Daily Archives: September 21, 2012

Sun Enters Libra, The Fall Equinox (September 22, 2012)


The Promise Kept…The Rain­bow Bridge Shines Eternal

You have come to this moment, to this most spe­cial turn­ing in your yearly
jour­ney through the Signs of Life. Wheel­ing round your gold­en heart, your brightly
burn­ing Star, you can espy in the slow­ly soft­en­ing light an arrival, it is a
New Sea­son here on Earth. 

Those slant­i­ng rays and play­ful shad­ows reveal new
path­ways, ven­tures and dis­cov­er­ies that lie ahead. You look back, you look
for­ward, you pause to con­sid­er, you are halfway through this Astro­log­i­cal year…What have you learned and what comes next…for you can sense it, a change is in the

You have passed through Fire and Earth, through Air and Water too. Now you stand at the point of Equi­lib­ri­um, the Bal­anced Beam­ing Point, it
is the Autum­nal Equinox and the Earth bows nei­ther left nor right, you have
reached a cross­ing point for the Light. You face this Por­tal, a Bridge to new
beginnings…with Equal Day and Equal Night…you breathe in, you breathe out…And
you know, it is time.

You cross the threshold…this time you will enter through the Realms of Thought…You
make your approach this time in Air, for you walk in Libra’s realm. It is
nec­es­sary, right and true to think it through now, to under­stand your world in
a New Light, from a new per­spec­tive, as you move from Sub­jec­tive to Objective,
from your Inner Sen­si­bil­i­ty to Out­er Awareness…you move into new spaces and
you need to con­sid­er anoth­er way. You must take some time to pause and consider
what oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges await you now, what do you face in this second
half of your jour­ney, for this is the oth­er part of your story…

The Sec­ond Half is about your “Oth­er Half”, it is about your
jour­ney of Self through the oth­er (and others)…it is your sto­ry of Relationship.
For you are nev­er alone, Not Ever. But you will con­front illu­sions all along
this path of Light and Shad­ow, at every step and turn. Per­haps none is greater or more
painful than this: to be bereft, in a bar­ren world of empti­ness, to be over­whelmed by lone­li­ness, to face the
fear of separation…that you will be alone.

But this is Illu­sion, this is com­plete­ly untrue! Your con­stant companion,
the tru­ly beloved, that you know as your High­er Self, wish­es you to see this
now through the expe­ri­ence of shar­ing and car­ing. By reach­ing across the space
between I and Thou, you span the seem­ing chasm that divid­ed the One and the
many, as you build togeth­er with your beloved those Bridges of Destiny.

It is true that in the core of your being, you know this, you know that
all are part of the One Great Life, the One Breath of Spir­it. But you need to
expe­ri­ence this now in a tan­gi­ble way, by the con­scious cre­ation of relationships
with oth­ers, by mutu­al sup­port, of love and car­ing for one anoth­er, by fol­low­ing the path­way of growth that is to be found in and through one another…You need rela­tion­ship to be Real.

You stand before the gates of part­ner­ship, before the Scales of Libra…for
you wish to belong to anoth­er and so do they to you. Each gate­way requires a
sac­ri­fice, so you must offer some­thing up…you and your offer­ing must be
weighed upon the Scales of Life in order to answer the ques­tion, “Are
you ready for, are you wor­thy of this fuller mea­sure of life…are you ready to
enter into the Holy Space of I and Thou.” 

But what is to be offered, what trea­sure is wor­thy of the such a precious
reward? In the still­ness and the silence, a qui­et voice from with­in your heart
will answer, “You have all that you require in your one priceless
trea­sure, the con­stant burn­ing flame of Cre­ation, the source of all
value…which you know as Love.” You need but extend your self-regard, to
sac­ri­fice your ego and fear, and so encom­pass the oth­er with love, to love the
oth­er as you love yourself…for you must act now to cre­ate the con­di­tions for
your shared sacred space of We.

To love the oth­er as one­self, to tru­ly walk this Rain­bow Bridge between one
and all, is what you must do in order to live in truth…That Love, the truth
that reflects what resides at the heart of Cre­ation, is the bind­ing force for
each and every…That all are One, all are loved…as you are love. 

The wheel has turned, your bridge is waiting…

The Sign, a Promise, from One to all…

Your Rain­bow Bridge…

Of Light and Love…

Spans from Heart to Heart…

And to Heav­en above.