Daily Archives: October 2, 2012

Venus Enters Virgo (October 2–3, 2012)


True Love…is in the details! 

Those lit­tle things, they mat­ter. They add up and show that, even when no
one is watch­ing, when no one is ask­ing for or seek­ing it, that you are showing
your inten­tions… by your atten­tion to the needs of the other. 

Because it is right, because you care…and because the most important
truth each Spir­i­tu­al Teacher has taught is this: You are here to be here for
one another…your high­est duty, your great­est role is quite simply,
beau­ti­ful­ly and lov­ing­ly to be of Ser­vice to one another.

The Leo time for Venus, of grand ges­tures and bold demon­stra­tions, must
yield now to the prac­ti­cal mat­ters that make up your real, dai­ly life with one
anoth­er. Romance is nec­es­sary, yes…but what hap­pens when the spot­light is no
longer on, when the audi­ence drifts away…what hap­pens then? The one or two
hours on stage is the easy part…it is what you do, day after day, hour after
hour that is weighed upon the scales of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Venus in Vir­go brings you to the val­ue of being more per­cep­tive, more
atten­tive and unflinch­ing­ly self-crit­i­cal regard­ing what you hold within
your­self and what you wish for in the world around you. You show your love by
offer­ing advice, by pro­vid­ing prac­ti­cal solu­tions as you form the bridge
between dreams and reality.

By bring­ing the ide­al into the real, by draw­ing down the dream and continuously
mold­ing your life with­in and with­out to these ever-chang­ing worlds you move
through, you can live the life of gra­cious­ness and ease, the life that is
cre­ative and lov­ing, that is liv­able and sustainable…because you are at
peace as you “Walk in Beau­ty” every day. 

Venus slips into Virgo…

You will heal, and you will serve…

You will be there for one another…

As you walk the path of Serenity…

As you cre­ate these Gar­dens of Peace.