Daily Archives: November 16, 2012

Mars Enters Capricorn (November 16, 2012)


Your Dri­ves, Your Desires…they are
com­ing into focus…

You have been climb­ing for quite a while
now, up that twist­ing, turn­ing, ever-steep­en­ing path of self-realization…and
now, as you come around the shoul­der of your Spir­it-Mat­ter moun­tain, you can
see it up ahead…your prize is just there, with­in reach.

Your pas­sion­al pur­suits, those ideals
and dreams that inspired you to reach ever high­er have pushed you beyond to
this final hurdle…And now you seek what seems to be the ulti­mate prize for
you, it has tak­en form, it is the sub­stan­tial proof of your worth (in this

For some it is suc­cess, and is well
earned. For oth­ers seek­ing by and dri­ven by the out­ward­ly seem­ing, they may
find some pass­ing fame (or infamy). So many strivers, so many souls seek­ing to
lift them­selves up…and some will ever seek to be above all others. 

But all and
every will find that there is a reck­on­ing, all walk upon a wind­ing path formed
upon one fun­da­men­tal truth. Your tri­umph, your self-ful­fill­ment will always rest
upon the mighty efforts of count­less ones who have walked this path before (and
with many who walk with you now)…so first must come Humil­i­ty, Grat­i­tude and Thanks for those
help­ing hearts and hands…

You must take care now, as you reach for
that next some­thing higher…it is with­in your grasp, it is real and tangible
to you now. Remem­ber that you need always stay ground­ed as to how you really
arrived here…That as you reach for the prize with one hand you equal­ly extend
your oth­er (help­ing) hand to those still below, who seek to find and fol­low the
path­way you have walked, the way that so many have come before. 

For your real prize, (found with­in these
out­er forms), is formed and lived as you walk upon this path of hon­or and duty…it
is your true spir­i­tu­al ful­fill­ment. It is that nev­er-end­ing gift made by you
for you…that you are the self-becom­ing, the self-unfold­ing won­der who’s
promise and progress is made by the releas­ing and real­iza­tion of the divine
that lives with­in you.

You have sought for­ev­er, seek­ing all
around and about, but you find that your Goal has always been here, always held
with­in your sacred space, your ever-faith­ful guide, your high­er self, the

You have climbed the Moun­tain of
Man­i­fes­ta­tion, seek­ing to become…

You draw close to your moment of
Self-Ful­fill­ing triumph.

Quick, you must drop down, on bended
knee, bow your head…

And with Love and Humility…as you offer

You smile and extend your help­ing hand.