Daily Archives: October 9, 2012

Saturn Trine Neptune (October 10, 2012)


Real­i­ty meets Dreaming…and
it is Beautiful!

Okay…this is
anoth­er one of those “big­ger” alignments…Saturn is lin­ing up with
Nep­tune in a won­der­ful trine today and again in June and July of 2013…but what
you need to know is…what does this mean?

The Ruler of the
Formed, Sat­urn, greets and is graced by the Foun­tain-source of all forms, the
Ruler of the Form­less, Neptune…and you are remind­ed once again about this
awe­some pow­er, your pow­er of Dreaming-Making-Reality. 

Sat­urn rules
Real­i­ty, what you and every­one else has so far brought into being on Earth. Saturn’s
draw­ing down into sub­stance is the ful­fill­ment of your dreams, shaped into reality-forms.
Yet these very forms at the same time nec­es­sar­i­ly lim­it your pure poten­tial by
bind­ing it into some def­i­nite (finite) Thing. 

Your Ideas,
Hopes and Dreams on this plane, in order to be real, become formed into Matter
and by doing so they become circumscribed…and there­fore sub­ject to the Laws
of Time and Cycles…for any and every­thing here is a com­pos­ite or compound,
and must even­tu­al­ly pass away. 

The les­son of
this dance of life, of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, is that you must con­tin­u­al­ly Imagine
anew. You must ever Dream, again and again, to keep form­ing and re-form­ing your
world and yourself…This is the sub­stance of your spi­ral jour­ney as
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, of you becom­ing you through count­less unfolding
forms of self-realization.

Nep­tune rules
your Dream­ing and Imag­i­na­tion, it is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Spir­i­tu­al source
for this awe­some pow­er, the pow­er to unfold from with­in a new world and a new
you. You encounter the world before you, your present cir­cum­stances. You dare
to dream, you imag­ine and believe that there could be a dif­fer­ent world, a
bet­ter world…and so it begins to take form…And you have been doing
this…you have done this…many, many, many times…

How well you
cre­ate, how much of your dream will be, will depend upon you and those with
whom you dream. But with­in any cycling of Saturn/Neptune there are moments of
greater flow and ease, of when it seems “just right”, and there are
moments that present a greater challenge.

This cur­rent
cycle of Saturn/Neptune began in 1989, and an old world was end­ing and new
world was being imagined…Then in 2006–2007, Sat­urn and Nep­tune were opposite
to one anoth­er and a reck­on­ing was at hand for how well the dream had been
executed…or not…

Today you are
at a dif­fer­ent moment of the cycle, not a begin­ning nor a reckoning…Now you
find your­self at one of those moments where it does seem pos­si­ble to bring
togeth­er the Dream and the Real. You can take the reins of your own life and ride
that slip­stream between Dream­ing and Making…

You are the
Dream­er, Dream­ing Real­i­ty all around you…

You can
Imag­ine a bet­ter world…

And when you share your
dreams with one another…

When you believe in your­self, and sup­port each other…

You will join to
build a New Earth…Together.