Venus Square Jupiter (October 16, 2012)


What hap­pens when what you want does not
agree with what you believe? Huh?

That is what appears to be happening
today/tonight. Venus rules your Val­ues, so it is what you wish to have in your
own per­son­al life. Jupiter rules your Prin­ci­ples and Truths, so it indicates
the way you relate to the larg­er world around you. 

In a bal­anced life, what you
val­ue, what you wish to have for your­self is made even more mean­ing­ful within
the con­text of your beliefs…your val­ues extend out­ward as they are meaningfully
shared, trans­formed and social­ized in and through your larg­er social iden­ti­ty. In
this man­ner, your “pri­vate” wants and your “social”
expe­ri­ences should reflect and mutu­al­ly sup­port one another…and that would be
what many have called the “Good Life”.

Today it appears as if you (and they)
are at an impasse, as you can­not relate to what you want and/or rec­on­cile your
per­son­al val­ues with your social val­ues. When plan­ets square one anoth­er it
presents you with a contradiction…two ener­gies are pulling and push­ing upon
you and the only way for­ward seems to require you give up on one, to deny or sacrifice
it so that you might have or secure the other…

But of course by doing this you end up
with a life that does not make sense…In this instance, you either retreat
into your own pri­vate “world” that is some­how dis­con­nect­ed from the
larg­er world around you. Or, you end up not “prac­tic­ing what you
preach”, your pri­vate world and pub­lic life become sep­a­rat­ed, one set of
val­ues for you and anoth­er for the “pub­lic” you…and this is just unsustainable.

Of course what the uni­verse is really
ask­ing of you is to find a way to bring and keep these two fun­da­men­tal elements
of your­self together…the chal­lenge is not to choose. Instead, you must find
that fin­er way, to walk the Noble path of integration…

So what are Venus and Jupiter pos­ing as
this dilem­ma for you?

Venus is in Vir­go now, and the empha­sis is
laid upon you per­son­al­ly to have a life that works, a life that make sense…You
need a life that is ordered in such a way that every­thing you do is bal­anced by
and inte­grat­ed with all the oth­er ele­ments of your life. You want, you need more
than any­thing to be at Peace!

Jupiter is in Gem­i­ni now, and the social stream­ings that are mov­ing through your world encour­age change and
contrasts…You are meant now to encounter, encom­pass and embrace a wider
world, to cel­e­brate diver­si­ty, to appre­ci­ate many dif­fer­ing facets and sen­si­bil­i­ties. Your social sense is pushing
you to engage your most pre­cious gift, Intel­li­gence, because there are great changes
now (and more to come)…and the old solu­tions just will not do.

So Venus is call­ing you to main­tain or
cre­ate your own world of sim­plic­i­ty, order and peace, while Jupiter is
quick­en­ing your intel­li­gence as you must look beyond the bound­aries of the
famil­iar as waves of change come swirling through your world…

The choice you seem to face is: 1) To try to hold onto your way
that worked, your sim­ple space of peace, or 2) leap into the cos­mic whirlwinds
that lead to new dis­cov­er­ies, offer­ing delights and growth…

But of course, you must not
choose…except to choose to under­stand that both Venus and Jupiter are right and
true…And it is up to you, you who are this ever unfold­ing bea­con of awareness,
it is up to you to find the way to keep them togeth­er in this nev­er-end­ing  jour­ney of life-consciousness-spirit.

If you hold to order with­out change, you
stand against the fun­da­men­tal force dri­ving your Cos­mic journey…the one
con­stant force of your unfold­ing Spirit…Growth. But if you sim­ply give in to
con­stant­ly expand­ing, con­trast­ing diver­si­ties you will lose your way too…The
key is the Mid­dle Path, to see how each sup­ports and cre­ates the con­di­tions for
the oth­er, that they are both part of a larg­er whole or Greater Truth. 

That you
need your intel­li­gent-seek­ing ways to find new worlds and cre­ate new ways of
order­ing, time and time again. Yet at the same time, you need to main­tain some central
set of prin­ci­ples, of core mean­ings and order­ings for your life as these
chal­leng­ing and excit­ing changes swirl all around you.

When faced with a square you must be
strong, to be nei­ther rigid nor giv­ing way…

Instead, you must stand in the Cen­ter of
your­self and see the truth of each, and know and live the truth that each with­out the oth­er, each inform­ing and shap­ing one anoth­er, that with­out this mid­dle way you will
not have Peace or Meaningfulness. 

You can­not sep­a­rate your per­son­al life
from your social life, your home from your society…

For every­thing and every­one matters…because all are sparks of the one Divine Flame.

You must do your part, to live a live of Peace and Meaning…

To live your life for the One and for All.

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