Daily Archives: November 5, 2012

Mercury Turns Retrograde (November 6, 2012)


Your World is nev­er what it
seems…not ever. You believe you per­ceive real­i­ty as it is, but you live in an
inter-twined, mul­ti-dimen­sion­al whirling space of Spirit/Matter and appearances
are often deceiving…and that is espe­cial­ly true when you are deal­ing with the
mer­ry trick­ster him­self, Mer­cury the mes­sen­ger of the Gods… 

For those who are striv­ing for a
greater aware­ness, who wish to see it Truer, you need to pierce beyond the
envelop­ing veil of appear­ances if you wish to per­ceive things in a more
clear-sight­ed way. You need to keep dig­ging deep­er, chal­leng­ing your
assump­tions and look­ing at the world around you again, and then shift
per­spec­tive and look again in order to move clos­er to what is True. This is
your nev­er-end­ing pur­suit, you mov­ing ever deep­er and high­er, to your goal of Cosmic
Con­scious­ness, where you begin to see it revealed to you, as you draw ever
near­er and it makes you catch your breath…you smile and gaze into the won­der, into the
heart of your real­i­ty, your home and destiny.

Today’s shift of per­spec­tive comes
to you now as Mer­cury turns ret­ro­grade for the next 3 weeks, he turns around
and goes back­wards and all sorts of things will go awry…devices will
break­down, mis­un­der­stand­ings will pro­lif­er­ate, and it all will be blamed on
Mer­cury going retrograde…but what goes on here, does he real­ly go backwards?

Well, of course he does not go
back­wards! It just is how it appears to you here on Earth as Mer­cury pass­es you
by on his “inside track” between you and the Sun…That is why you must
under­stand what he offers you here. You need to see this for what it can and
should be for you, to lis­ten to the stars as they point the way towards
advanc­ing your under­stand­ing and mov­ing you that much clos­er to the truth…for
your sto­ry is there, writ­ten in starlight by Radi­ant Beings of Glory.

Mer­cury is draw­ing clos­er to you
while ret­ro­grade, brush­ing by while turn­ing your aware­ness and atten­tion upon
more intro­spec­tive path­ways, towards self-reflec­tion, intro­spec­tion and
con­tem­pla­tion. You can probe deep­er into your­self so that you may peel away
some of the lay­ers of assump­tions and old data points and con­sid­er Spirit/Matter
with a refreshed view…your focus and atten­tion is turned within…

Of course, that is part of the
prob­lem and source of errors now, because “life” and the real world’s
demands upon you and every­one else have not changed…it would be nice if you
could go on a retreat or vaca­tion and mull things over for 3 weeks…but that
is unlike­ly! Instead, many peo­ple will pro­ceed as if noth­ing has changed and bump
into these “annoy­ances” of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade which will be mostly
self-inflict­ed. That is because by being so turned inward (and not being aware
of that), many of the ordi­nary hints and clues you per­ceive about your world
and dis­cern from oth­ers will be lacking…That is why mis­un­der­stand­ings and
mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tions mul­ti­ply at a time like this…it is as if the whole world is
suf­fer­ing from Atten­tion Deficit Disorder!

So your first step is to look
your­self in the mir­ror and say out loud, “Okay, pay atten­tion!” (Maybe
you should even add a lit­tle slap to your face to star­tle your­self into being
present and atten­tive). You need to com­mu­ni­cate with even greater care, so always
fol­low up with every­one to make sure that he or she: 1) Got the mes­sage, and 2)
Under­stood the mes­sage. Then you, for your own part, need to receive with care,
always re-con­firm­ing with some­one that this is what they meant…Now if you do
this, you should have less trouble…but of course, every­one else around you
will be in this same fix and not hav­ing fun with this at all! Your best policy,
as always, is be patient and show under­stand­ing to those who do not yet
under­stand what is going on…

But you should also take advantage
of what Mer­cury is offer­ing here…This is one of those times when your
mar­velous fac­ul­ty of self-reflec­tion (and your won­drous abil­i­ty for self-cor­rec­tion and improve­ment), can be most
gain­ful­ly engaged. So use these next 3 weeks to repair your per­cep­tions, clean
up your thoughts by ques­tion­ing your assump­tions and con­sid­er how you came by your so-called

The first peri­od of Mercury
ret­ro­grade, until Novem­ber 14, will take place in the sign of Sagit­tar­ius then
for the sec­ond part of the ret­ro­grade Her­mes will take you “back”
through Scor­pio until he turns Direct on Novem­ber 26. He will then move forward
and final­ly get back to re-enter Sagit­tar­ius on Decem­ber 10.

Dur­ing the first phase, while in
Sagit­tar­ius, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to look again at your underlying
assump­tions that cre­ate your Par­a­digm, the real­i­ty view for you. You can
ques­tion your Ideals and Prin­ci­ples and Truths, because Mer­cury offers you an
Archimedean point of open-mind­ed­ness that is seem­ing­ly out­side of your­self. You
are bet­ter able to look at your assump­tions with more objec­tiv­i­ty and won­der to
your­self if they do indeed reveal or mask the greater real­i­ty around you. 

To do this you must take the path of
Wis­dom, which requires that you bow your head and admit that no mat­ter how
much you think you under­stand, no mat­ter how far you have walked upon the path
to High­er Under­stand­ing, you have to acknowl­edge that you still do not know
what you do not know. That your most impor­tant approach to this life after life jour­ney should be that of
Accep­tance and Humil­i­ty before the Mys­ter­ies and Unknown (and the Unknowable).…and that you must fol­low the injunc­tion ever offered to those who seek to know,
“Walk On”.

Dur­ing the sec­ond phase, while in
Scor­pio, you are more able to exam­ine your per­cep­tions (and misperceptions)
about the nature of your Unions and Joint Ven­tures, of how you join with one or
with many oth­ers. As you reach across that divide of I and Thou, as you learn
to com­bine with one anoth­er in your shared space of Union, you dis­cov­er more
about who you tru­ly are and become much, much more than you ever thought

To make this pos­si­ble, to open
your­self and cre­ate that space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty requires that you understand
what must be offered up, what you must and should sacrifice…and what you must
hold to in order to be true to your­self too. This is what Mer­cury retrograde
can help you to dis­cern now…he can help you to parse the less­er from the
greater and move you clos­er to your­self as you move clos­er to one anoth­er and
form the more per­fect We.

Yes, cel­e­brate Mercury/Hermes as he
takes you upon his jour­ney of Self-Discovery…

Set aside some pre­cious time for your Introspections
and Contemplations…

Look with­in, look around and then
look to the Heav­en’s above…and you will smile.

Your Answers are to be found there, oh yes they are!

See them there…in the Radi­ance, in the Glo­ry of the Stars!