Neptune Turns Direct (November 10, 2012)


Your Intu­ition­al or Third Eye is turning
out­wards again…it is time to “clear-see” through to the external
expe­ri­ence of your world, to see more tru­ly, to see what is “real­ly real” behind
those swirling veils of Real­i­ty Mat­ter (and that those who tru­ly know of these
mys­ter­ies have called the illu­sion­ary appear­ance of Reality…or just pure­ly and sim­ply — Maya)… 

Since June, your spe­cial sight, your precious
Insight, was turned with­in, to help you bet­ter espy with­in your­self those many
hier­ar­chi­cal forces and forms that you are com­pound­ed by…In many cul­tures, in
many tra­di­tions, the divi­sion of your being is enu­mer­at­ed in var­i­ous ways. Some
mere­ly divide your exis­tence into Spir­it and Mat­ter, or a Body, Soul and
Spir­it. Theos­o­phy enu­mer­ates your nature into a 1) Phys­i­cal Form or Body, an 2) Etheric
Body, an 3) Astral or Emo­tion­al Body, a 4) low­er Men­tal Body, a 5) higher
Men­tal Body, a 6) Spir­it Body and a 7) Divine Seed. There are so many ways to
describe your majesty and mys­tery, and no mat­ter which one or ones you fol­low, each
can help you to find the way to the truth of who you real­ly are. 

For this is
what is of utmost impor­tance, noth­ing is more nec­es­sary than this, for the key
to liv­ing com­plete­ly, to becom­ing ful­ly human, to becom­ing what you are to be…the
key to this is to always fol­low the Mas­ter­ful injunc­tion: “Know

Even mod­ern phys­i­cal sci­ence recognizes
that you are a “host” of many life-forms, that with­in and upon you
reside many oth­er beings, many of which if you were sud­den­ly deprived of, that
very loss of those “less­er” life-forms would jeop­ar­dize your very

You in fact are you own lit­tle cos­mos, and your per­son­al consciousness
and aware­ness in fact stands as the pre­sid­ing God of your lit­tle or per­son­al “Uni­verse
of You”. You are in fact a micro­cosm of the greater worlds around you, what
is called the Macrocosm…The less­er reflects the greater and so by better
know­ing your­self you can ascer­tain more about the truths in the worlds around
you too…That is why it is said: “As Above, So Below”…

But now your atten­tion (and inten­tions) need
to be turned out­ward to that greater mys­tery that sur­rounds you…you need to
turn your Lucid Eye so that you might bet­ter under­stand a lit­tle bit more about
your jour­ney as it unfolds “out there”, out there in the pulsing,
swirling host of inter­sect­ing beings and con­scious­ness­es that is known as

As you move through all these realms, both
vis­i­ble and invis­i­ble to you, you need help in dis­cern­ing what is more real
from what mere­ly appears real to you. To a great extent, you do this with your
fel­low com­pan­ions. You com­pare expe­ri­ences, chal­lenge one anoth­er’s point of
view, share your insights with one anoth­er, con­stant­ly improv­ing and refining
your under­stand­ing of the greater real­i­ty through which you move, as you help one
anoth­er to cre­ate a shared sense of under­stand­ing about this won­drous Universe.

But you also have an inner guide too,
your own High­er Self stead­fast­ly waits with­in you, and who at times is able to
break through the noise and dis­trac­tions that delight/distract/captivate your
out­ward sens­es, (and so can often deceive you). Your high­er self can come
through to lift you up to moments of epiphany where the dual­i­ties and divisions
or ordi­nary rea­son­ing dis­solves before the com­pas­sion­ate under­stand­ing of your
High­er Spirit.

How can you access this spe­cial sense,
where can you hear your inner voice? All you need do is make yourself
avail­able, to be open, to take your fil­ters and blind­ers off and ask for help.
For some your puz­zle or dilem­ma may be solved while sit­ting in your meditation,
for oth­ers it may drift in while you are tak­ing your dai­ly run. For many if not
most the sim­plest way is to con­sid­er the mat­ter care­ful­ly before retir­ing for
the night and calm­ly ask for help and guid­ance, and it will come…help will
always come.

Turn your radi­ant lamp­light, turn your
intu­ition out­ward now…

Dis­pel the shad­ows, those lurk­ers of
Fear and Ignorance.

For too long they have held you in their

You are a bright shin­ing Being, a
Divin­i­ty return­ing to the Light.

See your­self in the atom, and in one
anoth­er too.

Then turn your gaze upwards to see…shining oh so bright­ly there…

Your Des­tiny, your Future in the Com­pa­ny of the Stars.

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