Daily Archives: November 8, 2012

Venus Trine Jupiter (November 9, 2012)


Today is about Beau­ty and Truth…

Today is a day for Love and Faith.

Today is your day for Happiness…Today your
day of Joy!

When the plan­et of Beau­ty and Love (Venus)
makes a trine to the plan­et of Truth and Faith (Jupiter)…well let us just say it is a
very good day indeed! Many will call this a “lucky day” and they
should for it cer­tain­ly can feel like that as things seem to be going rather well…

But what you real­ly need to understand
is that today is a day that the Uni­verse will return to you, “mea­sure for
mea­sure”, what you have giv­en to one anoth­er. For in each and every day, you
move through your world by cre­at­ing those thoughts, feel­ings and actions that
form the sub­stance of your life…But these very “chil­dren of your life”
then cir­cu­late out into the world and affect many, many oth­ers both near and

Even­tu­al­ly those cre­ations, your
chil­dren of mind, heart and will, they will come bend­ing back and return to you
their cre­ator, as they must. This is the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple that governs
this Uni­verse, and it is this truth which is so won­der­ful­ly brought home to you

You reap what you sow…The Law of Karma
is the Law of the Uni­verse and it is your unfail­ing promise that Jus­tice will
pre­vail and Truth will win the Day…eventually.

For it takes time, time for each soul to
under­stand and appre­ci­ate this law, because often­times the effects of Karma
play out over the course of a life­time, or many lives. You cer­tain­ly have seen
your fair share of “instant kar­ma”, like when you get angry with
your­self or some­one else and then sud­den­ly break some­thing or injure yourself. 

But most of the cre­ations that stream forth from you will cir­cu­late around and
inter­sect and inter­act with many oth­ers, so it may take years or life­times for
the ener­gies to return to you…but they will…And so you must ever strive to
cre­ate the good.

Today you are blessed by those pos­i­tive efforts
(or good chil­dren) you sent on their way…your kind thoughts, your loving
feel­ings and gen­tle acts will come stream­ing back to you and you will feel
blessed…as you should. 

But you should also know that you made
this hap­pen, and you need to keep it on mak­ing it hap­pen by liv­ing a
con­scious­ly spir­i­tu­al life of kind­li­ness and love for one another. 

Today you cel­e­brate Love and Beauty…

Today you live with­in the splen­dor of
Truth and Faith.

Today you reap what you have sowed…

May your har­vest be joy­ful, your
bless­ings bountiful…

And may you receive, cre­ate and share
the Joy that you are becoming.

For the Love you have is always equal to
the Love that you make.

For­ev­er and ever, you are the
self-becom­ing wonder.

In Beau­ty and Truth, with Love and Faith…

You are the past, you are the present and…

You are the promise of what will be!