Daily Archives: October 27, 2012

Mars Opposition Jupiter (October 28, 2012)


Well what a whirl­wind of change is going
on today! 

Mars lines up with Jupiter, Venus
returns to Libra and Mer­cury makes a for­ay into Sagittarius…you are
def­i­nite­ly going to be feel­ing a change in the Winds of Spir­it today!

Mars is dri­ving you for­ward with
unbound­ed ide­al­ism as he aims for your one true way in Sagit­tar­ius. When you
have Truth on your side, well there is just no restrain­ing how far you might
reach…or over-reach!

Today you get a reminder that you need
to con­sid­er this: that your heart’s desire needs to be ever guid­ed by a more
nuanced understanding…and that you will find that as you walk the path of
truth you will see that your real growth of under­stand­ing is mea­sured and balanced
by the depth of your humil­i­ty too…

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni is offer­ing this
help­ful per­spec­tive, hold­ing forth that life is about con­trari­ness, diversity
and hon­or­ing mul­ti­ple points of view and sen­si­bil­i­ty. If you do not heed this
warn­ing, your enthu­si­asms for what is “right” (for you) can turn out
to be ter­ri­bly wrong for the many, and so in your pur­suit of what you believe
is truth you will impose upon oth­ers a greater untruth…by deny­ing to them a
space of belief and action as well.

The ques­tion posed now: are you acting
(Mars) right­eous­ly or self-right­eous­ly? The dif­fer­ence is to be found in your
moti­va­tion and intent. If you wish to fol­low the path of right­eous­ness, your
actions (Mars) must be guid­ed by prin­ci­ples (Jupiter) that are informed by your
high­er, intu­itive and ever more inclu­sive con­scious­ness. For it is by such
guid­ance, that comes from your high­er self, that calm steady voice from deep
with­in, that you will under­stand that the path­way to truth is found­ed upon
con­stant ques­tion­ing, com­par­i­son, con­trast, col­lab­o­ra­tion and inte­gra­tion. Instead,
that when you pur­sue a path of action that is based upon self-defensive
cer­ti­tudes and a closed mind…it will end poor­ly for you and others…

Mars in the pur­suit of the Truth may
push you into cer­tain­ties while blaz­ing his trail through Sagittarius…and
won­der­ful­ly now, and how appro­pri­ate too, that the nec­es­sary coun­ter­point is
deliv­ered by the very ruler of Sagit­tar­ius. Jupiter in Gem­i­ni shows Mars that
by shin­ing such a focused bright light upon what­ev­er may be the issue, you will
inevitably cre­ate and cast a very deep shad­ow too…and you can­not know or
under­stand what you can­not “see”.

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni reminds Mars that the
path­way to truth is often cir­cuitous. The way to reduce these self-cast shadows
that cre­ate your bound­ed beliefs, (to move beyond these half-truths that lead to
doubt, fear, pain and suf­fer­ing), is to shine many
lights, embrace many dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives or points of view as you share,
com­pare, con­trast and learn from one another…

Jupiter is help­ing Mars to open your
search for Truth…

For you may only approach the tem­ple of
Greater Under­stand­ing with Humility…

To remem­ber, that your Search for Mean­ing is an ever spiraling,
upward reach­ing towards the Light that can only be perceived…

By Shar­ing and Learn­ing and Being with and for
one another.