The Major Challenge to the USA and the World 2012–2015


The Major Chal­lenge of Our Time

Anoth­er excerpt from my lat­est radio inter­view that dis­cuss­es the major chal­lenge con­fronting the World in this peri­od. This is a sub­ject that I have dis­cussed for the past cou­ple of years and devot­ed a rather long analy­sis to in my overview for 2012. If you wish you can read about it here: 2012 Fore­cast: Uranus Square Plu­to.

In the radio inter­view I talk more about the response we should have to this chal­lenge and when the the USA will face this align­ment more direct­ly. Here is some of that radio excerpt:

…The changes that we are going through are not sim­ple changes because we haven’t gone through changes like this for over 200 years…And most peo­ple would agree in look­ing around the coun­try now or around the world, that they find that many insti­tu­tions if not most have failed them or are fail­ing them…

Peo­ple know that this is a time of change…Of course the real answer here is those things out­side of us, those insti­tu­tions, yes they must change but what makes them? They are not ‘things in them­selves’, they are made up of you and me… 

And so what is real­ly called for here is a change in Human Spir­it, in the human heart and con­scious­ness. That’s how insti­tu­tions change, not by chang­ing the thing out there but by each per­son look­ing in their own heart and mak­ing a bet­ter choice about how they going to con­duct them­selves in any office or job that they are fulfilling…

When crises hit and trou­bles comes down the road, we have to turn to each oth­er and help each oth­er and that’s what is hap­pen­ing and what will happen.”


You can lis­ten to the full excerpt here:

Radio Inter­view: Uranus/Pluto for USA and the World


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