Daily Archives: October 3, 2012

Jupiter Turns Retrograde (October 4, 2012)


Where is Truth?

Jupiter stands still…so it is your time to get to the Truth of the Matter!

It is time to turn back, to turn around and walk upon your inner pathway,
the one cer­tain way to what you seek…to come clos­er to your true Self. You
wish to approach the “pearl of great price”, to find the
trea­sure-stores hid­den in your inner realm…because with­in you is the key to
self-knowl­edge, to the under­stand­ing that will lead you clos­er to the Light…to
your path of Wisdom!

Always remem­ber, that when plan­ets are mov­ing ret­ro­grade (back­wards) it
is pure­ly a func­tion of orbital dynam­ics. It is Earth (and you upon it) that is
chang­ing now. You and Earth are catch­ing up to Jupiter, like on the inside track
of a rac­ing cir­cle, pass­ing Jupiter because our orbit is short­er (1 year versus
12 years), and Jupiter will remain ret­ro­grade now till Jan­u­ary 30, 2013. 

What real­ly has changed is your rela­tion­ship to Jupiter. You have this
oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with Jupiter from a dif­fer­ent angle or per­spec­tive now. Your
bet­ter approach to your Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs and Truths is to turn away from the
myr­i­ad dis­trac­tions “out there”…your bet­ter path now is to be
intro­spec­tive and con­tem­pla­tive, to re-con­sid­er how you know and what you

Jupiter is ret­ro­grad­ing this time in Gem­i­ni, so you have an opportunity
to re-exam­ine the many facets of your most pre­cious gift…your Intel­li­gence. Your
agile, self-reflec­tive and adept mind can shift from one per­spec­tive to
anoth­er, and even enter­tain mul­ti­ple points of view as it com­pares and
con­trasts dif­fer­ing per­spec­tives, as it seeks to build an all-round­ed view of
any sub­ject or mat­ter that you are con­sid­er­ing. This very fac­ul­ty that allows
you to form your mul­ti-faceted approach to the var­i­ous ques­tions in your life
is itself in need of reexamination…it needs to be reviewed, decon­struct­ed and

Per­haps you have become too fixed upon a cer­tain point of view or perspective.
And/or maybe you have low­ered your capac­i­ty to appre­ci­ate the differing
approach that anoth­er soul has tak­en. Now would be a most excel­lent time to
work at dis­play­ing more adept­ness at stretch­ing your mind. You need to try to
encom­pass con­trary points of view, not because how or what you believe is
“wrong”. Instead, your ever-unfold­ing, ever-expand­ing jour­ney of dis­cov­ery requires that you con­tin­u­al­ly seek to extend your pow­ers of perception.

You just do not know what you can­not per­ceive through your
exist­ing mindset…so your point of view needs a refresh­er. It needs to be
re-invig­o­rat­ed by ques­tion­ing the under­ly­ing assump­tions that you hold…because
it is these very facets that you have become attached to, these less than
crys­tal-clear win­dows upon your world, that have cre­at­ed your “facts”
for you…and you most like­ly need to clean your windows!

It is time to ques­tion how you know…

It is time to ques­tion what you know.

It is time to move into a greater understanding…

It is time to show that you are capa­ble of self-correction.

It is time to exer­cise your most pre­cious gift of Intelligence…

So that you might bet­ter under­stand your Self.

It is time to show that you are human…

It is time to ask for guid­ance, to open your mind and your heart…and most of all…

It is time to be Hum­ble as you make your approach…

To the throne of Wisdom.

Venus Opposes Neptune (October 3, 2012)


Today is a day for revelations…today is your day for Truth!

Venus rules your values…it rules your notions of beau­ty and your
under­stand­ing of love…It gov­erns what you wish for your­self and what you want
for one another. 

Venus, hav­ing just entered the realm of Vir­go, is bathing today in the
light of her High­er Companion…It is the Lord of Faith, Imag­i­na­tion and
Illu­mi­na­tion, who is her con­stant guid­ing inspi­ra­tion. Yes, Nep­tune in Pisces shines
a super­nal light upon you today and upon your notions of Self-Worth and Love.

Venus rules what you know as per­son­al love…the love that brings you two
and holds you togeth­er as one…but it is Nep­tune that holds domin­ion over
Love’s high­er expression…the love Divine, the all-encom­pass­ing, compassionate
and bound­less love of the One for the many.

Today in Nep­tune’s light, you find your illu­mi­na­tion. Your per­son­al love is the reflect­ed radi­ance of this greater love of the One for the
count­less sparks of the Divine. The rea­son you find your­self drawn to one
anoth­er, the foun­tain-source of your rela­tion­ship that you can have with any
oth­er being what­so­ev­er, springs from this fun­da­men­tal truth that you see shin­ing back upon you
from the eyes of your beloved. You see that radi­ant source, the Won­drous Eter­nal Light
of Spir­it, you behold the ever­last­ing Love that binds the whole of Creation…

For we are all relat­ed, from the begin­ning of the jour­ney, through all
the worlds and ages, and what binds each and every to one and all is affirmed
again and again by the many emis­saries from the Divine, and so found in all the
Ancient Teach­ings. It is a Spir­i­tu­al Truth that was sim­ply stat­ed by one such
Teacher and Master: 

You should love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great com­mand­ment. And
the sec­ond is like unto it. You should love your neigh­bor as yourself.”

In Nep­tune’s Light you see-through it now…

This Maya, this world of shad­ows and light.

You are are at the cross­ing point…between the dark­ness and the Light…

The illu­sion of sep­a­ra­tion, of dif­fer­ences and divides is broken…

All are one…all are Loved…

And you must act accordingly…

So be it.