Daily Archives: October 24, 2012

Sun Conjunct Saturn (October 25, 2012)


It is time…oh yes it is…it is time
for your next “Real­i­ty Check”…

Your won­drous, whirling dance around the
wheel of life comes back to yet anoth­er Incep­tion Point…That’s right, your cycle
of Self-unfold­ing, of you mov­ing In, Out and Through the won­ders of this world begins again

The Sun is your pure Poten­tial waiting
to take on count­less forms of self-real­iza­tion; Sat­urn is what you have formed
and shaped your­self into, it is your Real­i­ty. Togeth­er the Sun and Sat­urn give
Life and Form to your spi­ral dance of Spir­it in the mate­r­i­al world.

The present real­i­ty-form you have made
for your­self is the ful­fill­ment of your need to become, to bring your potential
into the real world around you…but para­dox­i­cal­ly, that very form must and
will always lim­it you as well. 

Most espe­cial­ly over time, as you seek to unfold
more of your poten­tials, and the world around you changes too, that very form
you made for your self-real­iza­tion will often become the very denial of your
greater cre­ation and self-realization…it is what brought you to
“here”, but it can­not take you “there”!

Four times a year, the Sun aligns with
Sat­urn so that you can see how you are doing in draw­ing down and bring­ing forth
your dreams, ideas and pas­sions as you make them part of the fab­ric of your life. 

But of all these moments the most impor­tant turn­ing is this one, because this
align­ment is like a New Year or New Moon. It is like a beau­ti­ful dawn for your ever
unfold­ing promise, a gift of the Spir­it, a reminder that it is you, yes you who is the
cre­ator, you who bring your dreams into the real.

Today a cycle of self-real­iza­tion closes,
you are fin­ished with that form. You have
learned much from what was made of the last cycle, and its gift to you now is
this har­vest of mean­ing and under­stand­ing that you can draw upon now…for you
have grown…

Today a New release of self-real­iza­tion begins to unfold, as you con­tin­ue your jour­ney of Spir­it in this mate­r­i­al world. Now you must turn and face this won­der­ful and awe­some Responsibility,
and be thank­ful for this Gift of a New Beginning. 

Your life is an unfold­ing, spi­ral jour­ney of Spirit
mov­ing in and out, from form to form, through Ages and Sacred Spaces.…

You are Spir­it and you are Mat­ter, and
your jour­ney will reveal much to you…and so you even­tu­al­ly will see…

That all of these Ener­gies and Forms,
All of this from you, of you and by you is part of the Greater Creation…

For you are one of the many, one of the ones of the

Who are here to take Dreams…and make them Real.