Saturn Enters Scorpio (October 5, 2012)


Part three of our triple play of the Planets…

Yes, final­ly, it is here…and it comes down to this…a Turning.

It is your time to turn to a new Duty, to a renewed sense of your Responsibility…

It is time, time to take the next step and move into your new space of

The Lord of Time and Real­i­ty is mov­ing on, from Air to Water…from
Car­di­nal to Fixed…Now things are going to get even more interesting…and serious!

Sat­urn in your own chart is the indi­ca­tor of your pri­ma­ry test in life.
It is like the Achilles Heel of your Life, where you will stum­ble and fall (yes,
again and again), but over time you will learn by tri­al and error to rise above
your chal­lenge. This is how you have always unfold­ed your poten­tial, you
con­tin­ue to learn more and more about your­self and your world, and as you do,
you learn to choose “The Good”. By mov­ing away from fear and pain,
you turn towards the path that leads to Peace, as you grow into greater and
greater Self-mas­tery and Fulfillment. 

That is why Sat­urn rep­re­sents “The Teacher”, because it is the
instru­ment of your chal­lenge and of your self-real­iza­tion. You can only unfold
your won­drous poten­tials by learn­ing to move beyond the imped­i­ments that have
pre­vent­ed you from being your fuller Self. It is actu­al­ly through these
con­stant chal­lenges that Sat­urn brings into your life, through var­i­ous personal
tests that you must face, it is through this that you become more self-masterful
in the very Les­son of Life indi­cat­ed by Sat­urn’s Sign and House placement.

In a very sim­i­lar fash­ion, Sat­urn mov­ing into a new sign brings to the World
a new field or focus of growth for everyone…it brings you togeth­er to work upon
a Les­son of Life for one and all. 

Since July 2010, Sat­urn has been mov­ing through Libra…and you and
every­one else has had to face the chal­lenge of bring­ing your rela­tion­ship experiences
to a high­er lev­el of self-real­iza­tion. You have learned through Sat­urn that
your pat­terns of rela­tion­ship have been formed, reflect and are therefore
lim­it­ed by the nature of the pri­ma­ry rela­tion­ship of your life…your
rela­tion­ship to your­self. The only way to “find” a good relationship
or improve an exist­ing one is to under­stand that it does not depend at all upon
what hap­pens “out there”, (like in hav­ing some bet­ter luck in finding
the “right per­son” or by look­ing in some new place or what­ev­er). The
only place you need look more deeply and hon­est­ly, the only place you are capable
of tru­ly changing…is You. For what you will always encounter is the
rela­tion­ship that you have made for your­self already. You make your rela­tion­ship real­i­ty bet­ter by
hav­ing a fuller, truer and more lov­ing rela­tion­ship with yourself!

Now Sat­urn moves, and until Decem­ber 2014, (actu­al­ly, because of
ret­ro­grade gyra­tions, Sat­urn will not leave Scor­pio for good until September
2015), you are tak­ing the next step in your Sat­urn­ian Lessons of Life. Whereas
the move through Libra helped to clar­i­fy the out­ward forms and struc­tures of
your rela­tion­ships, it is the pur­pose of Scor­pio to lead you deeper…into the
mys­tery and heart of you with your beloved. Now you must face the Chal­lenge and
Oppor­tu­ni­ty of Union itself…Saturn is here to teach you: How do “I and
Thou” become “We”?

To form this join­ing, to cre­ate that Sacred Space of Union requires great
courage and humil­i­ty. Again as before, Sat­urn will bring tests to you…to help
you move towards this most joy­ous goal. Sat­urn will seem­ing­ly bring these challenges
of Union to you, but you should know by now that you have brought them to
your­self. What you most long for, what your heart aches for, is to be one with
one anoth­er. You seek to tran­scend your sep­a­rate exis­tences and join as One…and it is this
Pas­sion that is at the heart of what dri­ves the great Jour­ney of all the sparks
of the Divine… But, you must face your test now which your very desire has
drawn to you.

For­ev­er and always your Sat­urn real­i­ty-mak­ing casts equal­ly deep shadows,
what always threat­ens your hopes are the shad­ows cast by your fears, the
shad­owed fears from your past, for this is how Sat­urn works. When it comes to the
les­son of Scor­pio, your fear is Sep­a­ra­tion, you fear the loss of the other…you
fear rejection…you fear that the promise of Union will end in being alone.

So, again you must turn and real­ize that the real test is to be found
within…the real test is to not reject your­self, to not pull away from your Heart and Truth and stand by what will hold you to your­self, and what will now
hold you to one anoth­er. The val­ues that make you wor­thy, most impor­tant­ly your
fun­da­men­tal val­ue, your Love for yourself…it is this that you must cleave to…and
it is this love that you must share with anoth­er who also knows this…for only
then can the oth­er val­ues that you hold grow in the Sacred Space of We. 

For in every Union you must choose what to hold to and what to release…because
you will have to sac­ri­fice the less­er things in your life in order to hon­or the
greater. If you are afraid, you might offer too lit­tle, and fail to cre­ate the
vul­ner­a­ble space of shared val­ues with the oth­er. Or, you might out of fear yield too much, sac­ri­fice so much of who you are that you obtain the reward of Union…but you are no longer there.

But if you get it right, if you go with­in and then through the oth­er expe­ri­ence the frictional
refine­ment of dis­cern­ing what is of more val­ue to you and what is less…you
will be amazed by the mys­tery that stands revealed to you now. You dis­cov­er that
in your sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er of the less­er things, that as you come closer
and are bound in Union to one anoth­er, you actu­al­ly have come that much closer
to your own true Self.

As always, the les­son and mes­sage of Sat­urn is to help you understand
that you are upon a jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery through self-unfold­ment. Now it
is time to move into the great­est challenge…and the great­est reward.

Sat­urn moves…and your real­i­ty will tremble…

Your heart leaps at the promise, to love and be loved…

To be one with one another.

The sac­ri­fice is offered, you give with joy and understanding…

For you have released what is lesser…the shad­ows melt away…

As you come clos­er, so much
closer…to the Light.

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