New Moon in Libra (October 15, 2012)


Turn now, turn
and look into your beloved’s eyes…for you behold the great­est mys­tery there looking
back at you. The awe­some truth is there revealed, Yes! 

You should bow
your head in rev­er­ence, for it is THAT which is there…found at the heart of
every­thing and everyone. 

Who looks at
you, beam­ing out from those beau­ti­ful eyes? 

Yes, it is THAT,
it is the ONE right there…and this is the core of the Truth of Libra…That
you and every­one and everything…we are all relat­ed, we are all part of this Spiritual
Pres­ence, this Divine Awareness!

Behind the
won­drous eyes gaz­ing back at you, there is always and for­ev­er the Watcher
watch­ing, for there resides the High­er Self! That is why you see through the
oth­er the mar­velous reflec­tion of your own Self too. For this is what is
TRUE…Everywhere the Divine is present as the ONE awe­some, fun­da­men­tal and underlying
Real­i­ty that is Unknowable…

Name­less, yet it is called
by many names…for you, for now, it is sim­ply felt and known as “The

Take the other
by their hand and turn now, for togeth­er you should face the dark­ness of this magical,
this won­drous and mys­te­ri­ous New Moon of Libra. The Sun and Moon, danc­ing their
way across your sky point the way for you ever and always…They meet, they
kiss and release for you a new mes­sage from the Stars…A gift to inspire your
own dance with one anoth­er down here, for in your dance is met and
answered the reflect­ed glo­ry of their beau­ty above.

Now is this
dark­en­ing time, when the Moon has slipped between Earth and Sun, there is no
Luna beam­ing to light your way. You can­not look out…for the dark­ness surrounds
you…you must look for anoth­er way to reach for the Light. There is but one
way, that is steady and true…it is the Light that shines Eter­nal, the Spiritual
Light of your new day dawning…it is found in that still, qui­et voice of your
high­er self who is there beside you each and every day.

For this is
what you cel­e­brate now, here at the Libra New Moon…you cel­e­brate the release
of a new inspi­ra­tion for how you will jour­ney togeth­er, a Gift of the Spir­it to
guide you through your under­stand­ing and expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship. Always and
for­ev­er, Spir­it moves to fill the emp­ty spaces, your own high­er self is there
to guide you and pro­vide nour­ish­ment, hope and mean­ing for your jour­ney through
every por­tal of life. 

Today you need
inspi­ra­tion to make your way across the Rain­bow Bridge, the arch that spans the
space between “I and Thou”…You need to reach across to one another
with that smile of recog­ni­tion, of Self to Self, to greet each oth­er with
under­stand­ing, accep­tance, and love.

Today’s Libra gift
of Spir­it is rather spe­cial, for the New Moon is accom­pa­nied by anoth­er very powerful
align­ment between Mars and Uranus, who add their spe­cial mes­sage to your
expe­ri­ence and under­stand­ing of rela­tion­ship. What is this spe­cial gift for you

That as much
as it is the Truth that each and every is at their core an insep­a­ra­ble part of
the One Great Spir­it, it is equal­ly true that each and every spark of the
divine is Unique…You are one, you are spe­cial and this is part of your Divine
self too. 

You are
Iden­ti­cal to one anoth­er in your Inner­most being, and so you find yourself
reflect­ed in one anoth­er’s pres­ence. But…you are unique real­iza­tions and
expres­sions of this fun­da­men­tal pres­ence too, and this is what you find so
mag­i­cal and delight­ful about one another.

In fact, your
expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er in and through rela­tion­ship is found­ed upon this
won­der­ful truth. That you come togeth­er with what you share as sparks of the
One Divine Flame, but you Love each oth­er pre­cise­ly because you are each a very
spe­cial indi­vid­ual expres­sion of that Divine pres­ence too. 

This is the
Mes­sage behind the mys­tery of Libra…

You can­not be
yourself…by yourself. 

You find your­self, become more your Self in and through relationship.

Through acknowl­edg­ing,
appre­ci­at­ing and lov­ing one another…

You live the truth…we are the same, yet delight­ful­ly different.

You and your beloved, with Luna above…

Dream­ing and danc­ing, this Life-Streaming-Consciousness…

Gaz­ing into
one anoth­er’s eyes!

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