Daily Archives: November 13, 2012

Mercury Retrogrades back into Scorpio (November 14, 2012)


Her­mes is hurtling around the Sun and
mak­ing his clos­est approach to Earth on Sat­ur­day when he forms a Conjunction
with the Sun…That is when the Earth, Mer­cury and the Sun will all line up
with one anoth­er. For you right now, he appears to be going back­wards and today
he slips from Sagit­tar­ius into Scor­pio until Decem­ber 10…what does this

It means you are going to expe­ri­ence a shift
of ener­gies now and re-engage your Feel­ing-Mind again…You are turn­ing from
espous­ing your truths to inquir­ing more about how you know them! Apparently,
the Uni­verse is say­ing, that there is a lit­tle more dig­ging need­ed here to uncover
what is “real­ly real”, a deep­er re-exam­i­na­tion is required before you
can move for­ward with a bit more clar­i­ty and certainty. 

You do not know what
you do not understand…so take your time to feel your way upon this path, for
true under­stand­ing requires more con­sid­er­a­tion for the nuance and sub­tle­ty of

Your Head and your Heart need this…they
need to work togeth­er if you are to under­stand your world in all its wondrous

It is Time, time to Think and