Luna is arching towards her outermost station…she
has passed beyond that circling pathway Earth traces around your Star. Out
there in the spaces beyond, you see Luna in her mirrored light…see how
beautifully she reflects your Solar Orb, whose streaming wonders now carry
meanings forged within the mysteries of Scorpio’s realm.
Luna riding high in Taurus shines
brightly in the heavens…she offers her gift to you, Peace, which is the way
of balance, your integral way. For this is always the Gift of Spirit, that each
Sign, each way of being needs to find its healing middle way, the pendulum
balanced in counterpoint by and through its opposing member.
The days of Scorpio thrill with the
pursuit of deeper connections, of forging unions that require and depend upon
the sacrifice of your lesser self in order to become greater together. Your
passions soar as you can sense the joy that waits for you as you slip beyond
your aloneness and experience the wonder, the wonder of two becoming as one.
But in any such deeply diving forges,
where you endeavor to join the “I and Thou”, you ever run the risk
that you might ere…and either be seemingly forced or merely to choose poorly,
and that you end up making a sacrifice of what is necessary for you to be you. You
might gain the Pyrrhic prize of becoming part of We…but the truest part of
you, and so you in fact, you are no longer there!
Luna shines her mirrored light upon
you…she reminds you that you and what you hold within your space are sacred.
That when you seek to create those shared sacred spaces with another, that you are to
let go of the lesser within you, but you must always honor the Greater that
makes you a One…Your core Values, Principles and Beliefs cannot be
sacrificed…because that would be a false sacrifice.
The very word Sacrifice means to
“Make Sacred”. You give up the lesser and glorify the greater within
you (and within the other too), for that is the path to a True Union. You each
honor what is greater within you both, you honor your core values (which are
more alike than not), and you sacrifice the peripheral matters that kept you
apart from one another. True sacrifice is ennobling and uplifting as you move
from a lesser state of being into the Greater Understanding.
This is Luna’s gift to you now…
That as you join with one another in
this time of Scorpio you will and must sacrifice some things to make this
Luna shines her wondrous light in order
to remind you:
You must remember and hold to what makes
you the special spark of the Divine that you are…and you must Love this with
all your might…
That in so doing, you honor yourself and
the other too!
For you are following an ancient
The greatest prize and treasure is just
ahead…You are closer now…
Bow your head, give great thanks…
You approach the Crossing point of The