Monthly Archives: October 2012

Mercury Conjuncts Saturn (October 5, 2012)


Wow! This is some week…and what a fin­ish you will have this Friday! 

It is anoth­er Triple Play! First Mer­cury deliv­ers to you one final
mes­sage from Sat­urn in Libra. Then Mer­cury dances into Scor­pio for a rather,
shall we say, com­pli­cat­ed stay. Then Sat­urn tops it all off…the biggest and
best is saved for last as Sat­urn moves into Scor­pio too…Wow Indeed!

When Mer­cury meets Sat­urn, it is time for mean­ing­ful mind­ful­ness! No
wist­ful think­ing here, no illog­i­cal mus­ings or slip­shod deductions…This is
when your rea­son­ing meets with Real­i­ty and you bet­ter get it right!

This is the last align­ment that Mer­cury and Sat­urn will have in Libra for
quite some time, so this is your last chance to con­sid­er the mes­sages they have
offered to you about your expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship since July 2010 when
Sat­urn entered Libra. 

The par­tic­u­lar mean­ing of Mer­cury to Sat­urn in Libra con­cerns your
ever-present need to cre­ate, nur­ture and pre­serve your rela­tion­ships through Right
Think­ing. This is one of the fundamental
truths through which this Cos­mos exists, because your whole jour­ney of Spirit
is also a Jour­ney of Con­scious­ness. The Ancient Teach­ings dis­till this
under­stand­ing into a sim­ple yet quite pro­found prin­ci­ple: You are what you

Just Think about that! You and every­thing in this Uni­verse is quite
sim­ply Thoughts or Mind made Man­i­fest, on what­ev­er plane of being you reside it
is fun­da­men­tal­ly Consciousness…Spirit, as Mind, becomes the energies/substances
of the entire Cosmos!

All of your thoughts, from ages and ages ago, have spun out into the
spaces of Space to make the world as you expe­ri­ence it now. That means you (and
you and you…) hold the pow­er of cre­ation (and what will be cre­at­ed) in the
qual­i­ty of your mind and those thoughts you dwell upon. By chang­ing how and
what you think, you will even­tu­al­ly see this become real­i­ty, (yes, yes it takes
time…but not so much if you under­stand how you can do this by form­ing those
right rela­tion­ships and join your minds together!)…which is exact­ly what Mer­cury and Sat­urn wish to con­vey to you now…

This pow­er of mind, of Right Think­ing is equal­ly true about all of your
rela­tion­ships. Each and every rela­tion­ship you have has been cre­at­ed by you
from the thoughts you hold (and then share with one another)…What you attract
to your­self as your rela­tion­ship expe­ri­ence is up to you! 

It may appear that you or anoth­er has “good” or “bad”
luck in rela­tion­ships. But you, as the Cre­ator, get exact­ly the relationship
you have made for your­self (con­scious­ly, and yes uncon­scious­ly too). If you truly
want to have a bet­ter one, it is not a mat­ter of try­ing to make your partner
change…it is all about you rais­ing your own aware­ness and thoughts to make a
Greater Real­i­ty pos­si­ble for you (and per­haps for them as well).

You will either improve an exist­ing rela­tion­ship by see­ing-through your
mis­un­der­stand­ings, clear­ing and remov­ing them so that you can share in a more
mean­ing­ful experience…or you will bring your­self into a greater space of
under­stand­ing in which to meet a more appro­pri­ate partner.

Mer­cury and Sat­urn offer you this part­ing gift from Libra…

You are what you think…And so too your relationships.

Think good thoughts of yourself…Think kind­ly of one another.

Look, look…you are chang­ing the World!

Jupiter Turns Retrograde (October 4, 2012)


Where is Truth?

Jupiter stands still…so it is your time to get to the Truth of the Matter!

It is time to turn back, to turn around and walk upon your inner pathway,
the one cer­tain way to what you seek…to come clos­er to your true Self. You
wish to approach the “pearl of great price”, to find the
trea­sure-stores hid­den in your inner realm…because with­in you is the key to
self-knowl­edge, to the under­stand­ing that will lead you clos­er to the Light…to
your path of Wisdom!

Always remem­ber, that when plan­ets are mov­ing ret­ro­grade (back­wards) it
is pure­ly a func­tion of orbital dynam­ics. It is Earth (and you upon it) that is
chang­ing now. You and Earth are catch­ing up to Jupiter, like on the inside track
of a rac­ing cir­cle, pass­ing Jupiter because our orbit is short­er (1 year versus
12 years), and Jupiter will remain ret­ro­grade now till Jan­u­ary 30, 2013. 

What real­ly has changed is your rela­tion­ship to Jupiter. You have this
oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with Jupiter from a dif­fer­ent angle or per­spec­tive now. Your
bet­ter approach to your Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs and Truths is to turn away from the
myr­i­ad dis­trac­tions “out there”…your bet­ter path now is to be
intro­spec­tive and con­tem­pla­tive, to re-con­sid­er how you know and what you

Jupiter is ret­ro­grad­ing this time in Gem­i­ni, so you have an opportunity
to re-exam­ine the many facets of your most pre­cious gift…your Intel­li­gence. Your
agile, self-reflec­tive and adept mind can shift from one per­spec­tive to
anoth­er, and even enter­tain mul­ti­ple points of view as it com­pares and
con­trasts dif­fer­ing per­spec­tives, as it seeks to build an all-round­ed view of
any sub­ject or mat­ter that you are con­sid­er­ing. This very fac­ul­ty that allows
you to form your mul­ti-faceted approach to the var­i­ous ques­tions in your life
is itself in need of reexamination…it needs to be reviewed, decon­struct­ed and

Per­haps you have become too fixed upon a cer­tain point of view or perspective.
And/or maybe you have low­ered your capac­i­ty to appre­ci­ate the differing
approach that anoth­er soul has tak­en. Now would be a most excel­lent time to
work at dis­play­ing more adept­ness at stretch­ing your mind. You need to try to
encom­pass con­trary points of view, not because how or what you believe is
“wrong”. Instead, your ever-unfold­ing, ever-expand­ing jour­ney of dis­cov­ery requires that you con­tin­u­al­ly seek to extend your pow­ers of perception.

You just do not know what you can­not per­ceive through your
exist­ing mindset…so your point of view needs a refresh­er. It needs to be
re-invig­o­rat­ed by ques­tion­ing the under­ly­ing assump­tions that you hold…because
it is these very facets that you have become attached to, these less than
crys­tal-clear win­dows upon your world, that have cre­at­ed your “facts”
for you…and you most like­ly need to clean your windows!

It is time to ques­tion how you know…

It is time to ques­tion what you know.

It is time to move into a greater understanding…

It is time to show that you are capa­ble of self-correction.

It is time to exer­cise your most pre­cious gift of Intelligence…

So that you might bet­ter under­stand your Self.

It is time to show that you are human…

It is time to ask for guid­ance, to open your mind and your heart…and most of all…

It is time to be Hum­ble as you make your approach…

To the throne of Wisdom.

Venus Opposes Neptune (October 3, 2012)


Today is a day for revelations…today is your day for Truth!

Venus rules your values…it rules your notions of beau­ty and your
under­stand­ing of love…It gov­erns what you wish for your­self and what you want
for one another. 

Venus, hav­ing just entered the realm of Vir­go, is bathing today in the
light of her High­er Companion…It is the Lord of Faith, Imag­i­na­tion and
Illu­mi­na­tion, who is her con­stant guid­ing inspi­ra­tion. Yes, Nep­tune in Pisces shines
a super­nal light upon you today and upon your notions of Self-Worth and Love.

Venus rules what you know as per­son­al love…the love that brings you two
and holds you togeth­er as one…but it is Nep­tune that holds domin­ion over
Love’s high­er expression…the love Divine, the all-encom­pass­ing, compassionate
and bound­less love of the One for the many.

Today in Nep­tune’s light, you find your illu­mi­na­tion. Your per­son­al love is the reflect­ed radi­ance of this greater love of the One for the
count­less sparks of the Divine. The rea­son you find your­self drawn to one
anoth­er, the foun­tain-source of your rela­tion­ship that you can have with any
oth­er being what­so­ev­er, springs from this fun­da­men­tal truth that you see shin­ing back upon you
from the eyes of your beloved. You see that radi­ant source, the Won­drous Eter­nal Light
of Spir­it, you behold the ever­last­ing Love that binds the whole of Creation…

For we are all relat­ed, from the begin­ning of the jour­ney, through all
the worlds and ages, and what binds each and every to one and all is affirmed
again and again by the many emis­saries from the Divine, and so found in all the
Ancient Teach­ings. It is a Spir­i­tu­al Truth that was sim­ply stat­ed by one such
Teacher and Master: 

You should love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great com­mand­ment. And
the sec­ond is like unto it. You should love your neigh­bor as yourself.”

In Nep­tune’s Light you see-through it now…

This Maya, this world of shad­ows and light.

You are are at the cross­ing point…between the dark­ness and the Light…

The illu­sion of sep­a­ra­tion, of dif­fer­ences and divides is broken…

All are one…all are Loved…

And you must act accordingly…

So be it.

Venus Enters Virgo (October 2–3, 2012)


True Love…is in the details! 

Those lit­tle things, they mat­ter. They add up and show that, even when no
one is watch­ing, when no one is ask­ing for or seek­ing it, that you are showing
your inten­tions… by your atten­tion to the needs of the other. 

Because it is right, because you care…and because the most important
truth each Spir­i­tu­al Teacher has taught is this: You are here to be here for
one another…your high­est duty, your great­est role is quite simply,
beau­ti­ful­ly and lov­ing­ly to be of Ser­vice to one another.

The Leo time for Venus, of grand ges­tures and bold demon­stra­tions, must
yield now to the prac­ti­cal mat­ters that make up your real, dai­ly life with one
anoth­er. Romance is nec­es­sary, yes…but what hap­pens when the spot­light is no
longer on, when the audi­ence drifts away…what hap­pens then? The one or two
hours on stage is the easy part…it is what you do, day after day, hour after
hour that is weighed upon the scales of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Venus in Vir­go brings you to the val­ue of being more per­cep­tive, more
atten­tive and unflinch­ing­ly self-crit­i­cal regard­ing what you hold within
your­self and what you wish for in the world around you. You show your love by
offer­ing advice, by pro­vid­ing prac­ti­cal solu­tions as you form the bridge
between dreams and reality.

By bring­ing the ide­al into the real, by draw­ing down the dream and continuously
mold­ing your life with­in and with­out to these ever-chang­ing worlds you move
through, you can live the life of gra­cious­ness and ease, the life that is
cre­ative and lov­ing, that is liv­able and sustainable…because you are at
peace as you “Walk in Beau­ty” every day. 

Venus slips into Virgo…

You will heal, and you will serve…

You will be there for one another…

As you walk the path of Serenity…

As you cre­ate these Gar­dens of Peace. 

Mars Conjunct North Node in Scorpio (October 2, 2012)


You will not see this…no, not this nor many oth­er things that are
“veiled”…but it is happening…and you need to become more aware of what is all around you! 

For this is fun­da­men­tal: Space is filled with con­scious­ness, the vastness
through which we move is not a noth­ing or empty…It is a Full­ness that is made of a host of
energies/entities. It is, as the Greeks called it, a won­drous “Plero­ma”,
and every sin­gle infin­i­tes­i­mal point with­in it is at its core a spark of Divine
Consciousness…evolving, unfold­ing, devel­op­ing from with­in outwards…ever
grow­ing and ever becoming. 

From the small­est ele­ments that we can ascer­tain, from what we call
atom­ic par­ti­cles to the stars (and beyond), (and we humans find our­selves residing
about mid­way between the atoms and those stars), every one of these evolving
con­scious­ness-cen­ters are the “chil­dren”, the sparks that have orig­i­nat­ed and emanat­ed from the
Greater cir­cum­scrib­ing Con­scious­ness that some call the One, the Divine, the All…or
per­haps, more humbly and just sim­ply, the Unknowable.

This mag­nif­i­cent self-lumi­nous, evolv­ing host of mind becomes
par­tic­u­lar­ized, each being cen­tered with­in a point of aware­ness. That over
eons and eons of devel­op­ment, these foci of sim­ple aware­ness unfold to become self-aware…and
then they even­tu­al­ly become cos­mi­cal­ly aware…until they become supremely
aware or achieve Cos­mic Con­scious­ness with­in this Cosmos.

Today, Mars is com­ing to the end of his time in Scor­pio and is crossing
over one of these “points in Space”…Mars is cross­ing over the
Dhar­ma point, the North Node of the Moon. One Point of Aware­ness meets with
anoth­er, and they offer through their union, as all points when they meet with
one anoth­er, a mes­sage for you. 

Mars in Scor­pio has been pro­vid­ing the impe­tus to go deep­er, probe harder
and reveal more tru­ly, what stands behind the appear­ances of this world. Mars
in Scor­pio digs down to uncov­er the secrets buried beneath the phe­nom­e­na of the
world…he takes you behind the Veil of Isis so that you might move from this
world of shad­ows and clos­er to the Light. 

Mars is encoun­ter­ing the Point of
Dhar­ma mov­ing through Scor­pio, which, as I recent­ly described in my blog, carries
this meaning: 

The Scor­pio North Node asks you to
focus upon the need for emo­tion­al rebirth that you can and should expe­ri­ence as
the fruit of over­com­ing your sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er. How do you do this? 

You move into deep­er unions
through being both true to your­self while you make nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices for one
anoth­er. To do so, you must let go of the less­er “things” in your
life, the things that may keep you sep­a­rate from one anoth­er. How­ev­er, you must
always hon­or the greater val­ues that can and should hold you togeth­er, the ones
that brought you togeth­er, and the ones that hold you to one another…because
these are the fun­da­men­tal val­ues that you share. It is by join­ing with one
anoth­er in your union that you can expand, trans­form and grow…together.

The Tau­rus South Node is there to
remind you about the beau­ty of last­ing val­ue, of hav­ing and holding
“some­thing” that is, at least for you, eter­nal or of ever-lasting
value…of what you wish to hold to and nev­er let go. How­ev­er, if you hold too
much to your own par­tic­u­lar form of val­ue, if you give into your fears of loss
and hold to self­ish pos­ses­sive­ness, you become bound to and blind­ed by your own
things, and you fail to com­bine, share and grow through one another. 

By doing this, your poten­tial for
growth beyond your more lim­it­ed form of life is not pos­si­ble. For it is only
when two or three or more are joined togeth­er, when joined in com­mon cause or
pur­pose, only then do you expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Union with the beloved…of
being more than a one and of becom­ing much more than you could ever have been
by yourself.

Mars brings to this cycle of Dhar­ma a moment of clar­i­ty, of your
see­ing-through to a deep­er under­stand­ing of what is being asked of you here…It
does this and adds a most nec­es­sary ele­ment…Pas­sion.

Mars stirs your desire, which will help you to make that leap across the divide between “I and Thou”, for Union only
comes when you extend your­self into a space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. You must be strong…you must be brave and fearless…you must take a chance. You must make that leap of faith, if you are to tru­ly expe­ri­ence self-tran­scen­dence, to
let go of the less­er sense of your­self, to let go of your fear and dis­cov­er the greater where it is to be found…in and through the union with one

Mars touch­es Dhar­ma, the Way of Union beckons…

Your Desire, your pas­sion for one another…

Is met by the arch­ing, heart­felt bridge you forge…

That reach­es ‘cross this Maya of Separation…

To reveal, there at the center… 

From each to the other…

Shines the light Eter­nal, the Nameless…

The One.