New Moon in Scorpio — Total Solar Eclipse! (November 13, 2012)


The Eighth New Moon of the Astrological
Year has some­thing spe­cial for you this time. I wrote about this Luna­tion in my
2012 Fore­cast:

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
(Novem­ber 13)

Right in the mid­dle of Mercury’s
ret­ro­grade we expe­ri­ence the sec­ond New Moon Eclipse of the year. The theme for
the Solar/Lunar eclipses is shift­ing now, away from the realm of thoughts and
ideas (Gemini/Sagittarius) and onto the thorny ques­tions of Value
(Taurus/Scorpio). The release of some new under­stand­ing about the nature of
your unions is being obscured by shad­ows from the past…time to con­front those
fears of rejec­tion and loss and take the high­er path of show­ing your strength
by cre­at­ing a bet­ter space for mutu­al sacrifice.

New Moons always pro­vide a release of
new spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tion to help guide you through the lessons and opportunities
of the Astro­log­i­cal Sign that we are all mov­ing through dur­ing that month. Usually
two times a year, and rough­ly six months apart, some­thing spe­cial hap­pens as the
Earth, Moon and Sun line up with one anoth­er in the same plane of
orbital space. The Moon pass­es exact­ly in front of the Sun to bring about a
Solar Eclipse, and a shad­ow falls upon and races across part of the Earth
turn­ing day into night.

This par­tic­u­lar Solar Eclipse is
hap­pen­ing in the South­ern Hemi­sphere, start­ing by North­east­ern Aus­tralia and
speed­ing across the Pacif­ic towards South Amer­i­ca, so most of the world will
not see this event directly…but the mes­sage of the Eclipse brings a nuanced
mean­ing to this New Moon for you no mat­ter where you reside.

Much Kar­ma is held and passed on to you by
your con­stant com­pan­ion, the weaver of those webs of des­tiny, the Moon. The
Eclipse pro­vides a shock of Solar Illu­mi­na­tion to these ele­ments of your past,
and some­thing will be revealed that had been hid­den from you, some block or
fear that stood in the way of your growth will be thrown into stark relief. 

The Sun, the
Solar Ray, as rep­re­sent­ing your High­er Self, the Pure Poten­tial of all that you
can and will be, will burn through to reveal for you a deep­er under­stand­ing of
what always stands athwart your path and must be overcome…like in the tale of the Gor­dian Knot, you must free your­self by under­stand­ing the true nature of the chal­lenge if you are to con­tin­ue your journey
of self-becoming. 

What are these chal­lenges? You know, oh yes
you do…they are the neg­a­tive self-cast shad­ows you have made long ago that
must be van­quished so that you may move more freely, more truly…They are what
you know as your Fears. 

These fail­ures of yes­ter­year, the doubts, anx­i­eties and
bit­ter emo­tions of your might haves but were not, these emo­tion­al com­plex­es must
be faced and released if you are to reach what awaits you beyond the shadows,
what you have always dreamt of and wished for…and at this time, you long for this one true thing, the Union with the Beloved. 

What is this present form of fear then,
what is this shad­ow that looms at this time of year? The fear you face now is
your fear of rejec­tion, the fear of aban­don­ment, the fear of loss…you fear
that you will lose one another…that you will reject one anoth­er out of fear,
that you both will fall again.

The Sun through the Solar Eclipse
illu­mi­nates this fear so that you can see it for what it is…it is the Past. It
comes from a time and place when you attempt­ed but failed, or the oth­er failed
in their effort towards you, so the union that could have been was not. You do
not want to feel that again, the awful echo of that pain caus­es you to do
exact­ly what you should not do…it makes you react and lead with your fear.
You approach this pos­si­ble union now with trep­i­da­tion and fear, you anticipate
los­ing again…and by so doing, by act­ing on the basis of this fear you bring
about the very thing you were try­ing to avoid…of course!

The Sun shows you the way through,
burn­ing through the gloom and shad­ows of your past to illu­mi­nate the one true
path ahead…You must be fear­less, for at your core you must remem­ber, in the
truest part of who you are which the Sun illu­mi­nates, you live in Love and you
live with­out fear, for­ev­er and ever. 

You have noth­ing to lose, and everything
to gain by extend­ing your­self yet again. You need to act from your Love and
take anoth­er chance, make anoth­er brave attempt to cre­ate that req­ui­site sacred
space, that shared space of mutu­al vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty where two may become one. And
then, and then ask the oth­er to join you there…to take this chance with you…And
maybe, just maybe they will also let go of their fear and join you there…

For Love rec­og­nizes Love…Love feels,
ris­es and rejoices…and fear, fear has no hold.

Love is always drawn to that, to itself…to
the Light…

It is with­in you, it is You…lead with
it always.

Lead with Love!

2 thoughts on “New Moon in Scorpio — Total Solar Eclipse! (November 13, 2012)

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