Monthly Archives: September 2012

New Moon in Virgo (September 15, 2012)


She cross­es again, from the realms of light into the shadowed
spaces…and so you must wait for her, again. You pause in this moment, in the
still of the night…you hold your breath as like her you move through the “in
between”, through that cross­ing point between dark­ness and the light…you
wait for a new begin­ning, as you open your­self to the next release of Spiritual

Tonight it is dark…Luna is hid­den as she opens her­self to receive this gift
of new light, of new under­stand­ing from the Sun in Vir­go. It is your sixth New
Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year…a time of look­ing back and imag­in­ing what comes
next…A sea­son is end­ing so anoth­er may open, and you must pre­pare yourself
for even more change…for Win­ter is Coming…

Each sea­son has a beginning…each holds forth in a time of fulfillment…and
each sea­son has a time that is like a har­vest, a time to gath­er in the previous
lessons and so pre­pare your­self for the next turn­ing in the Wheel of Life…to make ready for
the next sea­son in your journey. 

The New Moon in Vir­go is your time to separate
your wheat from the chaff, to har­vest the mean­ings of your life, those kernels
of spirit…it is your time to release the out­worn habits and forms that served
you well but now must be laid aside so that you may con­tin­ue to grow…

Here at the New Moon of Vir­go you must look with­in and around yourself
too. You seek for order and mean­ing, for a life that makes sense, you move inward
and out­ward as you fol­low the path that leads to Right­eous Living…to beau­ty, grace and
sim­plic­i­ty. You seek the steep­er way, the noble path where you may con­tin­ue to “Walk in Beauty”. 

You must be still and listen…for it is like a whis­per, it will not
shout. For what you seek to hear is the Wind of the Spirit…You must be
atten­tive for only these sacred ener­gies and the under­stand­ing that
they car­ry can bring you what is now your most fer­vent wish…You
want a life lived well, you want to dwell in your Place of Peace. 

The New Moon of Vir­go offers you this gift of a clear-see­ing way, the power
to dis­cern the less­er from the greater, so that you may choose to move away
from suf­fer­ing and con­tin­ue your journey…to walk upon the path of wholeness. 

Vir­go offers you
a way to cut through the noise, chat­ter and dis­trac­tions of your seemingly
com­plex and con­fus­ing world…

So that you can see the essence that lies behind it all…

You appre­ci­ate the greater Reality…

Behind the appear­ances of your world.

And you smile, because
you understand…

It is so simple…so beautiful…to be at Peace…

To Walk in Beauty!

Mercury Conjunct Sun (September 10, 2012)


Here is the final act of your three-part plan­e­tary dance…and it is a

Mer­cury aligns with the Sun, but this con­junc­tion is on “the
far-side” of the Sun, away from you on Earth…so it is real­ly like a
“Full Moon” and refers back to the pri­or “New Moon” which
occurred dur­ing Mer­cury’s ret­ro­grade con­junc­tion with the Sun on July 28.
Here is what I wrote about that release of Under­stand­ing, which was a
“Seed­ing of Mean­ing”, the begin­ning of what you can har­vest now in this Mercury

More often than you might like to
admit, you may fall into error because you have a point of view that you feel
you must uphold and defend, (even if you have your own mis­giv­ings or doubts
about it), you hold firm because to admit that you were incor­rect or wrong
would be embar­rass­ing to you. So…you hold when you should yield, you dig in
when you should give way and the pain you cre­ate is equal to the pain that you
will face lat­er on…for that is the law, that is Karma.

But Her­mes shows you the way
through these shad­owed path­ways of the low­er self, of your ego…for the true
Leo way is the path­way of Love and Under­stand­ing. That rather than see­ing your
view as the one and only, the one true way, you extend and encom­pass through
your High­er Self the Uncon­di­tion­al Love that links one and all, you extend your
Self as you embrace the oth­er before you whom you love as you love yourself…

And it is this greater
under­stand­ing, to love the oth­er as one­self, which leads to the break­ing down
of your more lim­it­ed views as you blend or incor­po­rate a more inclu­sive view
with and through the oth­er, as they do like­wise through you. For this is the
truth of it, what stands before you is a spark of the Divine, the Self-Same
source as your Divine Flame, and for this rea­son you are held togeth­er in the
all-encom­pass­ing Love of this One Divine Spir­it, for­ev­er and always…

Today that Seed­ing of Meaning
has brought forth its fruit…the mes­sage offered to you now is found­ed upon
the dra­mat­ic inter­play between the Sun and Mer­cury in Vir­go, while Earth (and
you) sail through the oppo­site realm of Pisces. What stands revealed to you

Just as in any Full Moon, the inter­play between oppo­site signs
illus­trates the dynam­ic and nec­es­sary inter­de­pen­dence of the Twelve-Fold
ener­gies that make-up this uni­verse. Each sign’s growth and devel­op­ment is
found­ed upon the inter­con­nec­tion with, and can only hap­pen through, the
unfold­ing expe­ri­ence of every oth­er sign…but what is most spe­cial is how each
sign forms a func­tion­al whole, being paired and joined in an integral
rela­tion­ship with its oppo­site sign. 

The Sun/Mercury (Vir­go) and the Earth/You (Pisces) mes­sage is about the
most spe­cial rela­tion­ship between your Gift of Dream­ing and your Pow­er of
Mak­ing. These two Prin­ci­ples reside with­in you and are cen­tral to the story
that is Cre­ation. It is your Pisces Faith and Imag­i­na­tion that is for­ev­er conjoined
with your Vir­go Dis­cern­ment and Crafts­man­ship that have togeth­er Dreamed and Worked
to make your world…Each with­out the oth­er would be incom­plete; each balanced
by the oth­er is how you walk the path of self-fulfillment.

For you (and every­one else) have made this world, you are one of the
count­less co-cre­ators of this bright blue ball that spins in the deep. You
dreamt those dreams that became your thoughts that became your actions that
formed this world…and now you walk in the Dream­ing that became Reality… 

And it from this know­ing, of under­stand­ing your Dream­ing and Mak­ing, that
you will find, secure and move ahead with your Faith renewed, with even brighter
Dreams towards a Greater Real­i­ty. For what you have made, this present reality
of “won­der and woe” is only this moment you call “now”, one of a con­tin­u­al­ly unfold­ing series of cre­ations. Mercury/Hermes offers you this great com­fort, the
knowl­edge that you can, that you will change your­self and the world again, just as you have done countless
times before. 

You have re-imag­ined real­i­ty (again and again), you will craft your world (bet­ter and bet­ter). You will con­tin­ue to unfold this Dreaming-Making
won­der that is you, mea­sure for mea­sure, as your self-mas­tery and understanding
grows…And so too will all of your fel­low trav­el­ers dream and make these new worlds
with you…as you Dream and Make on this bright spin­ning ball of blue…

Mercury/Hermes has brought you to a greater Under­stand­ing in Leo…

From your foun­tain-source of Uncon­di­tion­al Love for one another…

And now you stand before the por­tals, the Alpha and Omega that is Virgo
and Pisces…

You have your Faith, You know what to Do…

You are the Dreamer…You are the Maker…

You are the Dream-Walkers…

On this ever brighter, beau­ti­ful ball of blue…

Mercury Square Jupiter (September 8, 2012)


Mer­cury slips into the space that the Sun just depart­ed, as you slide
into part two of your dance with the Sun, Jupiter and Mer­cury, (the third and
final piece of this “pas de trois” will take place on Mon­day when
Mer­cury con­juncts the Sun).

Where­as yes­ter­day’s mes­sage con­sid­ered the nature of your path of
self-real­iza­tion, of what con­sti­tutes “good growth”, today’s
align­ment con­cerns the devel­op­ment of your pow­ers of per­cep­tion and
com­mu­ni­ca­tion, of how you know what you know…and how you share it.

Mer­cury is mov­ing through Vir­go, so your observations/analyses are
sharp­er and clear­er and oh so direct…but they may be lack­ing in self-forgiveness
or tol­er­ance. Jupiter, the source for the Truths, Prin­ci­ples and Assumptions
that form your par­a­digm or point of view, is find­ing the great­est delight in
Gem­i­ni’s world of divert­ing diver­si­ties, of the ever-widen­ing mul­ti­plic­i­ty of

Those par­a­digm-per­spec­tives, those Jupi­ter­ian ref­er­ence points, actually
cre­ate and form your world of facts. (Remem­ber, many if not most “facts”
are not things in themselves…your facts are fungible…with dif­fer­ing world or
cul­tur­al views, many so-called “facts” do indeed shift, change or
van­ish). That is why it is so impor­tant to estab­lish your par­a­digm, your point of
view, and coor­di­nate it with whomev­er you wish to communicate…for without
that bridge of under­stand­ing you (and they) will end up with a less than
mean­ing­ful experience. 

This is exact­ly what this Mercury/Jupiter square illus­trates for you. You
are most like­ly, with your present Vir­go dis­po­si­tion, to be unaware that with your
laser-like focus (and your sharp­er judg­ments and tongue) you have some­what disabled
your capac­i­ty to be sen­si­tive and open to the larg­er truth, that your very
assump­tions and cer­tain­ties have blind­ed you to what you need most, a more
inclu­sive understanding. 

Jupiter helps here by chal­leng­ing Mer­cury to expand your frames of reference
and look at real­i­ty from dif­fer­ent angles…It is not as if you have to agree with
these oth­er per­spec­tives or points of view, but you must be aware of them if
you are to under­stand where some­one else may be “com­ing from”.

What will usu­al­ly hap­pen is that as Mer­cury squares Jupiter you will have
an argu­ment or mis­un­der­stand­ing with some­one or a group of people…and it is
pre­cise­ly because you do not share enough com­mon under­stand­ing with one
another…The words you speak and the mes­sage they receive just do not match…

What must you do? You must be open…and you must be hum­ble. You must
stretch your under­stand­ing through Jupiter and appre­ci­ate anoth­er way of being.
Again, as always, there is only one path that you must follow…you must grow.

When­ev­er you face a square, you face a choice…

You can fail to rise to the chal­lenge, retreat into your own space and
live in that dim-lit space you call “my world”…or,

You can open your mind and your heart…you can try to under­stand that
this is your journey…and Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it will for­ev­er seek to provide
you with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to become more than you were…because this is why you
are here…to grow.

It is time to build bet­ter bridges…to reach across I and thou…

It is time to live in truth…to under­stand that “we are all

It is time…

Sun Squares Jupiter (September 7, 2012)


You are here to grow, to learn…to become more than you were…

Today you need to pause and con­sid­er the next step…you need to look out
upon your path of growth and pon­der which way seems rea­son­able, sus­tain­able and
mean­ing­ful to you.

The Sun is in Vir­go now, so you are focused and con­cerned about creating
a sus­tain­able, order­ly life that restores your sense of well-being…You want
things to make sense, you want every­thing to be well ordered…you want
what­ev­er moves you clos­er to your place of con­tent­ment, clos­er to your
goal…to have Peace of Mind.

Jupiter is hold­ing forth in Gem­i­ni. The plan­et of Boun­ty and Growth, of Truth
and Prin­ci­ples is tak­ing you upon a jour­ney of won­der, tak­ing delight in
diver­si­ties and dif­fer­ences, of push­ing you into dis­cov­er­ies by explor­ing the
many faceted view­points you should expe­ri­ence as you con­sid­er your world and
what it has to offer.

The Sun in Vir­go now says you need to focus and con­cen­trate, but Jupiter in
Gem­i­ni says you need to expand and diver­si­fy. What are you sup­posed to do when
the Uni­verse presents you with such con­trary indicators? 

Well, as always, the tru­ly spir­i­tu­al way, the noble path of development,
is the path that weaves the strands togeth­er, that sees all as part of one
Greater Truth…the Mid­dle Path is “The Way”…and it is always and ever your Path­way of Synthesis.

This “pause to pon­der” is offered so that you can see the
impor­tance of each of these ways, for each has great mer­it con­sid­ered by itself,
but each only ful­fills its larg­er pur­pose by being part of a greater Cho­rus of Understanding…that each with­out the oth­er would not, could not work. These
two paths or approach­es can only work in bal­anced inte­gra­tion with one another…for
that is how your greater life is to be lived, in har­mo­ny, in wholeness…Poised
and Balanced.

When the Sun is in Vir­go, you can become enam­ored by, cap­ti­vat­ed by the
prac­ti­cal, means-test­ed meth­ods that make sense and seem to serve you well.
How­ev­er, they were cre­at­ed when some­one else ques­tioned, when they became
curi­ous about a bet­ter way and then made it so…And so must you. Jupiter helps
by remind­ing you that just because some­thing is “work­ing”, does not
mean that you should stop learn­ing, try­ing, reaching…growing.

Like­wise, Jupiter in Gem­i­ni can become enam­ored too…drawn to such
exten­sive, divert­ing curiosi­ties that you become lost among all those points of
view, those mul­ti­ple facets of real­i­ty can leave your head spin­ning. You need simplicity
and order…and so thanks to the Sun in Vir­go, you can sep­a­rate the wheat from all
that chaff and bring your har­vest home.

Take this moment, pause and pon­der on your path­way of self-fulfillment…

Be Curi­ous and Wonder…

Be Focused and Mind­ful too…

Be Poised…Be Balanced…and walk the Path of Wisdom!

For this is how you become, this is how you grow!

Venus Enters Leo (September 6, 2012)


Venus is skip­ping into Leo for
about a month…it is time to draw apart the cur­tains, time for your love to
take the stage…that’s right, there is Romance in the air!

Venus/Aphrodite has been
splash­ing through the waters of Can­cer for about a month, as you felt your way
home­ward, as you sought to find, nur­ture and secure the well-spring of your
love…which is your eter­nal flame of self-regard, your bright­ly shin­ing High­er Self.

Now, hav­ing secured your center,
Venus moves into Leo’s fire and you need to release what you feel! (For how
could you not?) You move out­ward through e‑motion, as you express and share the
love that you have with­in you.

And, what will you find? You will
find your love reflect­ed in the smiles of all whom you love, in the eyes of your Beloved…for as you love so
shall you be loved too! For love begets love. Love is life lived in spiritual

The fun­da­men­tal force that holds
all togeth­er is this truth, it is this Love…That you are already, in the core
of you, in your heart of hearts, you are for­ev­er and always one with one
anoth­er because each and every, one and all…are the count­less shin­ing sparks of the One
Cen­tral Flame. 

Love was, is and will always be
your reality…We are all relat­ed, we are all loved…For we are all ones of
the One for­ev­er and ever…And it is time, (it is always time!) to live this
truth, to be this truth. Let Venus be your guide…

Dance and Sing…

Be lov­ing…

Be your­self…
