Today is a day for Right Thinking!
When your Lower Mind (Mercury) is graced by the bountifully benefic Jupiter
(Higher Mind), you are able to effortlessly integrate the near at hand and the
far away…you can show your adeptness with the myriad details of what’s before
you while remaining wondrous and wide-open to the bigger picture too.
You are not mired in micromanaging, confounded by the details, nor
painting with such big brush strokes that you overlook important particulars. You
are able to dance the integral dance that weaves together the development of
your Intelligence and Wisdom. Your adaptive perceptive mind easily shifts among
a wide range of many perspectives, while being guided and centered within an
unfolding expansion of more inclusive principles and truths.
Jupiter in Gemini encourages your openness to explore differing paradigms
and approaches that helps Mercury in Libra bridge the gap between yourself
and your partner. Today is a day you can meet one another with a greater appreciation for how your differences are not problems to be overcome. Instead, they are the fountain-source of how you can help one another to illuminate what you each would not have seen without the help of the other.
Today you will think more clearly…
Today you will communicate with more understanding…
Always together, you are here to build.…
Better bridges on your path to Wisdom.