Venus Opposition Uranus (November 1, 2012)


Venus in Libra is draw­ing you towards
one anoth­er in ever more beau­ti­ful relationships. 

Along comes Uranus in Aries to remind
you, what about Free­dom, what about you being more true to you?

That ques­tion is a dilem­ma you face
in your journey…and that you espe­cial­ly face today. How do you strike the
prop­er bal­ance between your need to be for one anoth­er but also be true to
your­self too? 

That is how it may seem at times…Venus
implores you to join togeth­er by giv­ing of your­self for and to the oth­er, where
what is of most impor­tance for you is that which stands between the I and the
Thou…that third thing called “We”. The rela­tion­ship seem­ing­ly requires
all, it wish­es to be first and fore­most in your thoughts and con­duct… but
with such a pow­er push­ing and pulling you may fall into error and give way too
much, you lose or sur­ren­der what you may need to be your Self.

Uranus pulls you now to re-assert your
individuality…Uranus shocks you into the supreme real­iza­tion that you need, that
you must be more tru­ly you! But of course, this need not, indeed should not
come at the expense or loss of your rela­tion­ship too…You should feel the
neces­si­ty to sac­ri­fice for rela­tion­ship, but how do you know how not to
sac­ri­fice what is essen­tial in what makes you You? 

The key of course is always twofold:

Know thy­self! Love one another!

Uranus/Individuality will always help
you to more tru­ly know your­self, and so you are able to dis­cern what is more
true to you than not. Then you can rea­son­ably cleave to what you must and let go
of what you will to make the more per­fect “We”. By giv­ing way at what
was indeed incon­se­quen­tial, you actu­al­ly become more of your­self through the

Venus/Love will always help you to be more
per­fect­ly your­self as you express your love of self in equal mea­sure to
your love for the oth­er too. The Free­dom to be one­self can only be real­ized in a
rela­tion­ship where two or more per­sons under­stand one anoth­er, cel­e­brate their
unique indi­vid­u­al­i­ties with one anoth­er, and so encour­age and sup­port one
anoth­er’s self-real­iza­tion in their shared space of free­dom ded­i­cat­ed to
hon­or­ing each per­son­’s truth.

Venus and Uranus show you
today that you can only become your true self by being in a shared space of
mutu­al sup­port and under­stand­ing. That by join­ing with those who know themselves,
and who can there­by under­stand and sup­port who you are too, it is then possible
for you to be your­self as they can too, because you have each brought forth
from with­in your­selves your true natures with­in this lov­ing space of Freedom.

Cel­e­brate Venus and Uranus
as they illu­mi­nate your need for Love and Free­dom as being inex­tri­ca­bly joined
in this won­drous dance of Dis­cov­ery, Self-real­iza­tion and Love…

Your spi­ral jour­ney, of I and Thou, as you move togeth­er into a more per­fect Lov­ing We.

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