Daily Archives: October 4, 2012

Mercury Enters Scorpio (October 5, 2012)


Part two of your triple play unfolds as Her­mes skips into Scorpio…but
this is no ordi­nary trip, (not that any excur­sion through Scor­pio could be ordinary!).
There is quite a lot of loop­ing and swirling ahead…any and all communications
are like­ly to become even more com­pli­cat­ed, as you will see…

Mer­cury is head­ing for anoth­er rever­sal on Novem­ber 6, (the day of the
Elec­tion no less…hmm, that sounds like “trou­ble”), and although
Her­mes will have man­aged to make it into Sagit­tar­ius by Octo­ber 30, he will
ret­ro­grade back into Scor­pio on Novem­ber 14, then turn direct on Novem­ber 26
and return to Sagit­tar­ius on Decem­ber 10…whew!

That is a lot of swirling, div­ing and looping…Mercury will end up being
in Scor­pio for about 50 days, which is rather long. Let us save all those turns
and twists for when they hap­pen and just focus upon this focus on Scorpio…

When Mer­cury dives into the Watery realm of Scor­pio, your mind is no
longer sat­is­fied by the pat answers that come from accept­ing mat­ters as they
appear. You are moved to plunge deep­er, beyond the ordi­nary and delve into
dis­cov­er­ing, (if you can), the noume­na that stand behind, that cre­ate the
shad­owed real­i­ty of, your phenomena…you seek to tru­ly understand…And for
this you must become one with what you seek to know…For you can only transcend
through Union.

That is a tall order because your won­drous instru­ment of understanding,
your mind is most cer­tain­ly circumscribed…by itself! You can attempt to see
things for what they tru­ly are, but wher­ev­er you go, of course…there you are!
Your Prin­ci­ples, The­o­ries and Laws, your Assump­tions (and Prej­u­dices) go ahead
of you and reveal to you what you were expect­ing to find any­way. Or, at most,
your high­er mind may take you some­what out­side of the ordi­nary, to glimpse
some­thing beyond the safe and familiar. 

But do you real­ly under­stand? Are you
real­ly mov­ing towards Wis­dom, or just build­ing more Sand­cas­tles of Knowl­edge? For
each and every age claims that it had found the Truth, only to face an
inrush­ing Tide of Mystery…for Isis must ever be Veiled if you approach her in
the ordi­nary ways…you will not lift her veil, you can­not know her, if you
remain sep­a­rate and apart.

The path to greater under­stand­ing, the path to Wis­dom, depends upon you
devel­op­ing those high­er fac­ul­ties that take you beyond the acqui­si­tion of more
infor­ma­tion, of more knowl­edge. Yes, the acqui­si­tion of knowl­edge, of rigorous
train­ing of your mar­velous mind is essential…it pre­pares you to car­ry out
many func­tions in your world. But Knowl­edge can­not take you across the divide
between your­self, the oth­er and your world…for that you need to devel­op other
pow­ers that are hid­den, sleep­ing and wait for a sign…

To tru­ly learn the lessons of life, to tru­ly know your­self and your
uni­verse there is only one path…Becoming. The only way to expe­ri­ence the
Truth or Real­i­ty of some­thing is to become THAT…And that is why you journey
through all the forms of this mar­velous Cosmos…becoming, growing,
learning…Understanding…This is your beau­ti­ful jour­ney in

But the remark­able truth is, that hav­ing reached this Human form you are
pre­pared to take a most impor­tant step. You have it with­in you the abil­i­ty to consciously
move into the spaces of oth­ers and see as they see, feel as they feel, know as
they know. 

What…what is this you ask? 

It is true, it is not yet ful­ly formed, it is still devel­op­ing and
unfold­ing with­in you. For many but a dim aware­ness, for some a steady support,
but yes, you have this abil­i­ty that those who have gone ahead of you have
mastered…the Bud­dhas, The Krish­nas, The Christs, all the Mas­ters and Teachers
have shown you the way. They have become who they are through this most wondrous
fac­ul­ty that you exer­cise more or less everyday…

Every­day! What­ev­er do you mean? What is this pow­er, this gift, this

It goes by many names and man­i­fests in ever more exalt­ed degrees. Some
call it Com­pas­sion, many call it Empathy…and for those who have just begun to
tread the path it is known as Sym­pa­thy. But in every instance these Bridges of Understanding
form between your­self and the other…and the veil is lift­ed if but just a

For you have tak­en a step clos­er to the Truth…You have come clos­er to
the real­iza­tion that the fun­da­men­tal long­ing that your High­er Self has for you
is this: That you come to Con­scious­ly, Empath­i­cal­ly and Lov­ing­ly rec­og­nize the One­ness of the Cre­ation that you and every oth­er spark of the Divine are part of. 

Let Mer­cury in Scor­pio take you into the depths…

Let Her­mes help you to lift the veil that sep­a­rates you from one

It is time to bridge the divide, to dis­pel the illusion…

It is time…

To Be One with One Another.

Mercury Conjuncts Saturn (October 5, 2012)


Wow! This is some week…and what a fin­ish you will have this Friday! 

It is anoth­er Triple Play! First Mer­cury deliv­ers to you one final
mes­sage from Sat­urn in Libra. Then Mer­cury dances into Scor­pio for a rather,
shall we say, com­pli­cat­ed stay. Then Sat­urn tops it all off…the biggest and
best is saved for last as Sat­urn moves into Scor­pio too…Wow Indeed!

When Mer­cury meets Sat­urn, it is time for mean­ing­ful mind­ful­ness! No
wist­ful think­ing here, no illog­i­cal mus­ings or slip­shod deductions…This is
when your rea­son­ing meets with Real­i­ty and you bet­ter get it right!

This is the last align­ment that Mer­cury and Sat­urn will have in Libra for
quite some time, so this is your last chance to con­sid­er the mes­sages they have
offered to you about your expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship since July 2010 when
Sat­urn entered Libra. 

The par­tic­u­lar mean­ing of Mer­cury to Sat­urn in Libra con­cerns your
ever-present need to cre­ate, nur­ture and pre­serve your rela­tion­ships through Right
Think­ing. This is one of the fundamental
truths through which this Cos­mos exists, because your whole jour­ney of Spirit
is also a Jour­ney of Con­scious­ness. The Ancient Teach­ings dis­till this
under­stand­ing into a sim­ple yet quite pro­found prin­ci­ple: You are what you

Just Think about that! You and every­thing in this Uni­verse is quite
sim­ply Thoughts or Mind made Man­i­fest, on what­ev­er plane of being you reside it
is fun­da­men­tal­ly Consciousness…Spirit, as Mind, becomes the energies/substances
of the entire Cosmos!

All of your thoughts, from ages and ages ago, have spun out into the
spaces of Space to make the world as you expe­ri­ence it now. That means you (and
you and you…) hold the pow­er of cre­ation (and what will be cre­at­ed) in the
qual­i­ty of your mind and those thoughts you dwell upon. By chang­ing how and
what you think, you will even­tu­al­ly see this become real­i­ty, (yes, yes it takes
time…but not so much if you under­stand how you can do this by form­ing those
right rela­tion­ships and join your minds together!)…which is exact­ly what Mer­cury and Sat­urn wish to con­vey to you now…

This pow­er of mind, of Right Think­ing is equal­ly true about all of your
rela­tion­ships. Each and every rela­tion­ship you have has been cre­at­ed by you
from the thoughts you hold (and then share with one another)…What you attract
to your­self as your rela­tion­ship expe­ri­ence is up to you! 

It may appear that you or anoth­er has “good” or “bad”
luck in rela­tion­ships. But you, as the Cre­ator, get exact­ly the relationship
you have made for your­self (con­scious­ly, and yes uncon­scious­ly too). If you truly
want to have a bet­ter one, it is not a mat­ter of try­ing to make your partner
change…it is all about you rais­ing your own aware­ness and thoughts to make a
Greater Real­i­ty pos­si­ble for you (and per­haps for them as well).

You will either improve an exist­ing rela­tion­ship by see­ing-through your
mis­un­der­stand­ings, clear­ing and remov­ing them so that you can share in a more
mean­ing­ful experience…or you will bring your­self into a greater space of
under­stand­ing in which to meet a more appro­pri­ate partner.

Mer­cury and Sat­urn offer you this part­ing gift from Libra…

You are what you think…And so too your relationships.

Think good thoughts of yourself…Think kind­ly of one another.

Look, look…you are chang­ing the World!