Daily Archives: October 6, 2012

Mars Enters Sagittarius (October 6, 2012)


Your Dri­ve and your Desires, your Aims and Aspi­ra­tions, they are

Mov­ing faster now, Mars ris­es from those watery depths of Scor­pio, a not
so unfa­mil­iar realm for him…he ris­es above the Waters, leap­ing into the Fire
Mists of Sagittarius…

You have fol­lowed your heart and felt your way to the inner­most sanctum,
brav­ing all, you sought to obtain Ancient Secrets buried there, the keys to
immor­tal­i­ty and self-transcendence…the mys­tery of life and death…these, and
more than these, drove you deep­er, deep­er into the depths.

Now Mars turns you upon a dif­fer­ent path, he seeks for high­er ground. Your
heart, your soul is reach­ing now, need­ing to make sense, to dis­cern the message
of your intu­itive-self, to har­vest that feel­ing-way with­in your mys­te­ri­ous depths. You wish
to walk the path, beyond shad­ows and fears, to find your way to the path of
Wis­dom, to that roy­al road of Understanding. 

Mars takes you now, beyond your well-mapped thoughts, beyond those familiar
hori­zons. You rise to see a high­er plane, found beyond the duel­ing dichotomies,
beyond the dual­is­tic dra­mas. You need to leave behind the dis­tract­ing noises,
those who declaim in their affect­ed airs of sophis­ti­ca­tion, those squab­bling opiners
who slice and divide with pre­ten­sions and pedantry. 

With Mars in Sagit­tar­ius, you seek for those sim­ple, clear-see­ing and
eter­nal truths found in the world around you, and in the Heav­en’s above…In
their finest form, and from Age to Age passed down, they are known as the Perennial
Teachings…and they offer you Hope, and Light and Love. 

Your Aspi­ra­tions will take flight, like a leap­ing arrow, fly­ing straight
and true. You aim for that burn­ing bright, the Cen­ter Point from which all have
come and ever seek to return. The Secret, the Truth? The self-same is found
with­in you…the Always Calm, ever-watch­ful watcher…your High­er Self is
draw­ing clos­er now, here to guide you home…

You are mov­ing towards the undi­vid­ed mind, bestowed by stand­ing in the Light, which is your High­er Self…

There is no up, there is no down…

There is no left, there is no right.

You stand in awe, an Epiphany of Truth…

There is but one path…follow you Heart…Walk On.

You Live in the Greater Understanding…

Seek and you will Find…

And ever, and always…

Live in Truth, live the Life Divine!