Mars Conjunct North Node in Scorpio (October 2, 2012)


You will not see this…no, not this nor many oth­er things that are
“veiled”…but it is happening…and you need to become more aware of what is all around you! 

For this is fun­da­men­tal: Space is filled with con­scious­ness, the vastness
through which we move is not a noth­ing or empty…It is a Full­ness that is made of a host of
energies/entities. It is, as the Greeks called it, a won­drous “Plero­ma”,
and every sin­gle infin­i­tes­i­mal point with­in it is at its core a spark of Divine
Consciousness…evolving, unfold­ing, devel­op­ing from with­in outwards…ever
grow­ing and ever becoming. 

From the small­est ele­ments that we can ascer­tain, from what we call
atom­ic par­ti­cles to the stars (and beyond), (and we humans find our­selves residing
about mid­way between the atoms and those stars), every one of these evolving
con­scious­ness-cen­ters are the “chil­dren”, the sparks that have orig­i­nat­ed and emanat­ed from the
Greater cir­cum­scrib­ing Con­scious­ness that some call the One, the Divine, the All…or
per­haps, more humbly and just sim­ply, the Unknowable.

This mag­nif­i­cent self-lumi­nous, evolv­ing host of mind becomes
par­tic­u­lar­ized, each being cen­tered with­in a point of aware­ness. That over
eons and eons of devel­op­ment, these foci of sim­ple aware­ness unfold to become self-aware…and
then they even­tu­al­ly become cos­mi­cal­ly aware…until they become supremely
aware or achieve Cos­mic Con­scious­ness with­in this Cosmos.

Today, Mars is com­ing to the end of his time in Scor­pio and is crossing
over one of these “points in Space”…Mars is cross­ing over the
Dhar­ma point, the North Node of the Moon. One Point of Aware­ness meets with
anoth­er, and they offer through their union, as all points when they meet with
one anoth­er, a mes­sage for you. 

Mars in Scor­pio has been pro­vid­ing the impe­tus to go deep­er, probe harder
and reveal more tru­ly, what stands behind the appear­ances of this world. Mars
in Scor­pio digs down to uncov­er the secrets buried beneath the phe­nom­e­na of the
world…he takes you behind the Veil of Isis so that you might move from this
world of shad­ows and clos­er to the Light. 

Mars is encoun­ter­ing the Point of
Dhar­ma mov­ing through Scor­pio, which, as I recent­ly described in my blog, carries
this meaning: 

The Scor­pio North Node asks you to
focus upon the need for emo­tion­al rebirth that you can and should expe­ri­ence as
the fruit of over­com­ing your sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er. How do you do this? 

You move into deep­er unions
through being both true to your­self while you make nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices for one
anoth­er. To do so, you must let go of the less­er “things” in your
life, the things that may keep you sep­a­rate from one anoth­er. How­ev­er, you must
always hon­or the greater val­ues that can and should hold you togeth­er, the ones
that brought you togeth­er, and the ones that hold you to one another…because
these are the fun­da­men­tal val­ues that you share. It is by join­ing with one
anoth­er in your union that you can expand, trans­form and grow…together.

The Tau­rus South Node is there to
remind you about the beau­ty of last­ing val­ue, of hav­ing and holding
“some­thing” that is, at least for you, eter­nal or of ever-lasting
value…of what you wish to hold to and nev­er let go. How­ev­er, if you hold too
much to your own par­tic­u­lar form of val­ue, if you give into your fears of loss
and hold to self­ish pos­ses­sive­ness, you become bound to and blind­ed by your own
things, and you fail to com­bine, share and grow through one another. 

By doing this, your poten­tial for
growth beyond your more lim­it­ed form of life is not pos­si­ble. For it is only
when two or three or more are joined togeth­er, when joined in com­mon cause or
pur­pose, only then do you expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Union with the beloved…of
being more than a one and of becom­ing much more than you could ever have been
by yourself.

Mars brings to this cycle of Dhar­ma a moment of clar­i­ty, of your
see­ing-through to a deep­er under­stand­ing of what is being asked of you here…It
does this and adds a most nec­es­sary ele­ment…Pas­sion.

Mars stirs your desire, which will help you to make that leap across the divide between “I and Thou”, for Union only
comes when you extend your­self into a space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. You must be strong…you must be brave and fearless…you must take a chance. You must make that leap of faith, if you are to tru­ly expe­ri­ence self-tran­scen­dence, to
let go of the less­er sense of your­self, to let go of your fear and dis­cov­er the greater where it is to be found…in and through the union with one

Mars touch­es Dhar­ma, the Way of Union beckons…

Your Desire, your pas­sion for one another…

Is met by the arch­ing, heart­felt bridge you forge…

That reach­es ‘cross this Maya of Separation…

To reveal, there at the center… 

From each to the other…

Shines the light Eter­nal, the Nameless…

The One.

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