Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2012)


You are back again, mov­ing into the
world of Ideals, reach­ing for your inspi­ra­tion in the realm of Fire…

After eight signs, hav­ing walked the
cir­cle of life for almost three sea­sons, the wheel of des­tiny comes to this
final turn­ing of the Astro­log­i­cal Year. You are ready for one more push,
through Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Now you begin the Final Four Signs, and as
before, you begin with Fire…Today you cross the thresh­old of Truth, you
release your­self into the world of Sagittarius.

You have emerged from the Waters of
Union, from those mys­ter­ies where­in two moved clos­er to becom­ing one, the
won­drous yet chal­leng­ing trans­for­ma­tions of Scor­pio. What is this urge that is
pulling you, draw­ing you upward and out­ward now? You need to know, you need to
understand…you seek the more inclu­sive per­spec­tive, you wish to gaze upon those
freer, wider vistas…you need to find it…the Greater Understanding. 

You must put these expe­ri­ences you have
Felt into some larg­er per­spec­tive, to see what explains your life now and where
you might be head­ing next…And, and you have dis­cov­ered more about this world
and your­self, you find that you have some­thing to offer now, some­thing to share
with the world as well…

So it is time to dip into the Well of
Wis­dom and explain your greater sto­ry to your­self. You need to step back and
see the big­ger pic­ture, to link your own expe­ri­ence into a larg­er frame­work of
mean­ing, to look again at what guides your steps, to exam­ine what you believe
to be true, whether that be in Philo­soph­i­cal or Reli­gious or Sci­en­tif­ic or even
Meta­phys­i­cal expla­na­tions. You need them more than ever now, because even more will
be asked of you…and you must pre­pare. You enter those hal­lowed halls of the
Greater Under­stand­ing and seek for your most elu­sive trea­sure, to be at Peace,
to have Peace of Mind…

But remem­ber, your own sto­ry, your
expe­ri­ences, are part of this his­to­ry too, and you need to add your understanding
to this greater Well of Wis­dom, for that is how it has always grown…and that
is how you can help one anoth­er now. Par­take of the Well, let it soothe your
soul, and add your full mea­sure too.

This is a time for sto­ry­telling and
sto­ry shar­ing, this is when you need to look back to the Ancient Ways and see
how they speak to your Heart and Soul and Spir­it. You need to come togeth­er and
share your under­stand­ing with one anoth­er, to join in cer­e­monies that re-affirm
the ancient truths, to look at oth­er times, to vis­it oth­er cul­tures to see how
it is so very dif­fer­ent and yet just the same, always the same…

You need to walk among the soar­ing Cathedrals
of for­est, to look upon those far hori­zons of mead­ow and field, for Nature’s
mys­ter­ies hold the key to your own. Then turn and bow your head as you behold
the mighty trea­sures found in ancient scrolls and tes­ti­monies of those who came
before…Yes, many have been this way before, for your past is present and you
will nev­er walk alone. You need tell your new sto­ries and re-tell the old ones
too as you con­nect them all with this great­est sto­ry ever told, this your journey
of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

Then you will remem­ber, where it all
began…you lift up your head and look to the heav­ens all around, you turn and
look at your won­drous Star burn­ing bright­ly in this quick­en­ing Autum­nal Air. For
know this, though it can­not be seen nor pro­faned by any mor­tal eye, behind your
Lord beam­ing, beyond your Sun there is the great­est won­der for you now. 

and beyond your Star is the inner­most sanc­tum at this time of year, in clouds
of dark­ness and light, you are pee­ing into the heart, the cen­ter of your Galaxy,
into the mys­ter­ies of your begin­nings, and your des­tiny too. Your Alpha is
there, long, long ago…And your des­tiny, well that is your self-becom­ing wonder,
many lives and greater dis­tances, yes many more yet to be trav­elled, many long
ways to go before you can be behold what is to be…

For now, it is enough, to know that you
are reaching…

You are striv­ing, and search­ing and

To Under­stand, to Accept, to
Prepare…for you must…

Move ever clos­er, clos­er to the crossing
point of the Light.

As you fol­low the Ancient Injunction,
always and forever…

Walk On!”

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