Full Moon in Taurus (October 29, 2012)


Luna is arch­ing towards her out­er­most station…she
has passed beyond that cir­cling path­way Earth traces around your Star. Out
there in the spaces beyond, you see Luna in her mir­rored light…see how
beau­ti­ful­ly she reflects your Solar Orb, whose stream­ing won­ders now carry
mean­ings forged with­in the mys­ter­ies of Scor­pi­o’s realm. 

Luna rid­ing high in Tau­rus shines
bright­ly in the heavens…she offers her gift to you, Peace, which is the way
of bal­ance, your inte­gral way. For this is always the Gift of Spir­it, that each
Sign, each way of being needs to find its heal­ing mid­dle way, the pendulum
bal­anced in coun­ter­point by and through its oppos­ing member.

The days of Scor­pio thrill with the
pur­suit of deep­er con­nec­tions, of forg­ing unions that require and depend upon
the sac­ri­fice of your less­er self in order to become greater togeth­er. Your
pas­sions soar as you can sense the joy that waits for you as you slip beyond
your alone­ness and expe­ri­ence the won­der, the won­der of two becom­ing as one.

But in any such deeply div­ing forges,
where you endeav­or to join the “I and Thou”, you ever run the risk
that you might ere…and either be seem­ing­ly forced or mere­ly to choose poorly,
and that you end up mak­ing a sac­ri­fice of what is nec­es­sary for you to be you. You
might gain the Pyrrhic prize of becom­ing part of We…but the truest part of
you, and so you in fact, you are no longer there!

Luna shines her mir­rored light upon
you…she reminds you that you and what you hold with­in your space are sacred.
That when you seek to cre­ate those shared sacred spaces with anoth­er, that you are to
let go of the less­er with­in you, but you must always hon­or the Greater that
makes you a One…Your core Val­ues, Prin­ci­ples and Beliefs can­not be
sacrificed…because that would be a false sacrifice. 

The very word Sac­ri­fice means to
“Make Sacred”. You give up the less­er and glo­ri­fy the greater within
you (and with­in the oth­er too), for that is the path to a True Union. You each
hon­or what is greater with­in you both, you hon­or your core val­ues (which are
more alike than not), and you sac­ri­fice the periph­er­al mat­ters that kept you
apart from one anoth­er. True sac­ri­fice is ennobling and uplift­ing as you move
from a less­er state of being into the Greater Understanding.

This is Luna’s gift to you now…

That as you join with one anoth­er in
this time of Scor­pio you will and must sac­ri­fice some things to make this

Luna shines her won­drous light in order
to remind you: 

You must remem­ber and hold to what makes
you the spe­cial spark of the Divine that you are…and you must Love this with
all your might…

That in so doing, you hon­or your­self and
the oth­er too!

For you are fol­low­ing an ancient

The great­est prize and trea­sure is just
ahead…You are clos­er now…

Bow your head, give great thanks…

You approach the Cross­ing point of The

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