Full Moon in Aries (September 29, 2012)


Every Full Moon is special…each presents a rev­e­la­tion to you about your
jour­ney. But this one, well this one is very spe­cial as it Illu­mi­nates the pre­vi­ous
regard­ing the Sun/Uranus/Pluto alignment…

The Winds of the Spir­it are blow­ing stronger today and tonight…But are
you open to these prompt­ings, are you lis­ten­ing to your soul? 

This tru­ly “Har­vest Moon” reminds you of the one fundamental
fact of your exis­tence: You are a unique being, a remark­able spark of the One
Divine Flame, but you are not apart and alone…Every oth­er being that you encounter is
also a spark of this Divine Spir­it too! 

This is the Rev­e­la­tion of Libra as reflect­ed in the Aries Moon…that for
every “I” there is your “Thou”. You will walk upon many
path­ways and worlds togeth­er, life after life, and reveal to and for one
anoth­er The Mystery…That you are sep­a­rate yet togeth­er for all time. You are the One and the Many and your jour­ney and des­tiny are bound­ed and secured by a love
for one anoth­er and to the greater love for one and all.

Libra pulls you to the oth­er now, as you long for, live for, give all to the
rela­tion­ship so that your part­ner becomes your guid­ing center…for it is from
with­in them, yes you see a light that shines upon you, and you smile in this
mar­velous mir­ror­ing rev­e­la­tion of your own true self through the soul-filled
eyes of your beloved…

Yet it is the pur­pose of this Aries Moon to remind you in and through this very reflection,
from the oth­er back upon you, to always remem­ber to keep the bal­ance between
the “I and Thou”. For your “I”, your space of you, is your Sacred Space. 

That you must, in order to cre­ate and sus­tain your “We”, ever affirm your unique­ness, and keep holy your own sacred space of you…for this is inte­gral to there
being any mean­ing­ful spir­i­tu­al rela­tion­ship whatsoever. 

This is the rev­e­la­tion of Libra/Aries, this is the mes­sage of your Luna
ris­ing now: 

That as you draw clos­er to one another…

As you build your sacred
Rain­bow Bridges of Des­tiny together…

You must equal­ly be true to your­self in
order to be true to one another.

So be it!

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