Venus Square Pluto (November 3, 2012)


Today Beau­ty (Venus/Love) meets the
Beast (Pluto/Will) and they have a sto­ry to weave for you…

It is about your Pre­cious Love and your
Sacred Space…

Venus hav­ing just faced her Uran­ian
of find­ing the bal­ance between, and the inte­gra­tion of, your conjoined
needs for Rela­tion­ship and Free­dom now encoun­ters an even big­ger chal­lenge. How
do you move clos­er to one anoth­er, how do you forge deep­er unions where­in you must
give way to one anoth­er, while at the same time main­tain your sep­a­rate self within
the integri­ty of your own sacred space?

You as a self-aware, self-con­scious spark
of the Divine have formed your­self upon your val­ues, which it at the very
cen­ter of you coa­lesce around your Star-like core to estab­lish the Love (Venus)
of you for you. Your per­son­al love of your Self flows from and returns to this
core of you, which is a spark of the Divine essence and is expressed as True or
Uncon­di­tion­al Love (or what many call the Beloved).

Equal­ly, through your Will (Plu­to) you establish
the bound­aries for your own Sacred Space, the space of you. For you, being a
con­scious spark of the Divine, pre­side over your own sacred realm…and yet surrounding
you, through­out all the spaces of space, there exist an infin­i­ty of sacred
spaces too. For the Space that sur­rounds you is filled with won­ders, there is
no empti­ness anywhere…You move with­in your own space but you also move in and
through these spaces of oth­ers too. 

And as you move from form to form, in
age after age, you will encounter many of these oth­er sacred spaces, some less
and some much more famil­iar, and you find that they each radi­ate with their own
spe­cial essence (as do you too)…and some, some of these will have a more special
call­ing for you…

You will feel an irre­sistible pull to be
with one anoth­er, for it streams from the Supreme force that holds the universe
together…and this is Love. For at the core of every­thing and every­one is that
spark of the Divine whose aware­ness you see look­ing back at you in your
beloved’s eyes…no won­der you catch your breath…as you behold a spark of
that radi­ant Splendor…and so you fall deeply, mad­ly in love…

Here­in you meet your joy…and therein
you will meet the dan­ger for you and your beloved too. And at this moment,
when­ev­er there is a Square as here between Venus and Plu­to, there is a tendency
to be pushed into extremes and you stum­ble and fall…you are not yet fully
pre­pared and you fail to fol­low the Spir­i­tu­al way, the mid­dle path of
inte­gra­tion in Love and Will.

As always, the dan­ger aris­es from your
past and the fears it car­ries for­ward to you now…You may fear the oth­er does
not love you enough or in the way you wish to be loved, and so you use your
will to attempt to make them be towards you as you would wish. Or, per­haps it
is you not meet­ing their needs as they would wish, and out of fear they attempt
to use guilt or manip­u­la­tion or threats to bring you back to them. 

The fear of loss of love leads you to
the vio­la­tion of your sacred spaces…you tres­pass upon one anoth­er and even
more deeply dam­age the Love that is there, yes always there, at the core of
each of you. In the shad­ows born of yes­ter­days, in the shad­ow of your fears, you
stum­ble and vio­late one anoth­er’s sacred space by your mis­use of your Will. 

The awe­some pow­er of Plu­to is twist­ed so
that it does not cre­ate a shared sacred space of love, it does serve to
pre­serve and pro­tect your love, but instead it becomes the ser­vant of Fear and
Con­trol, and you harm one anoth­er, again.

You must see this moment as another
chance…to get it right this time. You need turn away from Fear, to turn with
Love and Under­stand­ing, and build a shared sacred space of Love togeth­er if you
can…and if you can­not, then per­haps it is not meant to be this time…because
you can­not force or be forced and call that Love…

You are here to learn to love yourself
and the oth­er too and there is but One Way…Unconditionally…Spiritually…Divinely…for
that is who you are! 

There is no way to make some­one Love you nor can you be
loved with­out cre­at­ing, hon­or­ing and pre­serv­ing each oth­er’s own sacred spaces…Together,
Will­ing­ly you must do this…For this is the way to Love…this is the way to
make your Shared Sacred Space of Love.

This is the Way of Love and Sacred

This is the Divine in all the Spaces of

This is the Beloved with­in and before
you too.

2 thoughts on “Venus Square Pluto (November 3, 2012)

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