Daily Archives: October 21, 2012

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 22, 2012)


So, it all comes down to this…and you
have to ask yourself…am I ready, have I pre­pared myself for this, do I
under­stand the risks…and the rewards? 

For there is noth­ing (No Thing), that is
greater than this, no sweet­er trea­sure to be had…but the price and pain of
failure…well, that too must be weighed and con­sid­ered before you approach
this awe­some portal.

You have passed through Sev­en Gateways,
you have walked through Sev­en Realms of Life. You have grown stronger and wiser
as you draw ever clos­er to the truth…and now you face the mys­tery and wonder
of mov­ing beyond the Great illu­sion, which always holds you in its thrall. For
you are bound and blind­ed by your mor­tal frame and your seem­ing sep­a­ra­tion from
the Greater Real­i­ty, the pre­sid­ing pres­ence that is all around and streams through
you too.

You have reached the cross­ing between “I
and Thou”, and your jour­ney’s oth­er half is now reflect­ed in your
beloved’s eyes…Now you feel the Waters stir­ring, from deep with­in your soul.
You feel the long­ing, to step beyond the yawn­ing gulf, between your­self and
what­ev­er lies beyond. You need to find your way to the deep­er places that hold
the promise of your for­ev­er more…to touch that immor­tal path­way, of lives you
lived and to be lived…yes, you can see them sparkle, like jew­els twinkling
all along that resplen­dent, mar­velous gold­en chord…

Yes you have come this far, but it is
not enough, not near­ly enough, because you seek for noth­ing less than communion
with one another…you seek for Union with the beloved and with your own true
Self too. 

But to pass this por­tal you must be
will­ing to go deep­er, beyond the shad­ows and fears that bar the way and hold
you apart from one anoth­er still. You seek for the Joy of Union, the Lamplight
of Under­stand­ing and the way beyond the Here and Now, to your noble-path of
Self-Transcending…but you hold back with doubt, born and borne by the darkness
of those rejec­tions of many, many past yesterdays…

But you need only remem­ber this, that
you are Spir­it and in your heart of hearts a Holy Fire Burns…Courage is your Nat­ur­al
. For you have come this way before as you danced your dance
celestial…yes, through many chal­lenges met and mas­tered, your ever-unfold­ing journey
has spanned the ages as you crossed the spaces of Space and beyond. 

You feel this Truth now, this passionate
desire once again, urg­ing you for­ward and there is no doubt that there can be
noth­ing more joy­ous than what you seek here…to become One with one anoth­er. You
will reach that dis­tant shore, to reach beyond and pierce those loom­ing fears,
those self-cast shad­ows that hold you here…

You should know that there is noth­ing to
them, noth­ing for you to fear…they have no real pow­er, or hold to hold you
back…They are but a dis­tant echo from your past, reach­ing for­ward to meet you
here and now. They only have this pow­er to delay your jour­ney if you for­get who
you real­ly are. 

But you do remem­ber, for you were made
for this, you belong with one anoth­er and you will make man­i­fest your Spiritual
strength…You wield it now through Faith and Will, by the sac­ri­fice and effort
you make to cre­ate your Sacred Space of We…

For it is by your open­ness and
vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that you reveal your spir­i­tu­al strength of Courage and Love, and so you blow
those clouds of fear away…and then, well then it is up to the oth­er who
stands before you, it is up to them to take a chance with you…

And if you do, if
you do move beyond the shad­ows and make that space together…what a wonder
will be revealed…For before each will stand the oth­er, who now tru­ly shines with the Love that they were always
meant to be…

It is time to enter your Sacred Spaces…

It is time to Join
with One Another…

It is time to move
through this Eighth Por­tal in your Journey…

The Veil, parting
as the shad­ows fly away…

There stands
revealed the won­drous Glory…

Love, true Love has
won again the Day.