Daily Archives: September 30, 2012

2012 Radio Interview — Theme for USA in 2012, Uranus Transit to USA Jupiter


This excerpt from my lat­est radio inter­view con­cerns the major tran­sit affect­ing the Unit­ed States in 2012, the Square of Uranus to the USA Jupiter. I had pre­vi­ous­ly ana­lyzed this in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2012 which you can read here: 2012 Gen­er­al Fore­cast- USA.

The essen­tial point I made then was that Jupiter pro­vides this cen­tral theme to the USA character:

Jupiter in Can­cer holds the USA to this essen­tial truth:

That we are
bound to one anoth­er through hon­or­ing the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of the
dig­ni­ty, worth and sacred nature of each and every indi­vid­ual as equals.
Amer­i­ca was found­ed upon this sacred com­pact that here any­one could
come and seek to ful­fill them­selves by join­ing in this tru­ly new form of
soci­ety based upon free asso­ci­a­tion. Our rela­tion­ships with one another
are found­ed upon this essen­tial truth; which means that we relate to
one anoth­er from this cen­tral tenet, this expe­ri­ence of hon­or­ing the
essen­tial spir­i­tu­al core of each of us, a spir­i­tu­al core which is sacred
and free, behold­en to no oth­er pow­er, to no lord, to no mas­ter or king.
The only “lord” that we acknowl­edge is what we have togeth­er agreed to
be bound by, our sacred com­pact with one anoth­er which is embod­ied in
the law. 


Here is the record­ing of the interview:

Radio Inter­view on Uranus to Jupiter