Daily Archives: October 8, 2012

Sun Trine Jupiter (October 8–9, 2012)


Tonight, tomorrow…The Uni­verse is offer­ing you a won­der­ful gift of goodness.

But you must always remem­ber: You have made your life…You sow the
seeds…You will reap your harvest…this is The Law of the Universe.

Today you receive your bounty…you shall have encour­age­ment, solace
and sup­port from Jupiter…and it is what you deserve. For those who have been
for­tu­nate, (and you should ever seek to share your good for­tune), more shall be
added to you so that you may share even more.

For those who face tri­als and chal­lenges, per­haps you will find an
eas­ing, lift­ing or release from those trou­bles that have come your way… 

Real­ly, what you should ask your­self is, “What is luck
any­way”? Are some “born lucky” and oth­ers “unlucky”?
It can cer­tain­ly seem so…but as usu­al appear­ances often cov­er the underlying
truth of what is going on.

For the Law is sim­ple and just, “You reap what you sow…Those who appear favored in
the present are receiv­ing the ben­e­fits of the good deeds they have done yesterday
and a thou­sand, thou­sand yes­ter­days ago…And for those to whom trou­bles seem
to be all too famil­iar, they are work­ing off the errors that they set in motion,
whether recent­ly or in a far dis­tant time and place…

Strange to say (for an astrologer), you can­not real­ly know your future
with per­fect cer­tain­ty, of what that tomor­row may bring…There are so many
inter­sect­ing streams of Kar­ma that com­bine to cre­ate the curi­ous mix­ture that
you will face. 

And, tru­ly and most won­der­ful­ly, as you become more aware, as you make bet­ter and more lov­ing choic­es, as you become a freer Spirit…you become less pre­dictable! You cer­tain­ly can­not change the past, what you did or failed to
do, (for that has already been released, record­ed and weighed, and those
effects will be return­ing to you their cre­ator, as a reward or chal­lenge to

The Only thing that is cer­tain, the only space you are free to choose
is…NOW. For it is by ever seek­ing to live more con­scious­ly in the space of
this pre­cious moment of here and now, where the past and future meet, that you are able
to redeem your past, and equal­ly cre­ate the best pos­si­ble future for what lies
just ahead, as well as for many, many lives to come.

You have this amaz­ing pow­er, and with your Intel­li­gence, Love and Will
you can make a bet­ter world, you can choose to do bet­ter by mak­ing the choice
to share in the Good that comes your way. And as you do this, over time, you
lift up your­self and all with whom you have shared with too.

You are the Cre­ator. You are the Giv­er who will receive your own gifts,
the gifts that you made for yourself…By show­ing kind­ness, con­sid­er­a­tion and
gen­eros­i­ty in this present moment…you cre­ate much Good for oth­ers, yes…But
you have also set in motion ener­gies which will come back to you their author,
soon­er and lat­er, and ben­e­fit you direct­ly too.

But there is more than this, for there exist a mar­velous “force
mul­ti­pli­er” in the good­ness that you have sown. Each act of kind­ness to
anoth­er will result in their kind­ness to oth­ers in turn…and so on and so on. What
that means is that every one of your “con­sid­er­a­tions” reverberates
like a stone thrown into a pond cre­at­ing rip­ples of right con­duct. Your
mul­ti­plied kind­ness­es even­tu­al­ly come back to reward you beyond what you could
have imagined…that is because every­thing and every­one is con­nect­ed by these
ener­gies that they have expe­ri­enced and passed between one another…Your
good­ness has touched and changed the lives of count­less oth­ers, time and time again. 

Yes, today is a Lucky Day…and you should thank the stars above for
the bless­ings that come to fruition now. Yes, and thank all who made it
pos­si­ble for you too, all those you were able to help, and all those that they
helped too, and so on. 

And so you should smile, remem­ber­ing this, and then pass it on
yet again so that this won­drous wave of Lov­ing ener­gy, the Force that binds the
Uni­verse togeth­er, can con­tin­ue to grow and expand, as it will…forever and ever and ever…

For by Giv­ing you shall Receive…and it will be far, far more than your
mea­sure for measure…

Be Thank­ful for the bless­ings of today and every day…share this love, with
love for all.

Give thanks to your com­pan­ions, Lords Jupiter and Sun…

They who are there to light
your Star­ry Way.

The Roy­al Road of For­tune, it is your destiny… 

Formed by your very own hands.

Choose the Path of Light and Love…and,

You will be Lucky every sin­gle day!