Daily Archives: October 28, 2012

Full Moon in Taurus (October 29, 2012)


Luna is arch­ing towards her out­er­most station…she
has passed beyond that cir­cling path­way Earth traces around your Star. Out
there in the spaces beyond, you see Luna in her mir­rored light…see how
beau­ti­ful­ly she reflects your Solar Orb, whose stream­ing won­ders now carry
mean­ings forged with­in the mys­ter­ies of Scor­pi­o’s realm. 

Luna rid­ing high in Tau­rus shines
bright­ly in the heavens…she offers her gift to you, Peace, which is the way
of bal­ance, your inte­gral way. For this is always the Gift of Spir­it, that each
Sign, each way of being needs to find its heal­ing mid­dle way, the pendulum
bal­anced in coun­ter­point by and through its oppos­ing member.

The days of Scor­pio thrill with the
pur­suit of deep­er con­nec­tions, of forg­ing unions that require and depend upon
the sac­ri­fice of your less­er self in order to become greater togeth­er. Your
pas­sions soar as you can sense the joy that waits for you as you slip beyond
your alone­ness and expe­ri­ence the won­der, the won­der of two becom­ing as one.

But in any such deeply div­ing forges,
where you endeav­or to join the “I and Thou”, you ever run the risk
that you might ere…and either be seem­ing­ly forced or mere­ly to choose poorly,
and that you end up mak­ing a sac­ri­fice of what is nec­es­sary for you to be you. You
might gain the Pyrrhic prize of becom­ing part of We…but the truest part of
you, and so you in fact, you are no longer there!

Luna shines her mir­rored light upon
you…she reminds you that you and what you hold with­in your space are sacred.
That when you seek to cre­ate those shared sacred spaces with anoth­er, that you are to
let go of the less­er with­in you, but you must always hon­or the Greater that
makes you a One…Your core Val­ues, Prin­ci­ples and Beliefs can­not be
sacrificed…because that would be a false sacrifice. 

The very word Sac­ri­fice means to
“Make Sacred”. You give up the less­er and glo­ri­fy the greater within
you (and with­in the oth­er too), for that is the path to a True Union. You each
hon­or what is greater with­in you both, you hon­or your core val­ues (which are
more alike than not), and you sac­ri­fice the periph­er­al mat­ters that kept you
apart from one anoth­er. True sac­ri­fice is ennobling and uplift­ing as you move
from a less­er state of being into the Greater Understanding.

This is Luna’s gift to you now…

That as you join with one anoth­er in
this time of Scor­pio you will and must sac­ri­fice some things to make this

Luna shines her won­drous light in order
to remind you: 

You must remem­ber and hold to what makes
you the spe­cial spark of the Divine that you are…and you must Love this with
all your might…

That in so doing, you hon­or your­self and
the oth­er too!

For you are fol­low­ing an ancient

The great­est prize and trea­sure is just
ahead…You are clos­er now…

Bow your head, give great thanks…

You approach the Cross­ing point of The

Mercury Enters Sagittarius (October 28–29, 2012)


Mer­cury is mak­ing a move tonight as
well, but this change is not all that it would seem. Mer­cury is mov­ing from
Scor­pio to Sagit­tar­ius, that is true, but he is head­ing towards his next
ret­ro­grade peri­od start­ing on Novem­ber 6 and he will return to Scor­pio on
Novem­ber 14, then turn direct on Novem­ber 26 and so final­ly re-enter
Sagit­tar­ius on Decem­ber 10…whew! That is quite a cir­cuitous jour­ney for your
men­tal life to be taking!

But tonight and till Novem­ber 14 your
mind needs to stretch towards encom­pass­ing what you just expe­ri­enced in Scorpio’s
watery realms. Those deep dives elicit­ed strong feel­ings and emo­tions as you
encoun­tered the great­est mys­ter­ies of “I and Thou”, of the sacrifice
and promise of your Trans­for­ma­tion­al Unions…but now, now you need to
understand…what does it mean?

The recent jour­neys through the
mys­te­ri­ous depths of Scor­pio have brought you to deep­er intuitional
under­stand­ings, you crossed bound­aries and drew clos­er, you moved into that
space of “We”…and you changed one anoth­er. But now you need to take
that won­drous feel­ing and bring it to a more con­scious experience…you need to
place your expe­ri­ences into a wider con­text of meaning…How?

Sagit­tar­ius rules the gift of your
fore­bears, the teach­ings passed down from time immemo­r­i­al, it is the perennial
gift, the “Well of Wis­dom”, which you now draw upon. Whether singly
or in com­bi­na­tion, you should explore the halls of Reli­gion, Phi­los­o­phy and Science,
for what they offer will help you to pierce through the swirling mists by
pro­vid­ing per­spec­tive align­ment, and you will be able to espy the Truth of what
was felt…and so explain your sto­ry to yourself…

Yet equal to this is the “oth­er
half”, that your expe­ri­ence, your sto­ry is part of the Greater Sto­ry too…You
will not only dip into the Well of Wis­dom but you add to it too! Your
expe­ri­ence becomes part of the ever-expand­ing, cease­less­ly grow­ing body of
truth that moves us all clos­er to the Truth…for this is how it has always
been, you find your path to under­stand­ing by explor­ing and sharing…together.

Mer­cury ris­es out of the Waters and into
the Fires of Sagittarius…

You seek the path of Truth, the royal
road of Understanding…

Seek the Truth…Live in Truth!

Venus Enters Libra (October 28, 2012)


Love­ly Aphrodite returns to her home sign of Libra for the next three
weeks…your sen­si­bil­i­ties about aes­thet­ics and rela­tion­ships re-attune to the
over-arch­ing need to cre­ate, main­tain and extend the bless­ings of harmony,
beau­ty and bal­ance in and through your world.

The time for analy­sis and cri­tique has passed, now is the time to seek for
Beau­ty and Consensus…to cel­e­brate the won­ders of Art and Nature and share
with one anoth­er the car­ing bestowed by your Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties, for they
serve as the bridge for how you lov­ing­ly join with one another.

Beau­ty in form and func­tion, in things and ideas…or found in one anoth­er will
stir your soul and quick­en your heart. But above all, to share in these
beau­ties with one anoth­er, to seek, find and share in the beau­ty with and of
one anoth­er, this above all will Venus bring to you now…

Venus dances into Libra…she asks you to remem­ber, always remem­ber the one
per­fect principle…

That you Love, just joy­ful­ly and pure­ly love this life, and that you simply…

Love one another!