course, through­out the year, you engage
your will con­tin­u­ous­ly, like in a del­i­cate dance of back and forth, of in and
out, between your inner deter­mi­na­tions and out­er exertions…Pluto’s direction
pro­vides an empha­sis, and that point of empha­sis has shift­ed now).

Much as you could and should have focused since April upon clear­ing your
inner sacred space of your shad­ows, to lessen your doubts, anx­i­eties, fears and
emo­tion­al com­plex­es, now you are encour­aged to move from that clear­er space
with­in and seek to lift those shad­ows you project around your­self too. It is
time to break up old pat­terns of inter­ac­tion that were shaped, bound and
lim­it­ed by those doubts, anx­i­eties and fears and move into more lov­ing patterns
of emo­tion­al con­nec­tiv­i­ty between your sacred space and the sacred space of any

As always, the key to the right exer­cise of your Will, of your Pluto
pow­er, is self-control…You must ever seek to remain cen­tered with­in your own
sacred space as you hon­or the sacred­ness of every oth­er space around you too. For
every being is of spir­it, every being resides in its own sacred space.

To the extent, that you have achieved more self-mas­tery, that you have
secured more self-con­trol, then to that same extent will you be able to form
mean­ing­ful unions with oth­er self-mas­ter­ful, cen­tered souls as well…You join
togeth­er will­ing­ly with­out the doubts and fears that had lim­it­ed your mutual
sup­port of one another.

It is then that Plu­to’s Pow­er will stand revealed…

In Mys­tery and Mag­ic, a time of renew­al and rebirth we will see…

As you, and your com­pan­ions change one another…

And the world becomes what you Will it to Be.

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