Daily Archives: September 19, 2012

Mercury Opposes Uranus & Squares Pluto (September 20, 2012)


The strug­gle between Freer Minds
and Sacred Spaces focus­es upon your mind today as Mer­cury finds itself caught
betwixt and between these two great Lords…

It’s ” Déjà Vu”
all over again…Similar to the align­ments on June 11 when Mer­cury felt the
squeeze play of Uranus and Plu­to, these two Lords of Trans­for­ma­tion are teaming
up again and Mer­cury is caught in the middle…what does this mean for you?

Uranus, “The Awak­en­er” is oppo­site Mer­cury this time, so those
con­trary cur­rents he brings to you seem to come from beyond your­self, beyond
your present focus on Libra and your rela­tion­ships. Uranus reminds you of the
need to assert your­self and your own mind (Aries) even as you seek the poise,
grace and bal­ance of shared expe­ri­ences (Libra) with your com­pan­ions. Uranus is
there to escort you beyond your assump­tions and points of view, offer­ing you
alter­na­tives that will bend your mind upon new path­ways and outcomes. 

Uranus is always here to encour­age you to remain true to the realization
of your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty through your most won­drous gift, a Free Mind. Uranus
reminds you now that this can only be true when you cre­ate a shared space of
self-real­iza­tion that acknowl­edges and encour­ages the Freer Mind of yourself
and equal­ly accords that same mea­sure of free­dom for your com­pan­ions too.

Open­ing your mind to con­sid­er new (and hope­ful­ly) more evolved ways of
shar­ing with one anoth­er is not always easy, but it is nec­es­sary if you and
your com­pan­ions are to con­tin­ue to grow as indi­vid­u­als, and to move beyond the
old spaces that formed and bound­ed your rela­tion­ship. How­ev­er, it is without
any ques­tion essen­tial and nec­es­sary to be open to this oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth
when your sacred spaces are also being pushed and pulled by Plu­to at the same

Plu­to, Ruler of Will and Sacred Spaces, is squar­ing Mer­cury this time, so
you feel the added pow­er (and pres­sure) to secure, pro­tect and grow your space
of ideas and self-real­iza­tion, to advo­cate for your beliefs, to assert your
truths. But, how do you do this in the con­text of oth­er will­ing beings who will
seek to sway, per­suade or force you towards their points of view too?

When Plu­to is pushing/pulling (as in the Square aspect), it seems as if
you need to employ your will to con­vince anoth­er of your point of view…or you
need to defend your­self as they brow­beat you with theirs…But this is only a
mis­un­der­stand­ing and mis­use of the sacred pow­er of will. 

You must always keep sacred your space, which includes your sacred space
of thought. Only by being cen­tered in your sacred tem­ple of thought can you
come into align­ment with your high­er self, your true beloved who has always
been ready, will­ing and able to lead you onto the high­er paths of consciousness.
These paths can­not be dis­cov­ered nor dis­cerned by you if you are too distracted
by the noise and tumult with­in or around you. 

Just as you can only find your way to high­er truth by secur­ing your
sacred realm of thought, you must respect, hon­or and pro­tect the jour­ney of
con­scious­ness that every oth­er soul is upon as well…You will not find your way to
truth alone, and oth­ers will help you on that path in gen­tle and less gen­tle ways. 

The cir­cuitous jour­ney to Wis­dom takes many turns and twists, and to accomplish
this unfold­ment it is very much part of the plan to debate and argue, to
per­suade or dis­suade with one another…but you must not, can­not be forced to
truth. Like­wise, even if you have dis­cov­ered “IT”, even if you know
you have “IT”, you should there­fore know (espe­cial­ly if you do have
it!) that you must allow oth­ers to find their own way to the greater
under­stand­ing too, for oth­er­wise it will not be true for them.

The strug­gle of Plu­to, the strug­gle with the Will, is always about
control…Self-Control. You must main­tain your own integri­ty of space as you
respect the sacred spaces of oth­ers too. When­ev­er you find your­self in a
bat­tle, a bat­tle of wills, the only vic­to­ry you should be seek­ing is that of
the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior. The vic­to­ry you tru­ly seek is over your low­er self and
ego, over your own pride and need to be “right”.

Instead, you should always seek to use your will to extend the cir­cle of
under­stand­ing in the world. You need to join in ones and twos and threes, and
be build­ing those rain­bow bridges of sym­pa­thy so that new shared, sacred spaces
of under­stand­ing can be estab­lished, nur­tured and expand­ed. You need to keep
advanc­ing the cause of understanding.…for this is how you dis­pel the shad­ows that come from

Uranus offers his gift…Think Freely!

Plu­to offers his gift…Create Sacred Space!

Now! It’s up to you!